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Everything posted by Kongo

  1. [quote name='Jarhead' post='518983' date='Jun 19 2009, 11:57 PM']Lol, sick. Which side were you on? I was being crippled against the left side barrier lol, couldn't move lol. Zach[/quote] Left side, centre...About 50 metres awat from the stage I think...In between 50 and 100 lets say for scope. It was a pit with a very large bloke with the St. Georges Cross painted on his head who was at the same time as moshing, throwing people up into the crowd LOL! We moshed and when I slammed into him it just semi winded me and did nothing to him! For Slipknot I was getting crushed right at the front! SERIOUSLY crushed but it was MEGA!
  2. [quote name='Clarky' post='519298' date='Jun 20 2009, 02:05 PM']Its instead of or in addition to a nut - its a fret which acts as an anchor for the open strings. Some people prefer them for setting action, intonation etc and think it gives a more even response across the strings. Its not the norm and opinions are divided, some love'em, some see them as pointless[/quote] I'm yet to try one. Surely it will create the same open string sound a brass nut does? But for action it's worth looking at...all though over time it will get cut like a nut anyways haha!
  3. [quote name='mrcrow' post='519299' date='Jun 20 2009, 02:06 PM'] why not ..its the root finger[/quote] Exactly! If you don't use your middle finger, playing a major scale in box form will be a PITA. I don't think it's right to say if it ain't broke don't fix it in this instance cause you are seriously limiting yourself. Learn to use all fingers...That includes the picking hand too. How can you say you fire on all pistons when one isn't working?
  4. Les Claypool's Rainbow Bass HANDS DOWN that's what I would have! Nothing more, nothing less...Just the Rainbow Bass. Wonder how much it will sell for when the day comes...y'know...cause i'd sure like a chance at it!
  5. I'm still using Cubase Version 2 I "Aquired" 3 years ago for my beats and stuff. "drumkit from Hell" plug in is EXCELLENT! Here's some guys demo of it. very real sounding.
  6. [quote name='alexclaber' post='518723' date='Jun 19 2009, 06:44 PM']For the speakers in your 400W cab to total a 400W thermal rating that means they were powered by a 1600W amp for a number of hours, putting out a signal whose peak level was 1600W and average level was 400W. This is called a 6dB crest factor because 1600W is 6dB louder than 400W, and crest factor is the difference between peak and average level. For a speaker to be given a thermal rating of 100W it has to handle peaks of 400W and average power of 100W for a good few hours without overheating - that is the agreed standard. You would have to be heavily compressing bass guitar (through compression or overdrive) to reduce the crest factor to as low as 6dB so your 500W amp is very very unlikely to overheat a 400W cab. If you crank up the lows stupidly you can still kill it through overexcursion but that requires pretty mindless folly. I run a 2000W amp into my Big One, whose woofer is 'only' thermally rated at 450W. But I know it's near impossible to damage through over-excursion and I'm confident that even with an amp that can peak at well over 2000W the crest factor is never going to be low enough that the average power will sustain over 450W. If I was using it as a PA subwoofer and playing recorded music through it I would not use such a powerful amp - the heavy compression on recorded music means the crest factor is much lower and thus its much easier to overheat a speaker, though conversely it does mean you're much less likely to cause over-excursion. Alex[/quote] A pacient wait well paid off. That's in interesting post that didn't go over my head this time! Also explains why they pair up amps and cabs this way. The head has built in compression / tube pre-amp for warmth / overdrive but I doubt it would go to the level of what you said. And as I said before, I NEVER boost the lows to a silly degree...They are 10" for a start. Most of the time I leave the bass flat. The 12 band sliders have 30hz and 40hz right at the bottom and to me, they are frequencies used to tame a Low-B string and keep the speaker from farting on any string. I've seen people boost them before...I doubt the 4x10 would even react to boosted 30hz. At very low volumes yeah, I've put a slight boost in 40hz on my old head to give it added warmth because it's not in it's sweet spot but never at volume. Well I think the 500 watt is a good bet. It's Trace Elliot as well so, makes sence I finally paired them up. I'll be getting it VERY soon and the 2x10 will be a close 2nd to come now.
  7. [quote name='AdamWoodBass' post='518280' date='Jun 19 2009, 12:24 PM']For me its Marcus Miller. Theres some lines that sound great when I play them and I can play them note for note but when I compare them to Marcus they just dont feel right. I suppose thats the advantage of developing your own sound for 30 odd years like Marcus has, nobody else is gonna be able to nail it the way you can. It's not just about studying the notes in the song, you have to spend years studying the player and their technique and all you become is a clone of that player. Sure Jaco is amazing but do you really want to just sound like a Jaco wannabe? So with that in mind I do kind of agree with Paul H, put your own identity on it. Obviously if you're in a covers band and you're doing songs that have really distinctive bass lines then learn them but if you're maybe doing jazz or funk or blues and there's nothing specific to play then thats your oportunity to have fun with it and make it your own. I love it when I go see a jazz band and they do their own version or arrangement of a tune, just gives it a fresh feel if its a tune you already know and have maybe gotten bored of.[/quote] I find Millers stuff FAR HARDER to pull off than Wooten...would you beleive.
  8. Walkings good! Plus your feet will ache like mad standing in one spot for 2 hours with a 10-12lb bass! Treating rehearsals like a gig is never a bad idea either.
  9. [quote name='Bay Splayer' post='517444' date='Jun 18 2009, 03:10 PM']before my present job i was a post man and [color="#FF0000"]nearly lost the tip of my right hand middle finger [/color]in a letter-box related incident [/quote] And I can assure you, my friend and 2nd guitarist did just that and it cut his little finger quite bad. The stiffness afterwards rendered it not only painful but unusable and thus, chords almost a no-no. [quote name='RayFW' post='518508' date='Jun 19 2009, 04:00 PM']I have massive respect for this chap: He lost several left hand fingers in an accident so taught himself to play lefty with a pick. You've got to admire his dedication.[/quote] Yep cool...But not as much as Bill Clements. This guy is one of my inspirations and he plays...with ONE HAND! He lost his other in a car accident and it only took him 6 months to get back to playing again. And he's BLOODY FAST!!!
  10. Ok my friend has a John 5 telecaster, the older MIM HS config with the 12 string shape headstock. Ever since he's had it it's hummed like mad in certain situations...which first made me beleive it's a grounding issue...but as far as I can see the grounding is fine! But now we delve deeper and thus, the problems must lie here somewhere: If you turn the volume off and play, a little signal still gets through resulting in a weak, but audible sound. If you shake it or jump up and down with it it makes a "banging" sound, like a basketball hitting the deck. My Ibanez BTB did this once and I sorted it by putting tape round a naked wire (it's all I could see wrong)...His has NO naked wires. He bought it off some guy in America...Now all I can think of is it may have had another pickup installed and when the guy sold it he put the old one back in and screwed it up. The wiring is wrong somewhere but I don't know what I'm looking at. We took it to a local guitar tech at Sheehans in Leicester (highly reguarded)...The guitar called his bluff and refused to buzz...of course, this was before we noticed it bangs when shook. So they found nothing wrong with it. What the hell is going on? It's doing my head in as much as his. Even an idea of what could be wrong would be appreciated. I doubt Fender would have shipped this with this fault...it's gotta be a mishap somewhere.
  11. Okie dokie...Now shall we say...What if the 400 watt cab was powered by a head running 500 watts @ 4 ohms? Now it's only over 100 watts and said head is now the head that was built to power it in the first place. Surely it's be ok now right? And remember, I'm not gonna have it turned to 11!
  12. Buy the Ibanez, leave the Tanglewood! Ibanez build quality matches that of a lot more expensive instruments and will last you longer, play with no problems down the years and be easier to sell on. The Tanglewood is the reverse.
  13. [quote name='farmer61' post='518187' date='Jun 19 2009, 10:58 AM']If I ever stop spending to build up a war chest I may be looking at some of the newer gear.......must stop buying basses first though [/quote] And what better timing to do so: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=52137"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=52137[/url] A big sale going on...This guy is who I bought my new Trace stuff from.
  14. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='518081' date='Jun 19 2009, 08:15 AM']That's the one I've bought. [/quote] Cool man, congrats!
  15. [quote name='escholl' post='517784' date='Jun 18 2009, 08:17 PM']as someone who does know all the tech stuff, i can tell you still that the only way to judge and amp really, is to play it at volume. most manufacturer's specs are dubious and/or meaningless at best -- and even if they weren't, amps and speakers are such complex things that it would be nearly impossible to qualitatively evaluate them, nevermind analyze all that data.[/quote] [quote name='alexclaber' post='517974' date='Jun 18 2009, 11:11 PM']I agree. The most important thing is to actually ignore all the silly specs which abound, they're not only a distraction they're misinformation. Even some weight specs are way out (of date, Epifani!) Alex[/quote] I cannot agree with both of you enough! The only problemo is you really want the band there and at actually volume too. I've tested amps, thought they were loud...too em in with the band...sub par at best! Then it breaks up when you crank it more, making more noise than volume. But this stuff you guys know is very usable. Sure, it may give some people a headache but if you were to speak to a soundguy or music techie it's like going to Japan knowing Japanese, far easier to communicate and your more likely to be taken seriously.
  16. [quote name='Machines' post='517617' date='Jun 18 2009, 05:29 PM']I can't see any difference other than the pickguard - if you like it enough buy the standard one and make your own ![/quote] +1 to any bass that you feel needs one.
  17. [quote name='Jarhead' post='517887' date='Jun 18 2009, 09:57 PM']Me wanty, I saw Korn at download, was immense, and now I really want his signature bass lol. Zach[/quote] I know man, I know, I was there too! In the front central mosh pit!
  18. [quote name='farmer61' post='509160' date='Jun 9 2009, 03:44 PM']Hope you unit is ok, my amp is prob 10 years old and so to be expected, would hope that new TE units are build to last as long as the older ones!![/quote] IMO they are just as good so your in safe hands. They are only owned by Peavey, everything else, including R&D and manufacture, is as before, but done in a new office in Chelmsford, Essex. Also remember Peavey of Europe own Trace Elliot, not USA. My Trace Elliot 1048H actually says it was made in Corby! That's not that far from Leicester.
  19. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='517814' date='Jun 18 2009, 08:45 PM']Sweet, I was worried about blowing cabs up.[/quote] Yeah you don't wanna bridge them mono @ 4 ohms and get a whopping 1350 watts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (ok...so it's more 1000 watts constant, 1350 peak but still...a LOT of power!) I beleive one is still up for sale for £370! Bargain!
  20. [quote name='danlea' post='517655' date='Jun 18 2009, 06:13 PM']Compression in it's most elementary sense does in fact [i]reduce the volume[/i] of louder sounds (those beyond the threshold level), but then of course you normally have auto-gain which brings everything back up, so on average it's louder. You can't actually say a compressed sound is the same level as the original, unless you're playing at a constant volume, in which case there's no need for a compressor in the first place![/quote] And lets face it, not many bassists will be...Unless it's a slow walking blues line or something and even then, human error and free radical will make at least ONE not louder than the other...by how much is the question. I use compression to bring my dynamics to a normal level...How they would be if my bass was accoustic. Basically, ridding of the false dynamics loud, electrical amplifiers create making tapping sound ultra boomy and slapping take your ear off, rip your guts appart...or worse, make someone tell you to turn down, resulting in most of your set being unheard because you don't constantly slap. When I turn compression on, the volume level usually drops. It can be matched with the output level but most of the time it drops ever so slightly...this is why I got confused.
  21. Have you ever tried recording it, then playing it back? I often find when YOU play it and hear YOU back it sounds wrong...But to the listener it sounds fine and you'll find this if you record it and then play it back to yourself. But I also have to agree, it's like painting a replica. WHat I said above won't always work. There's more to playing than just notes...Finger flesh & strength for tone and natural sence of rhythm create what they made. But I get facinated when I listen to a cover that's NOT trying to be exactly like the original...It's amazing how different a different person can make the same song sound (dare he say it again)...Different!
  22. I'd just like to add, I bought my trusty Trace Elliot 1048H from Lushuk. Went down to Derby, had it run through it paces, played the P-bass myself too and every tiny ding and stain showed (even though I was already sold LOL!)...and money exchanged hands! Real down to earth Trace Elliot addicted guy. Buy with confidence. Oh and to add, also with Trace Elliot experience, the new stuff is JUST as good, if not better than the old originals. If anything, you get more power! p.s. That head sold REALLY quick! In fact...it was sold before I got here...lucky guy!
  23. [quote name='bassmansky' post='517616' date='Jun 18 2009, 05:29 PM']pmt at norwich had one last time i was in,they would be glad to sell you it!2 hrs drive down and its yours,(ring first )[/quote] Ah can't travel that far out. No bother, I'll keep looking...Maybe fate says no...who knows..:.)
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