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Everything posted by Kongo

  1. Quality! Ok, must find hwere I could use that, then learn it! Who's with me?
  2. [quote name='Schnozzalee' post='521546' date='Jun 23 2009, 11:11 AM']If you had this.......what else would you need?[/quote] Maybe a new back? But seriously, a nice wide leather strap helps spread the weight.
  3. [quote name='Schnozzalee' post='521527' date='Jun 23 2009, 10:58 AM']No need for fret extension! 24 frets [/quote] No, backwards I mean, like a double bass. You can move a switch to create a new nut on the E-string, creating 2 frets and making the string D. A unique in the X-factor bass. Hamm used this no end for tapping.
  4. [quote name='Golchen' post='521869' date='Jun 23 2009, 05:12 PM']I've always loved that piece, and I'd love to have a go at it. Is it a bit daft for someone of fairly modest (current)skills to even be considering it?? I get the impression that it's pretty hard to play! I see that there's a few tabs of it around, anyone know if there's one that is better to use? I might have a bash anyway. So, anyone tackled it???[/quote] BIG Hamm fan here, 2nd on my inspiration list so I answere...Yes and yes! Yes I tried and yes it's bloody hard! To start with, the root, 4th sound that plays in the 1st main part...well that's not an overdub! You have to slap the main line whilst tapping the root, 4th pattern...so that's tapping and slapping whilst holding a chord shape! Many metal parts are in the song and the tapping at the end is no joke as it's a funny pattern I wasn't used to. Go for it though man...I only learned Classical Thump because I chugged at it for so long! If you wanna learn, try. It may take you 1-2 years to do so but you did it, and bettered yourself on the way! My 1st bass tutor years ago learned Tommy the Cat by Primus...took him 2 years to perfect it! Also worth learning: Flow my Tears Sexually Active (LEARN THIS SONG! You'll learn EVERYTHING Hamm uses, he chucks it all in) Terminal Beach The Memo The Tenacity of Genes and Dreams LOVE Hamms stuff.
  5. [quote name='ray_6ao7' post='521420' date='Jun 23 2009, 08:51 AM']thanks for the info guys! much appreciated...think i'm gonna be investing in a couple of orange 4x10's very shortly [/quote] Good choice sir!
  6. [quote name='alexclaber' post='521743' date='Jun 23 2009, 02:38 PM']I'd like to get some hard data on driver failures. I know the vast majority of Acme failures are not voice coil related despite the huge power often being used to drive them and I've heard from other talkbassers in the pro-sound world that >90% of failures are mechanical failure, not voice coil overheating. If more bassists used highpass filters then that would skew damage away from over-excursion but with all these low B strings around and high thermal ratings I can't see the predominant failure mode on bass guitar cabs (not pro-sound tops or horn subs) being thermal. Alex[/quote] Being a Low-B string user this read is interesting. And in my main band (and only current as I like) the guitars are in drop-B so my low-b is used a fair bit. I don't de-tune but using a 5-string it's still there. And sometimes the lowest string on the guitars is dropped to G#...I may or may not match this depending on my mood. That's too low for me man!
  7. [quote name='liamcapleton' post='521904' date='Jun 23 2009, 05:41 PM']You've missed my point a bit again... fine if someone wants to make a conscious effort to amend a technique that they believe hinders them in someway then go for it, if they can get by and be happy with their playing then what's the point?[/quote] If you play for long periods of time floating one finger cause you don't use it, it's gonna cause perma damage in the long run. That's 1 point.
  8. [quote name='jonthebass' post='521451' date='Jun 23 2009, 09:28 AM']Indeed - I have the Sadowsky D.I. pedal and it works well in being an 'adjustable' D.I. The thing with live sound is that even the Guitards will more than likely be gated/eq'd/compressed/limited to oblivion anyway so you are always at the sound persons mercy. This is where the Mate with a bit of sound nouse comes in handy - he/she can stand near to the soundman and speak for you![/quote] That'd be me standing there...and then fighting with the sound man! Some post "NO sound requests" and some don't but will tell you anyways. Basically, they set you up the same. If your a metal band, then guitars and drums up, bass down...My band doesn't get along with this as metal we may be but we use ALL instruments to create our sound. The Arusha Accord had this issue at Nottingham Rock City as well as after the 1st and 2nd song they just souted "More bass guitar at the front"...But he didn't get it!
  9. [quote name='liamcapleton' post='521368' date='Jun 23 2009, 01:34 AM']Oh of course... I just think there is no substitute for good musicianship, whereas there is probably quite a lot to say for a good musician with unorthodox technique. Jamerson used one finger to play on his right hand, and the man is now bass personified.[/quote] "The hook"...but remember, he was a Double Bassist turned Electric bassist and had action set about 3/4" off the last fret...Does anyone here do that? His hand strength from the double bass made him able to do this but that's in no way as comparable as omiting one finger on the fretboard. People also play with picks and use NO fingers on the picking hand...but STILL use a fair number of fingers on the fretting hand.
  10. First off, keep away from your 4-string! Being a human, your brain and body want is as easy as pos and when you get better with 5 and then play 4 you'll notice it is easier and your brain will look for an excuse to tell you to stick to 4! Don't do it, I went back from 6-string to 4-string about a year ago after a 3-year stint....well I use no less than 5 now and don't play my 4's, other than my P-bass. Ok songs...How bout this one? Incubus is cool...How bout "Redifine" for that mean slap line in the breakdown. Again, don't let your brain say "Oh the strings are too close"....I'm currently playing an OLP MM3 over my BTB556 so that's from 17mm spacing to about 15mm! And nothing has changed, you CAN do it! Or maybe some Bizkit? Sam Rivers doesn't de-tune. Wes is in C# standard and Sam in 5-string standard of BEADG so, that'll get you used to using the "perks" of the 5-string and not have to de-tune. This is my fav perk. Guitarist in drop-b? No problemo! And above all of this, have fun and enjoy. Prob cost you about £5 more to re-string though haha!
  11. Kongo

    Ibanez basses

    [quote name='erisu' post='521471' date='Jun 23 2009, 09:50 AM']Shavo from System of a Down used Ibanez BTb's back in their early days and Sam Rivers from Limp Bizkit used BTB's too during their early years.[/quote] Sam Rivers actually had a custom BTB made for him. I've never found any pics but he's the only one to go BTB custom...If you look now you'll see EVERY model but BTB in the custom / signature section! Yeah...that's til I get on there! But I've decided to take my guitarists idea and get my best bass and make it my own, like he has his trusty Ibanez RG550. I'm still looking at an Ibanez RD though...that may en up being customed with a nice Maple fingerboard conversion!
  12. [quote name='bartelby' post='521390' date='Jun 23 2009, 06:38 AM']I love maple fretboards too. But all my basses have rosewood. I was looking to see if Ibanez had ever done a bolt on BTB 5 string with maple and I was going to swap necks...[/quote] Well in the USA they do a 4 and 5-string BTB with a maple neck, with black binding! But good luck with the neck, bridge is one thing but a neck...Ibanez are VERY funny about selling these due to Chibanez increases. You'd need to give em your serial no. and even then, it'd only be a replacement of closest match, as yours, like mine, is discontinued. [quote name='Lfalex v1.1' post='521456' date='Jun 23 2009, 09:36 AM']It [i]should[/i] be a fairly straightforward job. Some luthiers and manufacturers use hide glue to attach their 'boards, which makes for easy removal. Otherwise, Mr Router comes along and will chew it off!! The only catch comes with vintage instruments (and faithful re-issues), which might have a one-piece neck/fretboard and have their truss-rod inserted through a genuine "skunk stripe" in the back of the neck. I, too like Maple boards, but only my cheapest 2 basses have them (a Squier VMJ and an OLP MM3)[/quote] +1, jus look in my sig. My P-bass I put a maple board on but only use at home...until I bought a 2nd hand OLP MM3 from here and used it in the band...Mmm the maple on it is NICE! Ok then, luthier it is...Any clue on costs? this IS in the near future and not right now. The only issue is the fretboard has a unique shape, but I'm sure any decent luthier could re-create that. [quote name='paul h' post='521360' date='Jun 23 2009, 01:10 AM']There is a list of luthiers in the wiki, some of whom post here. You gotta love the maple! [url="http://wiki.basschat.co.uk/info:tech:luthiers"]http://wiki.basschat.co.uk/info:tech:luthiers[/url][/quote] There's a Leicester boy on there...but he only seems to deal in guitars and only repairs, no conversions or the like. Overwater may not be a bad option? But I'll mail some of these luthiers and have a look see soon. Defo worth looking into guys...maple is sooooooo underused nowerdays (once the standard) and I think it's a shame...it complements many basses and the feel is awesome. Plus, being the fingerboard that gets sealed, nothing gets in the pores! A bonus when you consider.
  13. [quote name='MacDaddy' post='23752' date='Jun 26 2007, 09:15 PM']I just wanted to share with the collective: I've recently joined a new band, and one of the songs calls for demi-semi quavers throughout a lot of it. I'm a finger player and TBH was struggling with it a bit and consequently didn't like or enjoy playing it. I had been using just index and middle, but I started to involve the ring finger too, and after a lot of practice I've nailed it. The 8 notes per beat are played r-m-i-r-m-i-r-m and the following note -i- The most difficult part was avoiding the accents from the ring finger, when playing the 4th and 7th demi-semi quavers. Anyway now I'm comfortable with it, I actually quite like playing it now If anyone is interested pm me an email and I'll send you the demo I had to learn, so you can hear what I mean.[/quote] Welcome, 3 fingers all the way mate! Get some funny looks when you keep up with a galloping guitar whilst NOT using a pick! I can't do 16th notes your way though as they always sound like broken triplets due to the accent. For 16ths I go: r-m-i-m r-m-i-m Works better on the brain. That's forwards and backwards. Opens up a whole new world this eh? Yeah man, you can span them over 3 strings as well instead of 2 now! [quote name='leebass69' post='513008' date='Jun 13 2009, 09:37 PM']a compressor definately helps you get a consistency due to ring fingers not being quite as long as the other two (generally!)[/quote] Eh? My ring finger is longer than my index...erm...what is normal? But it certainly whallops the strings if you ain't careful!
  14. [quote name='Muse_Cubed' post='519169' date='Jun 20 2009, 11:21 AM'](most likely involving fluorescent green and glow in the dark paint).[/quote] New series DIY T-bass eh?
  15. [quote name='BOD2' post='519348' date='Jun 20 2009, 02:54 PM']Have a look at the jack socket and make sure nothing has come adrift there.[/quote] Ok. I really wanna take it home and have a proper look as he's...squeemish about guitar innards!
  16. [quote name='NancyJohnson' post='515826' date='Jun 16 2009, 10:24 PM']Sorry about hijacking the thread. I started out on Rotosounds...there wasn't really anything else. Moved over to Elites after many years and after a while the quality control really dipped...they didn't last very long at all and sounded flat quickly. Met Jason Howe at a trade show and he gave me some Rotosounds to try and they were just lousy. Went back to Elites and then moved onto D'Addarios. Consistently good. Nice, bright and long-lasting. They boil up well too. P[/quote] I'll +1 on EVERYTHING there! Been on D'addario for about 5 years now, Elites before that, until they went meh and Roto's before that until I realised they ain't that special!
  17. Y'know, after trying 15 some basses I came to the realisation I LOVE maple fingerboards! The density, snappy percussiveness and the beautiful looks have got me for a spin and playing my other Rosewood board basses...well...going back somethings amiss! I've heard many players say about how they converted one board wood to another. Who can do this, what does it cost and can any fingerboard be done? I'd LOVE my BTB to have a maple board, also matching it's body. That's it really. Cheers.
  18. The combo version of my old rig, minus 2x10 and the graphic eq. I got the RB9 300 watt head and 300 watt 4x10 cab and for such little money they do pack a punch... One thing I never understood was, why put a nickel jack for the passive yet a gold plated jack for the active inputs? This is a bargain people!
  19. [quote name='ahpook' post='520790' date='Jun 22 2009, 02:48 PM']ahem...it's a bass... actually, forget it...i've been down this road too many times [/quote] Yeah it's "Bass" in terms of tuning but not a "Bass guitar"...Ok maybe we'll call it a "Contrabass Guitar" instead.
  20. Yeah man, hands over the top any day! And also, if you tap piano style this way you can reach further back instead of further front because your little finger is now pointed at the nut...it's true try it! I'll post a vid of a band gig in the future here, I'm sure to have the song I use it in there. Ok...maybe it's a bit showey but it's a great techneque. Using it as a fingering though...yeah, showey lol doesn't give an advantage but hats off to em, I like it myself! Have a go folks.
  21. Kongo

    Ibanez basses

    [quote name='markdavid' post='521325' date='Jun 22 2009, 11:59 PM']Never heard of one used in metal? youre kidding me!!! Ibanez are very popular in metal Theres Paul Gray from Slipknot, Fieldy from Korn, Peter Iwers from In Flames, Glen Benton from Deicide, Marco Coti Zelati from Lacuna Coil, Mike D'Antonio from Killswitch Engage , im sure theres others as well but these are just players I can remember off the top of my head[/quote] He was refering to BTB's. All of the above play ATK, SR, SRX and Iceman. Downgraded ones too! Just one volume and you call THAT a signature? Pah, it's a downgraded SRX with a new name put on it! Don't forget, Paul Grey used a Warwick thumb for most of his career so far and only recently switched to Ibanez. p.s. Found an older pic of Ragnarok, when I used poly straps and...my old rig is there too haha!
  22. 2 Big Ones + Stereo head = Fatally LOUD! (I'd imagine)
  23. [quote name='benwhiteuk' post='521258' date='Jun 22 2009, 10:44 PM']I think the guy you bought it off was either telling a porky pie or meant that they had owned it for 16 months – at an educated guess, I’d say that that combo is about 10 or 11 years old, probably made around ‘98 or ‘99. This is the same as my old 7210H (that was made in 1999 I think), except that mine was made in one of the last ever production runs from the pre-Gibson era, and this is at least a year older than that because of the green carpet and red lines going across the face of the cab. Regardless of age, these are absolutely fantastic combos.[/quote] Gotta be right. If it was 2 years old it'd be one of the fine new series gear. But age asside, ALL Trace gear is a force to be reconned with! Gotta be a great combo.
  24. [quote name='Higgie' post='521315' date='Jun 22 2009, 11:43 PM']Get a rig that can handle the gig without PA support [/quote] At your local maybe! Have a wall of 4x10's and watch the bodies drop!
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