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Everything posted by Kongo

  1. Why not get a DI box that has some EQ to it like the BassBone? Failing that, a head that puts DI signal post-EQ? But the whole idea does suck...Guitarists get mic'd yet we get DI well I dunno...COmpanies could think "Hey! Why not allow them their tone to come through the PA?" But then...the soundguy could hate your sound and EQ it his end so really, it's pointless.
  2. [quote name='Musicman20' post='521300' date='Jun 22 2009, 11:20 PM']Apparently...the 1000W Bass Terror is actually coming out. 1000W....hahahaha. No doubt a dual amp...but...we shall see. I emailed them, and they said they are tweaking and testing it. 500W version is nearly out though. I didnt know about the ohms issue...hmm...maybe we shall find out soon Agreed...a lot of the bands are ditching Marshall/Mesa guitar stuff for Orange. I was going to go full on Ampeg....but it just wasnt right for me. My friend has the 410E Ampeg...and the Orange OBC 4x10 slays it. It sounds much fuller and warmer. Even he noticed that. They are roughly the same weight....the Ampeg being about 7-8 lbs lighter. Did used to be the same price....not sure now. If you shop around, the UK shops are bound to do a better deal on Orange as its UK built, and probably easier for them to get in. I got my setup before the price hike.[/quote] It's not cheap, I shall forewarn. Guitarists Rockerverb was £1500 for 50watts, though he got it 2nd hand for £850. But that's a combo, cabs will be less but still costly. The Tiny Terror is already out I think, pumping 500 watts, valve/SS hybrid. It's great but short on options...trebble, mid and bass...that's it for options! The new Orange stuff seems to be white too...maybe people got off put by the colour but wanted the amp so Orange made an alternative? Good choice though and remember, you can always fit casters to wheel it along.
  3. Really need to shed my lesser gear to make way for the new stuff guys.
  4. [quote name='Finbar' post='508394' date='Jun 8 2009, 06:02 PM']Haven't put it on the scales, but at a guess I'd say it comes in around 12lbs? I've been playing heavy basses long enough for it to not bother me though. You just man up and get used to it Has a comfy leather strap too. Edit: Scales say 12 and a quarter ;p[/quote] +1 Nice bass though...DAMN I'd love a 7-string...Tune it like my 6 but add a low-F# mmmm yeah!
  5. Phew...glad it's not an X-factor or I's defo be upset! Not too keen on the Key Factor though...no fret extention! But, a great bass nonetheless.
  6. Interesting this one. Good for a 6-string build! And yeah, them woods would give the sides of the bass considerably different tones.
  7. Kongo

    Ibanez basses

    [quote name='bartelby' post='517512' date='Jun 18 2009, 04:13 PM'][b]Kongo[/b] I think I've tracked some black hardware down. A dealer has got back to me saying the MR-2s in Cosmic Black are £15 each and there's a 10 week lead time. He's coming back to me for the price on tuners...[/quote] Any nyooz on the bridge? Where is this dealer anyways, I want some Cosmo black!
  8. [quote name='riff raff' post='521183' date='Jun 22 2009, 09:33 PM']many thanks waynepunkdude but..............ibanez atk 305 just purchased from paubass.i'm in 5 string world.welcome me oh welcome me fellow five stringers [/quote] Cracking bass! Enjoy the "Stingray Killer" and feel free to annoy MANY 'Ray fans with it. I welcome you 5-string bassist...I use no less than 5 these days. Now...fancy trying er...I dunno...6-string?
  9. Nothing wrong with lighter gauges. Now this really IS down to feel and use. I use a hybrid gauge on both 34" and 35" of: 4-string: 45 - 65 - 80 - 100 5-string: 45 - 65 - 80 - 100 - 130 6-string: 30 - 45 - 65 - 80 - 100 - 130 Notice the trebble side be heavier yet the bass side lighter? Because of my two hand tapping techneque, having strings too heavy at the bass end makes notes duff when I tap them. Slightly lighter on the bass end works for me. So try them out and if they work, congrats you just found your gauge!
  10. I don't think it's right to say to someone it's ok not to use a certain finger. Yeah "some players" do this and that but we ain't "some players". I seriously feel that before you go too far with a bad techneque you should pull it back. I don't understand this finger business...from day one I felt that using all fingers was the way...didn't know there was another. Therefore I got nearly a decade worth of little finger strength. I'm just trying to pass this on. Thumb behind the neck vs Baseball bat grip...well I'm not fussed on that as I use both. But omiting one finger is limiting somewhat. You have all of those pistons at the ready...when one doesn't fire it needs sorting. Get me?
  11. Orange all the way, Ampeg are...overrated? I've tried MANY Ampeg heads and cabs and NONE deliver for me. Orange isn't to my taste exactly for bass, just a trebble, mid and bass EQ and that's it? Not enough! However the cabs are cool, if a little...Orange. But the volume and clarity, not to mention unmatched build quality. My guitarist has an Orange Rockerverb 50watt and DUDE that amp is the sh*t!!! Loud at less than half way, PURE metal tone and at the same time, as bluesy as you like. They are old rock n roll amps but are making a name nowerdays in metal. Architects and Slipknot use them, and Wes Borland from Limp Bizkit as just dumped his Mesa's for some Orange action...it's a revolution! Bass must be the same. Plus, correct me if I'm wrong, but the Bass Tiny Terror runs 500 watts through both 8 and 4 ohms...how I dunno. Go for the Orange if you want volume and a full bodied sound . Go for the Ampeg if you want that Ampeg tone...but an Ampeg is an Ampeg... It's up to you. And please, DO NOT go on weight unless you have a REALLY bad disability...You carry it out once and in once, with help from folk. Once it's down it's down. I use Trace Elliot amps and they are renowned for being heavy and I would NOT swap my 4x10 for a Markbass cab any day! Take sound and build quality over lightweight anyday mate.
  12. My guitarist bought and Orange RockerVerb 50watt...Ok since he had it I had to change my rig cause, even less than half power it's BLOODY LOUD! Orange are the new face of metal mark my words here and now! Such a full bodied sound and louder than any 100 watt flabby sounding marshall.
  13. [quote name='51m0n' post='519474' date='Jun 20 2009, 06:10 PM']He is the most inspiring and interesting bassist on the planet IMO. I've said it before but I'll say it again, how many of us have seen guys (or ourselves) mangin to rip Wooten's technical slappity poppity double thumping at least to a certian degree? I know I've seen tonnes. I have never seen anyone even attempt a Manring thing, not with the detuning too, that is just above and beyond what normal people can achieve, even with a lot of work. The closest I've ever got is Girl With... on my myspace page, and its not even close (standard tuning and no harmonics for a start ) in fact its super lame compared to MM, and it took me years to get close to right! It was very much inspired by listening to Drastic Measures, but is clearly not in the same league. Plus his fretless tone is the absolute definition of perfection for what he does, its so ethereal. I agree about the Jaco tip, he was taught by Jaco, and in interview said they mainly spent time looking at how music works, solos work, compositions work etc, not strictly bass related all, its brilliant to watch how far this genius can take our instrument.[/quote] +1 I can play some of Wootens tunes; The Vision, Classical Thump (insert members yawning here), More Love etc etc...it was hard but when you can do it...Meh I found out it's not useful to me. Manring? NO WAY! How do you start? It's not the techneque it's his ears, brain and his heart thsat do it. It's not his techneque it's his musical mind...And for a fretless player he has a LOT of highs in his tone too. Not as flat as Jaco.
  14. [quote name='SteveK' post='520757' date='Jun 22 2009, 02:13 PM']If Bay Splayer only wants to "get by", then, I'm in agreement...hopefully, he wants more than that.[/quote] +1 Going down the route of acceptance like "I'll never be able to do that / play like that" is not as much ignorance as it is dangerous. Think in the way that you CAN do this and this is easy and you'll get better. Use this finger...it's easy, you know it makes sence. It's only gonna cramp up on a 2 hour gig anyways.
  15. Overwater are awesome! That's quite a low price too. But too little strings and plus, my money is spoken for.
  16. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='519211' date='Jun 20 2009, 12:23 PM']I have been reading through the Fender book and stumbled across these Has anyone ever played one? Are they more like a baritone guitar? Has anyone ever even seen one because I haven't. Or just any info I'm intreagued.[/quote] It's a Baritone guitar through and through. The Low-E string is a .95 so it's close to a bass but nonetheless, a guitar play wise. Obviously, you can get some CRACKING sub tones with it! They used to be used to create the "Tick-tack" bass sound for rockabiliy players in the 60's by having one person play the bass and another play one of these, both playing the same line. But THIS is more what a Fender VI should be!
  17. [quote name='hubrad' post='520714' date='Jun 22 2009, 01:24 PM']Oww! Bad slip! Hope that's mending well. Anybody got a spare pair of chain-mail gauntlets? Actually, Mithril might give an interesting playing tone too and also protect from any nickel allergies. Maybe we could start a sub-thread of the most inventive methods of self-protection? I just can't give up the power tools! [/quote] I use chain-mail gloves at work when using "the knife". A Razor sharp knife powered by a 1/4 hp motor that cuts through stacks of the toughest materials. The glove works because the links group together when struck, so the knife bounces off it.
  18. [quote name='Bay Splayer' post='519540' date='Jun 20 2009, 08:02 PM']jesus christ feel like you lot are giving me a right bollocking s`pose i`ll give it a go though [/quote] Middle finger all the way I'm not into what other players do and get away with doing that because, we are not those other players. Same as strap length. Give it a go. I think your missing a lot by not using it.
  19. [quote name='SteveO' post='519367' date='Jun 20 2009, 03:19 PM']true, but you might be inclined to suggest he would find it easier if he used a lighter car, or no car at all. Give the middle finger a go, what have you got to loose. I recon you'll open up a whole vast arena of posibilities that you were struggling with before.[/quote] like being able to play scales for one...or any run really!
  20. [quote name='mrcrow' post='519309' date='Jun 20 2009, 02:23 PM']brilliant kongo first principles...and bass ic...thumb behind neck..always...and middle finger for root learn all your modes from this position as well [/quote] Yes...Although I DO sometimes move my thumb from the back of the neck if it makes playing something easier...you'll be surprised how many do that. But yes, my middle finger is root, everything learned from it first and still, anything i make this finger is root. Never knew it actually was though...I was thinking the other day "Why do I start with this finger and not the index"...Guess cause shapes are better with middle as root.
  21. It's a shame almost no one knows this guy. Not only does he have 4 hipshot D-tuners he also has a bridge that slams into any tune too...Takes him a good 30 mins to tune but... He's untouchable! And for a fretless there's a LOT of zing in those notes! I don't know where to start with him he's...untouchable...I mean, imagine a bass that can go into any tuning at any time! Most of us have a hard time constructing a solo masterpiece in ONE tuning! Imagine the headache here! My mind would blow...but his doesn't. I wonder, what a bassists with HUGE MM influence sounds like...can anyone get close to his playing? Wooten can't touch this...end of!
  22. [quote name='caruso' post='488360' date='May 14 2009, 11:17 PM']Regarding the bstring on a Ray 5er I consider this one of the best bstrings on a 34 scale bass. Not the feeling of the ''wet noodle'' under your finger. Ballsy tone, as they say, good response. But you have to do some research which strings you like best on a Ray.[/quote] Having recently got a 'Ray...well an OLP one but still, a 5-string stingray all the same I must say you are right! Along with the bite of the MM humbucker and the unusual amount of tention, my .130 Low-b (yes, not .135) is tight as! With great response too. Now...to add a neck pup and get those low-mids back...
  23. Might be worth doing for an experement. Placing in a dowel and re-drilling is easy enough...If you have the neck then why not. You'll learn a few things an, if it works, defy the odds that other hybrids do work.
  24. [quote name='BOD2' post='518851' date='Jun 19 2009, 09:10 PM']First question to ask... does it hum or buzz when the Humbucking bridge pickup only is selected ? If there is no hum when the bridge pickup only is selected, then there is problem no fault here. The single coil neck pickup will hum if there is electrical interference close by, but not the humbucking bridge pickup. Next question ... you say it bangs when you shake it about. Does it matter which pickup is selected ? Try each pickup selection and shake it to see if there is any noise - that should let you work out if the problem lies with a particular pickup or with the wiring that comes after the pickups.[/quote] It buzzez everywhere, humbucker, single coil or split between the two. I will check the banging though...
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