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Everything posted by WinterMute

  1. Gold was an option, still is as far as I know, my 87 had gold hardware, I kind of like that this one does too.
  2. I had an 87 5 string thumb, it's posted elsewhere on this thread, I sold it in the early 2010's when I foolishly thought I'd not be playing bass anymore... I'v finally got round to replacing it with this beauty courtesy of our very own Cosmo Valdemar. A 1996 Thumb 5 NT with MEC rather than EMG electrics. Reminded me of why I played it's older cousin for over 20 years, what a fine instrument it is.
  3. Ben and I traded basses today, a cracking Warwick Thumb 5 my way and a Bongo 5 + cash to him, excellent fellow to deal with.
  4. You could always rent it out as an aircraft carrier.... What a beast.
  5. Feedback added to the correct thread.
  6. What are you looking for in trades, anything specific? Edit: As you were, just saw your comments on 5 strings, and I only have 5 string basses...!
  7. "Pete Thomas is the rock and roll drummer of his generation by some considerable distance," Costello tweeted last year, "and that you never read that in polls tells you everything you need to know about 'polls' and nothing about drummers." "Meanwhile, despite his recent retirement from touring, Peart remains perhaps the most revered – and air-drummed-to – live sticksman in all of rock, famous as the architect of literally showstopping set-piece solos." Strangest way to say Neil Peart died... No Gavin Harrison? Garbage.
  8. When I used the Bass Pod rack I had the same controller you mention, got it second hand and the cable was faulty, I just got a length of Cat6 armoured cable, the kind you bury in gardens, made up a lead long enough and used that for about 5 years, I didn't play anywhere near as often as you, but it went in and out of studios and vans for a good while. I had a rack drawer mounted backwards in my rack, all the cables coiled straight into that. Network cables were never meant to be road worthy, it;s one of the things that bother me about Dante for live work.
  9. I think that's an important factor, these all in one systems are complex and multi-layered, getting used to one is hard work, let alone 2 or 3. One of the reasons I like the QC is that I have a Helix readily available for recording if I need one, and my guitarist uses a couple of patches on the QC that he likes foe certain sounds. Best of both worlds. I think if you find a system you like the sound of, put the time into learning it well and then get on with the music.
  10. Networked HD Jukebox for me, I have the Bluesound Vault 2, rips CDs and plays Hi res master files loaded over the network, you can set up the usual playlists if you can be arsed, I've simply split the playlists into one for me and one for the good lady wife, also a "non-shouty" playlist for late night listening. It generally sits on random play all day and just serves a steady stream of favourite music, the app allows all the usual editing and control functions and I can add network speakers to other parts of the house if I want to, not that I have as yet. The library gets shunted into Music on my laptop and converted to 320kbps AAC for the iPhone, which then does the duty in the car via CarPlay. Very occasionally I'll bung Absolute 80s on for a laugh, and I do listen to a bit of LBC in the daytime, again through the Vault, it'll do all the main streaming services, but I don't subscribe to any,
  11. No, you can't really use the QC without the touch screen, which is actually pretty good for such things, but I do know some peoples skin conductance doesn't play well with touch screens. The QC is built like a tank, but I do see your point about the pedal, and the PSU connector to an extent, I think they've an expectation that it'll be incorporated into a larger system for live work. The full Helix is a great board no doubt, I did consider the rack version and controller for a while, but I don't play live often enough for the form factor to work in my little studio, the QC fits very well and I'm very happy with the noise it makes.
  12. It was very odd actually, seemed to work ok to start with, but then slowed right down, long lags after any click, no way to operate in real time... I only have a few things on the usb, Nord Piano, small drum pad programmer, iLok, the usual. All my audio is either AUD thunderbolt or analogue. The mac was a 2013 Mac Pro, which never had an issue with DSP. Seemed to work fine on my mates Helix/laptop combo. TBF I'd have changed to the QC whether the Stomp programmer worked or not. The QC desktop editor isn't all that a yet but it's very much easier to programme with the touch screen and the rotary soft pots.
  13. I swapped out my old Line6 Bass Pod Pro for a Stomp HX, and that worked for a while, I changed to a Quad Cortex last year and it's a much better unit in terms of sound and usability, however the Helix is also a cracking unit for bass and guitar my guitarist has been using his for a few years and swears by it. The Stomp sounds great , but it's a bit of a b*gg*r to programme with that small screen, and the desktop editor is slooooooow. The Kemper is a very capable unit, but it doesn't have the flexibility of the QC or the Helix, and I found that the various patches would sound increasingly processed the further away from the original profile you went in terms of EQ and processing. I'd suggest you try to pick up a second had Helix if the QC is really out of reach, but I'd also suggest selling a kidney to get a QC.
  14. I can appreciate the work of any bassist in the context of impressive work in a band or ensemble, it's a difficult job being rhythmic and melodic and we have to pay attention to drummers... That said, most of the solo exhibitionist work I see leaves me completely cold, doesn't matter who really, Jaco solo is not a patch on his work with Weather Report or Joni Mitchell, and I do love some Jaco, Joe Darts solos are dull dull dull, but he sits in the pocket with the whole band and grooves like a b*st*rd. If you solo Entwistle's tracks they are a cacophony, but in the context of the Who in full cry, it's a thing of wonder. McCartney's Beatles tone was absolute dogs*t solo, but works brilliantly in the band's overall sound. Context is everything, as always. Except for Geddy Lee, that guy just sucks donkey balls. 😜
  15. Quad Cortex into a QSC K12.2, Boss Bass Chorus on an FX loop. Also my rehearsal rig. Also my recording rig with a Shelford Channel as a DI.
  16. Mine are insured on the house contents, the 2 I use for rehearsals or gigs are insured away from the home, the others just in the studio at home, the policy covers everything under £1500, with the other stuff as named items. Just make sure you name anything expensive you intend to use away from home, and note that it's very unlikely to be covered if left unattended in a car etc. It does get a bit expensive if you have a studio full of pricy kit, but it's all on new for old, and I really couldn't afford to replace it all if it was nicked or the house caught fire.
  17. well, if the XXXXL joggers fit...
  18. The things we do for money eh? I'm glad that phase of my career only lasted about a year, I moved to a excellent studio after that and nearly all the sessions were of good quality, and then I went freelance and I could chose the sessions I worked on after that. Now I work purely for the fun of it, and it's a great hobby to have.
  19. Just out of interest, and I expect the answer is "turnover", but why would you accept a booking from a band that ill-disciplined a second time? I will completely accept, and support, the wildest changes in direction and planning provided there are sound creative reasons for doing so, simply adding more and more rubbish to an already overloaded arrangement "to give it a try" is not a good reason to over-run a session by 5 hours... I had one band heading into the mix on an album that'd taken 3 weeks to track come in and demand that the entire drum recording were to be replaced because the drummer had a new drum kit. This was on 24 track analogue and there was no room to lay the new kit in parallel, I would be literally erasing the old drum tracks as the new ones were captured. They insisted that the new kit was better and the drummer was capable of tracking the whole album in a "reasonable" amount of time, but that it would have to come out of the mix time budget. This simply became a matter of 'Just do it" as far as the band were concerned. I did point out that if he wasn't, the whole album was at risk. I fully expected to have to rush the mix. I set it up, mic'ed the new kit (which was an absolute belter as it happened) and kept my fingers crossed that the poor drummer could keep going for what I thought would be at least 2 days... Pressing play and record on that first track was one of the hardest things I've ever done in a recording studio. He nailed 7 tracks in 4 hours, 2 in one take and 3 with drop-ins into break downs, he had a pizza and an hour break and cleared the last 5 before midnight. I had him drop an intro the next morning and started mixing. We finished the album 2 days early. Sometimes it works out. Good musicians are worth their weight in gold, good drummers doubly so.
  20. As a hard rule, I never update MacOS on the studio Mac until I have seen confirmation from Avid, Universal Audio, PACE and Sound Toys that they all play nicely, I let the early adopters take all the pain. Too many botched updates in the past.
  21. Going to have to finish re-building this studio before we can get anything done...
  22. Bontempi organs did that sh*t in the 70s, didn't slow us down any... it'll be more interesting if we ever get into William Gibson's Idoryu territory.
  23. Used to use Final Cut Pro and Premier, but these days I just shove it all into iMovie and have done, video edits don't need to be Micheal Bay level and it's easy enough to sync the footage with whatever audio you have. If I'm editing video to the audio, as you would with a band promo, it's very easy, if you're doing post-style sound design for existing footage, I'd definitely go ProTools/Reaper/Logic etc.
  24. I wonder if Horoscope based face make-up featured anywhere...
  25. You know, I was expecting the usual ego, drugs sex and musical differences, but murder and firearms.... I've led a sheltered life...
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