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Everything posted by Kongo

  1. I have VPF set to 12 o'clock, used to be around 3 but I found it too harsh...It only cuts the nasty mids, those horrible shoebox ones, much like Trace Elliot Pre-Shape does, so you still cut through...In fact I cut through more! But this was with an SD800 and a Trace Elliot 1048H, plainly because the Markbass 4x10 stuggled to take the head. Not sure how this applies to a 12" but I'm sure the VPF isn't harming you. Also, as I have found, wattage is not guarentee of power. Trace Elliot amps has some serious power! I'm using an AH1000-12 now because I couldn't afford to actually buy the SD800 I borrowed and I wanted to match my cab as I love TE but that head was powerful as hell! I love the MB heads...But the cabs not as much...there not dire, just don't seem to cope with as much as my TE gear does. PS As it's only a small combo, why not get one of those Markbass stands and have it tilted at an angle? If it was on the floor then only your feet would enjoy it. I always take a milk crate with me to put my 4x10 on, you should consider the same.
  2. [quote name='NickH' post='550684' date='Jul 24 2009, 11:02 PM']If everything you say is true (and I'm very happy for you if it is, such awesome bondings don't happen often but when they do, damn it's good!) then are you really going to risk it over such a daft issue as clothing? At the very least give it a shot for a while and see if there's any way you can get used to it. I tend to agree it's really important that a band has a cohesive image. We'd all love it to not be the case but there it is. If it's not just a sit-in job but something you really feel the passion for, make the sacrifice. Good luck![/quote] No ones making an issue. We are a bunch of daft musicians, therefore if one member wishes to dress daft, so be it. There is no issue, we just don't suit and boot. And if only two of us dress up, so be it. That is how we roll. I hear that these bondings are rare also...which is odd as it's all I know. I thought all bands were tight like this. We all have the same ideals and are well on the same page.
  3. Dropped by Geoff's place in the twilight hours, had a cup of tea, chatted all things bass, took a look at his collection and then bought his Ibanez RD, which is what I went round to do LOL! All minor faults, which happen as a bass is played, were pointed out and the bass was explained in detail so if you don't know much about what your buying, it will be explained. Well friendly and makes a great host haha! Thanks man, finally found a bass I can stick with.
  4. Bargain to whoever bought this!
  5. [quote name='OldGit' post='547257' date='Jul 22 2009, 07:21 AM']Tempting fate there, mate [/quote] Doubtful, if you was a member you'd understand. Plus the music...people from different sides enjoy it. Some love the heavy side, others come for the melodic breakdowns...It's the last bands mkII basically. Could not be happier. [quote name='HeavyJay' post='550235' date='Jul 24 2009, 02:36 PM']From wikipedia: "...Prior to the end of the residency, Sutcliffe left the band, so McCartney, [b]reluctantly*[/b], became The Beatles' bass player". *Emphasis added by me A reluctant bassist eh? Never did like that McCartney none.[/quote] He said in the beginning he wanted to be "up front, pulling the birds" and back then bassists were seen as failed guitarists...if only he knew what he was to become!
  6. [quote name='Protium' post='544649' date='Jul 19 2009, 01:01 PM']Where's Jack? [/quote] [b]LOL![/b]
  7. [quote name='tombboy' post='546411' date='Jul 21 2009, 01:35 PM']He used to use Stingrays but he wanted a signature model and EB said "No. We don't do signature models"...... apart from the Steve Morse, the Albert Lee, the John Petrucci, the Steve Lukather..... the (erm) Ali Bongo. [/quote] Always wondered why he jumped ship. With that being why he did I can completely understand why...Oh well, congrats to Modulus. Never felt the need to buy a fleabass though...it's kinda...average.
  8. Kongo

    srx 500

    SR, like the BTB series is a flat sounding bass that changes through the pre-amp into whatever you want. SRX is an ultra hot output, punchy sounding bass, but I know one bassist who uses on in Jazz very well. Personally I'd take the SRX because it has a punchier tone rather than a flatter one (and I own a few Ibanez basses to have tried this) but they don't have a prestige model...that's the only downfall. SRX are even through neck now.
  9. [quote name='OldGit' post='546822' date='Jul 21 2009, 06:23 PM']Ok leave aside the clothing you still have an attitude clash in your band. If it comes down to a "take me or leave me" battle of egos, you'll loose. This is because she is the front person, the voice and face of the band and you are basically a replaceable element in her backing band. It's a sad thing but it's likely that 80% of the forumites could play your basslines, stick a hoodie on, watch his or her frets and no one would notice that anything had changed. If, however, your singer changes many, many people will notice. Your band mates will side with her if she is good and you'll be the subject of a few meetings and emails to which you have not been invited. A few weeks later you'll get a text ..... Well that's life.... So why not give it a go? If, however, it is a big deal for you then cut out the time delay and leave now. You won't win because you'll not convince her that dressing down will further the band's move towards success, whatever she means by that. Sorry.[/quote] Y'see that's why I LOVE my band! No one is replacable...we're all too big a part of the overall sound, each with a unique instrument talent. And it would most defo not be easy for someone else to play my basslines...Or for anyone to play the guitar / drums either because it would not sound the same, once they get past the ability to play them. But we are just as much of the stage as the vocalist, I can't do this stand behind the guitarist thing, the band is made of equal members all creating one big sound...that means no one can hide. Plus...I'm too outgoing to do that...I REALLY wanna find how dangerous a mosh pit is with a bass in hand once I get my wireless...If one breaks right in front of me up front stage I have a HUGE urge to jump in. LOL! But...I love my bass too much so I spose I could put it down...but then the sound looses it's driving beef...so ya see, bassists contrebute more than many think. Yeah ok, a walking line maybe but a lot of people are unique in creation...SOmeone may be able to actually play yes, but never create the feel you did. So seriously...I dunno bout most bands but I LOVE mine...If one member leave, it will fall apart...the last band did with similar members, so would this...cept this one wont.
  10. [quote name='Tee' post='543094' date='Jul 17 2009, 12:03 PM']I disagree. It certainly adds to the experience in my opinion, particularly live. Look at bands like The Cramps, The Ramones or more recently, Rob Zombie (White Zombie), Marilyn Manson, Slipknot etc... Adding a theatrical and visual aspect to the music you are playing, reinforces it all. Sure it can look dumb to people not into it, but for those who are, it's what they identify with.[/quote] Well my band is hodge-podge, because we just wanna be what we are...so there are 3 normal looking members then me and my guitarist wear some silly stuff...Looks like some random guy playing guitar who could be out of a marvel comic and a bassist who's lost his regiment and decided to place down his gun and pick up the bass... ...I guess maybe that's a band image maybe...Lol and you hit it with Slipknot...been a fan since I was a teenager...I'm an adult now and STILL love them! I guess image CAN be good...I just don't like suits that's all...And those damn skinny jeans!
  11. Short and sweet...check this out: [url="http://www.electromusic.co.uk/home.php?cat=848"]http://www.electromusic.co.uk/home.php?cat=848[/url] Markbass SD800 = £1175.00 Markbass SD1200 = £1068.00 WTH!? I know prices for the SD800 are crazy (due to demand maybe) and keep going up...even though it looks like it might be discontinued in time...But this is silly! The brand new SD1200, far more powerful than the SD800 (with the same weight!) is LESS than the SD800!
  12. [quote name='far0n' post='545631' date='Jul 20 2009, 07:17 PM']Me too, cracking amp. The only thing I'd change it for would be an SD800.... but that would be greedy. [/quote] Now THAT is an amp! I've had the best time ever with one of those...BLOODY EXPENSIVE otherwise I'd consider one in the future... I love my Trace Elliot but I gotta admit, the SD800 is one HELL of a head!
  13. Kongo


    Sucks man...i was beaten to this bass by 5 mins...and now it's back up for sale...and I cannot warrent getting it. Such is life LOL!
  14. Went over and bought it. Thanks Geoff. I'll send feedback and stuff later.
  15. [quote name='jmstone' post='540907' date='Jul 15 2009, 02:02 AM']The singer in the band I'm in is really keen on band image, getting us all along for photoshoots, and having some kind of consistent "look" from the band. In fact, after our last gig I got some stick for wearing jeans (which apparently she really hates). I have always really hated looking smart, and I seem to have got stuck in an indie/grunge time-warp so maybe she has a point, but I do find it all intensely irritating.. I would rather just play music and forget about all this photography/video/costume kind of crap. So, what do people here think? Is band image that important (you have to bear in mind that although we are gigging, none of us is particularly fantastic musically in my opinion).. Do I need to bite the bullet and go out and get that red shirt and jacket (or whatever ridiculous get-up is planned), or is it OK to just look scruffy? - at least until we get that record deal ( i.e. never !!! ) James[/quote] I don't like "Image" per se as it takes from the music...But in my band me and my guitarist have created "Alter Ego's"... LOL I'm fully kitted out in various Army wear with both counter terroristm and terrorist look...whichever takes my fancy...I wear combats tucked into my boots anyways so it's an expansion but I LOVE having a face rag or S10 Gas Mask. Combat helmet a must. He jus wears a uniform of sorts and paints his face...It's for nothing but fun and changes...Maybe one time I'll wear war paint, the next a gas mask, the next a rag...etc etc... But having to have a set way of dressing...Yetch I HATE the suited look...all 60's and just looks so square and tight arsed (no offense)...I feel sick watching them. SO I can't say on that...but Alter Ego's are fun...hell you even get followers who put rags round their faces too just to see you.
  16. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='542817' date='Jul 17 2009, 01:03 AM']I should reiterate that I'm looking more for accessible pop music with interesting bass parts.[/quote] I'm afraid that doesn't work these days LOL! I never hear ANY interesting bass in pop music nowerdays...All this indie rock...pah...Euro techno-pop? Pah (all synths)... In that sence...I don't think you'll find what your looking for...unless you like picking root notes forever?
  17. The Arusha Accord Luke Williams is a giant of a bassist and plays a G&L L-2500. He does so much crazy stuff and the Arusha Accord are a prog mathcore band! #1 member in the band by far.
  18. [quote name='hubrad' post='540551' date='Jul 14 2009, 05:56 PM']Power Megalomania? [/quote] Power is an understatement.
  19. Bass sold to Souncheck1. Enjoy.
  20. [quote name='lushuk' post='538243' date='Jul 12 2009, 03:04 AM']Many hours of fun on its way dude, enjoy![/quote] Yep...I'll send ya PM soon...Got rehearsal tomorrow and the next day so I'll send after that. It's AWESOME in my room but I want to give an all out on how I feel about it...Which OBVIOUSLY is only going to be good, as I have used Trace Elliot before. No more Markbass for me, Heavy mean and green Trace Elliot only baby! Who needs lightweight with sound like this? p.s. Shame about the Barefaced Big One mate...It's gotta be faulty or summit...Farting out like mad at such low volume!
  21. [quote name='soundcheck1' post='539944' date='Jul 14 2009, 01:01 AM']Bought a Yamaha bass from Kongo. Good communication, came well packaged and there were no problems whatsoever [/quote] Glad to shed some of my older, but still fine, gear. It never got played any more...I'm learning everything 4 on a 5-string and my 6-string on top of that so I don't touch 4 anymore for the reason that it will harm my progress. Hope you enjoy the pickup upgrade on it too.
  22. And now I also bought the very head that used to power my Trace ELliot 1048H I bought previous, the Trace Elliot AH1000-12 stereo head... Pretty much brand new and half rrp again! I wasn't wrong going back to Trace Elliot...No more Markbass for me. Sure, the head weighs 25KG and will break your back if your not careful but the sound is equal to it's weight and for a fraction less wattage than the Markbass SD800 it's much louder too! I knew this head from before but was shown the head...nice and shiny and new...Yup, all good here. And the 6-channel footswitch to go with it too...and of course the cover. Money exchanged hands after a chat...and an unfortunate Barefaced Big One test (It's gotta be fautty mate)...And I went home a VERY happy man... It's gotta be MEAN It's gotta be GREEN It's gotta be...Trace Elliot! People in Leicester be scared! Cause the loudest band in Leicester just got louder!!!
  23. Trace Elliot AH1000-12 is mine. Thanks for holding it for me man...it was a tough 3 weeks indeed! So, along with the Trace Elliot 1048H you sold me over a month ago I now FINALLY have a professional backline of my dreams! A powerful TE head with Valve pre-amp (for that lemmy tone if you wish), Pre-Shape cleaning up the tone, a wide range 12 band Eq and not one but TWO power amplifiers...Ok, 3 more cabs needed then LOL! So yeah man thanks...IT'S AWESOME...and BLOODY HEAVY! But at least they put the handle on the side and some rubber feet too. But once it's down it's no longer heavy...I love it!
  24. I do this when on a tight budget...Not sure about this credit-crunch hype though...isn't Swine Flue the front pager these days? Anyways, they get weaker over time though and start to stink so I looked into PVC tubing with Denatured Alcohol. I want to use this as it will not only clean better, but they wont build up a film that water causes over time (boiled strings never feel the same) but without added heat they wont weaken,only naturally fatigue over time. So yeah, a lot of people still do this..."Credit-Crunch" or not.
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