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[quote name='BottomEndian' post='525003' date='Jun 26 2009, 04:54 PM']+1 I get this a lot with my shop & website. People see "In stock" on the website, and they ring up to check it really is. Well of course it is! We've made the effort to invest in a real-time stock-control system, but the prevalence of websites falsely claiming things are in stock ensures that people don't believe it. Grrrr. [/rambling rant][/quote] Well the best thing is, I asked! It said, "in stock" and person also said it's "in stock"...but then the next day I find that it's not...so I cancel as I NEED an amp head NOW...then find they took the money the next day even though I cancelled! I've told them they are holding me up...but I have to wait 7 working days? BassCentre...Not going there again!
Have watched this...Must recommend it to anyone. He was a bassist pushing the boundries in a time when there was no one doing that. He had no inspiration of bassists past as they didn't do much interesting and had to go it alone. I feed of inspiration...I dunno how he managed it alone!
Yep, great company! Have some sound dealings with them. Same with GAK too. Only thing I find is BIG companies with a BIG rep like the BassCentre...I'm STILL waiting for a refund and have to constantly remind them to let me know what's going on with my orders! Are they REALLY the best? GAK gave me a refund for Out of Stock items the next day 3 times...It's been over a week now with the BassCentre!
[quote name='Pete Academy' post='524752' date='Jun 26 2009, 12:00 PM']Bassists and drummers that overplay can ruin a song entirely.[/quote] +1 Ok so at home or in my spare time I play some Stu Hamm, Billy Sheehan, Victor Wooten peices / chops etc...but if you can do that it don't mean you HAVE to put it in your own band. I know many skilled muso's, even guitarists. My friend can also shred like mad...but NONE of our songs have even ONE guitar solo AT ALL! I love skilled players yeah, but I love music more. After a while...Wooten started to bore me and well...I'm not so interested anymore sorry...
[quote name='LeftyJ' post='524164' date='Jun 25 2009, 10:02 PM']There is no Bass V reissue Only a Bass VI.[/quote] Ah sorry, I mean, a Re-issue Fender Bass VI is still a few grand to buy. I don't like the Fender V...One pickup on that extended body? It's clear no one knew what a bass was to be back then...It's just...wrong! Good idea having a high-C...but why make the fretboard shorter and the body longer to compensate? Had they have kept it normal it would have sold!
[quote name='TGEvans' post='524940' date='Jun 26 2009, 03:35 PM']all i seem to see is fenders and warwicks in the pop side of things.the odd music man,i aint seen hardly any spector,ken smith,mtd, wal in the charts.unless they have been using session guys, and then most of them seem to be using 5 strings.[/quote] That's just a popular front..fender has ALWAYS been there as the first electric bass guitar was a Fender. Warwick is another bassists bass, but doesn't mean you should get one. Why care about what's in the charts? Charts is doing nothing unique for one. Wal and Ken Smith will piss all over Warwick and Fender...and I like those 2 manufacters. Go buy what plays well, not what some chart guy is using. I've seen Bongo's before.
[quote name='LeftyJ' post='524180' date='Jun 25 2009, 10:25 PM']Ironically, the RD was introduced to fill the gap the first ATK's had left when they were discontinued in '99 or '00 And as an addition, in 2003 they introduced the RKB900 that looked like a ATK that had been on a diet, with the same asymmetric belly, but a PJ configuration (Seymour Duncan Basslines Quarterpounds) and a Badass II bridge. It was aimed at professional musicians but it failed to sell.[/quote] Yes sorry forgo to say, it took over the 24 fret, MM / J pickup ATK...Y'know, I like the ATK but I prefere the older ones. 24 frets, 2 pickups, lovely blue fiish with maple board...missing a scratchplate though...Now it's single pickup and 22 frets...Yeah ok...ROBBED! I think these swiss army basses Ibanez made were always downtrodden. When Ibanez try to branch out of the metal stigma they have they don't meet wiht much success which is a shame as they build fine instruments, and were talking foreign NOT Japanese made ones here! The BTB seems to be the only bass to survive out of the metal stigma...I have 2 but I'd say they are more natural sounding fitted better for Jazz and Fusion than metal. Still...you NEVER see Ibanez RD's...until I was shown this one I thought of the older RD, the Bass version of the RG, same headstock shape, body shape and neck inlays as the RG series...But the 2nd gen RD is like a halfway house ATK, it held the batton...then passed it on to the next, albeit lesser, ATK's. I never mess with pickup configs but that's cause a Jazz sounds best with both full...a Stringray with only one pickup at the bridge and a P-bass with one in the middle...But this bass actually has use in pickup switching as it can sound like itself, a Jazz bass, a Stingray etc etc...hell, pull up the volume pot and it IS a Jazz bass...maybe a bit punchier because of the duncans but still, a Jazz mimic. With 24 frets and 18mm spacing I can take this anywhere, get any sound and enjoy it...Think I finally found the "one". It's took Yamaha, Ibanez, Jazz basses and a Stingray to peice together what I like in a bass...and this is it! All it needs is a maple fingerboard conversion (gotta be done)...and maybe see about the tuner keys, bore out the holes and put some Hipshots in there. it's already got true Basslines in it, not the Ibanez designed ones. I'm looking forward to my purchase!
[quote name='WarPig' post='524250' date='Jun 25 2009, 11:15 PM']You're not wrong when you're right me ol matey. Another reason i watch it.... [/quote] Lol yeah...when she's not shouting at Tory that is! Still, a bird into mad science and likes blowing things up...cool man!
I like Mythbusters...A lot of stuff they did is real and has answered many of my questions such as: Peeing on an electric rail line / power station = Busted Blowing up a car by shooting it's gas tank = Busted Taking cover from bullet fire behind a car = Busted Catapulting someone using a reach truck = Busted Shooting someone under water = Busted Many things on there are interesting...Makes great conversation too!
[quote name='bassmansky' post='523999' date='Jun 25 2009, 06:46 PM']I agree their cabs are not the best even the abm range which i have,but the abm heads are the dogs b@@@@@@s in my opinion.As i have stated on here before the amps do need tinkering with to get the sound you are after.They are not plug in and play amps.Bet there is several ashdown rigs at glastonbury this weekend,wooly or not loadsa people love them(and a few hate them!) [/quote] Not sure Glastonbury Bassists care about the sound! *Joke in relation to rant about music on the radio that will populate a good 90% of Glastonbury*
Ach! Been practising this line a wee bit...DAMN that scratching is harder than it looks! And plus...it makes my skin crawl slightly *dithers*..........
[quote name='Golchen' post='523327' date='Jun 25 2009, 09:44 AM']"There are no rules on guitar, they've all been broken" - Les Paul. "There are rules on bass guitar, put down the instrument slowly and back away ...." - the bass police.[/quote] I don't heed that rule bassists seem to throw, it's a reason why guitar is so more advanced. I know your being sarcastic but many out there really think bass has certain "rules". It's an instrument...when you put it down what does it do? nothing! YOU play it and YOU play it how you like! I say screw em, learn it man! You must want to so go ahead. The tapping in the intro alone will teach you something new: Tapping using your thumb with your fingers...not many people realise your thumb is a digit that can tap notes too! Look at the span between your thumb and index...is that not the biggest span on your hand? Use it man.
[quote name='BottomEndian' post='523727' date='Jun 25 2009, 03:14 PM']Does that seem like a ridiculous price for a 43-year-old rarity? That's an honest question. I know nowt about vintage instruments... apart from the fact I can't afford them. Tell you what: I'm going to post this in the Ebay Links forum and see what the consensus is down there...[/quote] Well even the Re-issue is a few grand to buy!
[quote name='LeftyJ' post='523693' date='Jun 25 2009, 02:39 PM']Aside from that hideous headstock shape, they're great basses and very versatile.[/quote] Headstock beaut! That's what I come to realise I like after playing Fender and Musicman designs...the HUGE headstock and 4/1 tuner config really floats my boat. Just found out that the way it's wired you can get these pickup options: [b]J & bridge coil of MM J & both coils of MM (in phase) Both coils of MM (in phase) Pull up the volume knob and: J J & bridge coil of MM (in phase) bridge coil of MM [/b] Awesome! So in the top, with the volume normal, you get: [b]Jazz bass tone Ibanez RD605 tone Stringray tone and with volume up: Jazz bass neck solo tone Jazz bass tone Jazz bass bridge solo tone [/b] So set normally the options are incredible and set volume up, it's basically mimicing a Jazz bass, as you get the single J, both single coils or just thr bridge single coil (J-bridge). It's making me VERY exited!!!!!!! Swiss army bass, the ATK took over it...Shame the RD is dead.
Like to add: I use the graphic EQ to tame the low end on my Low-B and E strings...Like 30hz and 40hz cut slightly, 30hz greatly cause...4x10's won't re-produce it at volume. Nice and warm sounding at low volume settings though.
[quote name='MacDaddy' post='522181' date='Jun 23 2009, 11:07 PM']I can't do them your way! Leading from the -i- is something I need to work on. I've noticed that for straight forward pedalling i tend to use i-r-i-r- etc. For me it sounds more consistent, perhaps because my i and r, are closer in length?[/quote] It didn't happen over night! I'm sure many bassists do it...I'd actually like some inspo on ones that do go forward and backwards as even Sheehan just goes RMI over and over. I can't use middle and ring in two's though...Hmmm but now you've given me something to practise, it'll make them communicate even better when they are all going. Adding the little finger is useless though...Plus your hand would move like a 3 legged donkey to do so!
Pah just go for it man! I learnt a lot from it...Plus, it's one HELL of a warm up!
[quote name='Schnozzalee' post='522924' date='Jun 24 2009, 08:24 PM']Admittedly going down to Eb would be an advantage for me, detuning is a pain.....but theres always the option of fitting a drop D tuner [/quote] Yeah...not on this though...plus...Ah c'mon it's not the same as the extra 2 fret gimick!
[quote name='Musicman20' post='520989' date='Jun 22 2009, 06:33 PM']Agreed. Orange Watts are a totally different ball game. I had my amp through one cab the other say, cranked the gain, had the volume literally on just a tiny bit above minimum...it is doom. I like Orange so much I might buy a RV 100 in the future. They piss all over most Marshall guitar gear....esp modern Marshall. The sound is not that overly precise scooped metal sound...its more warm, amazing and pure tube drive...good old fashioned rock n roll.[/quote] Marshall are just flabby. Gotta say though, lets not put metal and scooped mids in the same sentence. I have to explain to sound folks all the time that we do NOT want the mids on the guitars scooped! Metal guitarists don't do that as much now...I mean, it kills volume and harmonic resonance! So he loves his Orange Rockerverb because of this. No triple rectifiers...No naturally scooped mids...Just pure LOUD valve distortion and MAN, is it so! The channel is called "Dirty" but I think it's more than that...in fact, he's changed it to "Death" with a sticker...To be fair, it's a fitting name! Oh yeah, and just to point out, it'd be "Scooped Nids" because, so the Orange site says, the amp has a "Niddle" control! That's unfortunate.
[quote name='stingrayfan' post='74346' date='Oct 14 2007, 11:49 PM']Played through a brand new borrowed Ashdown stack at a gig the other night and it was woolier than a sheep in a jumper shop. And we're not talking the cheap range either - this was an Evo head and top of the range cabs. It was awful. What's all the fuss about?[/quote] Yep...as I say around here Ashdowns NEVER work for me...I too get that wooly wooly wool wool tone...and nothing else...
[quote name='steve-king' post='522716' date='Jun 24 2009, 04:42 PM']Without wanting to hijack this thread, is anyone able to explain the differences between the SR and SRX series of Ibanez five stringers? Do the SRX models have the SR5 neck? Can anyone help with a link to information on the weights (I had no luck on Ibanez' own site). Thanks, Steve (hopefully joining you in 5 string land very soon!)[/quote] Ibanez SR has a "workable flat tone", my description only. Like the BTB it's kinda natural sounding flat. The Ibanez SRX has very punchy low mids and pronounced highs...TBH I prefere the tone of the SRX but it's not as decent as the SR in terms of feel. Not too sure on the necks...I've never took many names down!
Just my bass' tone plugged into my amp with EQ tweaks and pre-shape ON! My tone comes from my fingers, my strings, the wood on my bass, my speaker cab and amp head. I have active EQ basses and the EQ is always kept flat, so I guess I'm a passive bass guy. It's really a combo of MM and J pickups and my Trace Elliot that makes the tone...that's all I need. My processor is set flat.
Yes! EXCELLENT thread! Here's my main 5 I play and the stats: Self build P-bass: 34", 4-string, chunky neck, 19mm spacing, Ibanez BTB556MP: 35", 6-string, thin neck, 17mm spacing Ibanez BTB405QM: 35", 5-string, thin neck, 19mm spacing (Yes it IS a wide boy!) Squier Affinity Jazz: 34", 5-string, thin-ish neck, 18mm spacing (about...) OLP MM3: 34", 5-string, chunky neck, 15-16mm spacing aprox (By my measurements) All of these I can play to the exact same degree...In fact, by my signatures say, I can slap, double thump and triple pop on my OLP MM3 fine and that's gotta be the most NARROW spacing ever!!! Really though...I used to panic about specs, but neck thickness, width and string spacing due to owning WAY too many basses over the years, doesn't affect me any more! [quote name='BigRedX' post='522371' date='Jun 24 2009, 10:03 AM']I play basses with a variety of string spacings, scale lengths and other variables and the conclusion I've come to is that the numbers don't matter, it's all about the feel and you can only tell if a bass feels right for you by picking it up and playing it.[/quote] Heed these words!
[quote name='benwhiteuk' post='522131' date='Jun 23 2009, 10:28 PM']Cheers for the song suggestions guys. I’m working my way through some of them as well as some other stuff that I’ve been making up as I’ve been discovering the extra range :brow: I’m finding that the major advantage with a 5 is being able to play pretty much everything vertically and having so many notes easily accessible within the stretch of your fingers without any significant hand movement. It’s great! Definitely a different feel to a 4 though. I’d still say 4s are better for some stuff though...[/quote] Uh-huh...well keep playing and then you'll distance from 4-string IF you use all the range of the 5! Now...imagine if you uhm...y'know...added another string? Would that like...not give even more range? :brow:
[quote name='Bay Splayer' post='522950' date='Jun 24 2009, 08:44 PM']i dont find it hard to play the way i do[/quote] True but I can play with one finger...that doesn't mean can't play better without the rest. Your missing out on a lot...If you set your mind before this thread anyways then fine, but your missing a lot and that finger is gonna cause you HUGE pain one day, that won't go away! Little finger? That's floating anyways but even then...But middle finger...I smell trouble.