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Everything posted by Kongo

  1. [quote name='lushuk' post='514935' date='Jun 16 2009, 02:42 AM']The pm I have sent you may excite/confuse you! [/quote] I'm looking to go down rack mounted heads now. Trace heads are cased and whereas I love them, Trace are waaaaaaaay better for their cabs. However do let me know how much they are going for...I COULD change my mind. That classic Pre-Shape sound is untouched!
  2. [quote name='justgone' post='511923' date='Jun 12 2009, 10:55 AM']I own a Peavey tour 700, had about 12mths now. In summary, it aint as good IMHO as the old (very old) XP series head i once had for over 10 years! But, it aint bad at all. I feel the 500w/8ohm - 700w/4ohm prob slightly exaggerated? But there is plenty power there with my old trusty 410tx cab (8ohm). I have just recently acquired a ashdown abm 410 cab to further assist my fading hearing tho, So that should be interesting when i get to finally try the whole rig out! (i will tho...if i like the ashdown?......... acquire a further ashdown abm cab to replace my trusty but tired old Peavey 410tx!) Just to add! At the time of acquiring the Peavey tour 700, i tried out a ashdown abm 500 evo III head. But couldn't stretch the finances at the time! But IMO the ashdown abm is a better amp! D[/quote] Ashdowns don't work for me. I used one with a seperate amp stage and even THEN could not get the sound I wanted...an for such a HUGE head the volume was low and it would go into the red way too early! We'll find out soon...But I feel I've gone the right way. Bands that I've seen use these never worry about volume...It's more a name thing these days...or always has been actually.
  3. Great bass, the first 6-string I ever tried. Had them in sound control for a small time then they vanished off the face of the earth! Never found one again. Shame I'm not in the market for another 6-string cause I never did find one of these since and here is.
  4. Kongo

    Ibanez basses

    [quote name='Spyke' post='513784' date='Jun 15 2009, 01:14 AM']I'm primarily a Heavy Metal bassist and the way its described sounds ideal to me. Don't bash me here, mr Jazz and Blues bass players, you were young and energetic once too! I also play with a pick. *runs and hides[/quote] I'd like to see anyone bash a metal bassist with an actual use for doing so...You should never feel that way, what you play is what you play. I play metal and damn, I'd like to see some bassists play what some metal bassists can! I don't play with a pick but likewise, what's wrong with it? You need to enter a place with confidence. YOU play metal, YOU play with a pick...YOU don't care it's YOUR instrument. Thin necks...More of a now thing...I find as long as the necks not silly wide, like a 6-string, I can play just as fast with a fat neck than thin...I fact, I prefere that now, so that's a matter of taste. [quote name='Tait' post='513997' date='Jun 15 2009, 11:34 AM']+1 to what biro said. i was considering buying an iceman a while back, it was really nice, BUT not as nice as most of the other ibanezes i've tried. sure, they're suitable for a metal bassist, and look so much cooler than the SR series, or the BTB series (absolutely hideous), but for soundwise and playability, the BTBs, SRs and ATKs ive played have been better. in fact, have you thought about an ATK? i'd say they'd be great metal basses, but they havent got the thin neck you said you like, and are bloody heavy. tbh, i don't think you're going to get much better than an SR500 and a SRX705 (if the 705 is the one i'm thinking of - the neck through one, with an ash body?) for metal. i might also add i love my SR500, its one bass i'd never sell, and have had GAS for a SR700 several times.[/quote] Got an Ibanez BTB405QM and BTB556MP and used both for metal in the past. They work very well becuase...there's no such thing as a metal "tone" per se...I use a more snappoy, biting, liquid steel funk sound really. What IS a metal tone I wonder? I hear so many metal bassists with different tones I don't think there is one. Go for the Ibanez though if you like em, the build quality it unmatched by most companies...Only reason they are in rock and metal more than anything is just stigma, they are known for metal, therefore a Jazz player wont be seen dead with one because...I dunno maybe he'll look uncool or something...Maybe...I use my BTB for anything, anywhere. Might be getting an RD soon too.
  5. Sounds like you want more Low-mids...Recently switching to a Stingray myself I'll say that having one pickup at the bridge gives you HUGE ammounts of bright, biting tone...But a loss in low mids. Can't suggest anything I'm afraid...Not sure strings will do that job and heavier strings won't sort that out either. Chances are your already using 45-105, asuming only, therefore anything heavier isn't gonna help you.
  6. [quote name='skankdelvar' post='511754' date='Jun 12 2009, 01:22 AM']...as do 63.7% of all bass players. [/quote] Yeah Wooten's another biggie! Talking about keeping it simple, lock in the groove...then he double thumps 32nd notes for an hour or so... So as well as boring...Hypocrites too! +1 on the people part though...After all, they are (WE are) just normal folks when not playing music...
  7. I always find the bass sounds louder with good earplugs in...but that's because you ain't listening to that large ammount of static distorted guitars have. If you feel your too loud, just turn down. I also get into the "Damn I'm too loud" whilst playing and then try to play softly, only to mess up because it's not normal....so just go up to the amp and turn down...if they tell you to turn up again... then do just that! Might have to look into these though...expensive but...you can't buy more ears!
  8. [quote name='BarnacleBob' post='511650' date='Jun 11 2009, 10:15 PM']Never mind that, which bass player could you drop 40 feet from a crane and he would still work? BB[/quote] Jeff Berlin? ...Could we not at least try? I saw an article in Total Guitar years ago where they got mad in their office and, with having to review yet ANOTHER hardcase they decided to put a guitar in it and throw it down the stairs and then out of the window, about 5 stories high I think...and found the guitar did not have a mark on it at all...and the case survived! So from an angry test, it went to a 5 star review.
  9. [quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' post='511640' date='Jun 11 2009, 09:54 PM']That would be quite interesting:he's a bit of a boxer by all accounts. Funny thing is,altho' I haven't heard him speak,I find him misunderstood and very intelligent and of course an awesome player. Please don't hit me [/quote] When Jeff speaks...[b]HE SPEAKS LIKE THIS! HE IS REEEEEALLY LOUD AND TO THE POINT...[/b] Not a fan by any account...Anyone can be a musician...not everyone can afford or should have to be taught academically to be one. Then he'll talk about grooves and the low end being important...And then solo on the high notes for hours demonstrating this!
  10. PLUGGED! [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=50656"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=50656[/url] £100 with pickup upgrade.
  11. I checked one of these out...Yeah I have seen them before...Loud as you like but problemo is there are only 3 dials for EQ, non-parametric too! So...unless you like the sound it gives you can't tweak much for my liking. The scales weigh to the Tour 700 when you view the options, volume and wattage and then put the price and the urgent need to get a decent head at a reasonable price. Plus, I like the idea of racking it with a rack compressor. I found out that the "Contour" control IS as I said, a "Pre-Shape" if you will... As with Trace Elliot (although fixed) and recently with Markbass (the VPE control), I find that after setting EQ to the situation, this helps to dial in the tone I desire...I don't like scooping mids on the EQ but even though this says it scoops mids and boosts highs and lows I STILL cut through and my harmonics are never killed...so what it really does eludes me...But what it DOES do is give me that nice bright but deep tone I love! Great for finger, slap and tap styles that using EQ alone can give either nasty mud or worse, nasal tone... Needless to say, as I'm in a pinch I don't think I can go wrong with this. 500 watts @ 8 ohms is enough headroom and, especially with Peavey, loud as you like! The less output I can get away with the better!
  12. Kongo

    Noob Question

    I wouldn't...Not catered for bass frequencies and waaaaaaaaaay too little wattage to push a bass cab.
  13. I LOVE the Markbass Heads but the cabs are completely opposite...I hate them! Are they REALLY geared to pair up with the heads cause they let them down. So I'd say the speakers...I too get a flat sound with them, but pair the SD800 with my Trace Elliot 1048H...not that's a different story.
  14. [quote name='StevieD_FenderP2009' post='510148' date='Jun 10 2009, 01:35 PM']I voted Fender as I use 3 very heavily customised P Basses but I also use a Tobias Toby Pro 4 and a BC Rich Mockingbird Heritage 4. The Tobias only comes out to play on special occasions. Right now, He's in a hardcase all clean and shiny. Dont use the Mockingbird that much, Don't really like it in all honesty... Crap action even with a new Gotoh bridge on it. Going To Be Changing The Sunburst One To Black And White Checkerboard Soon. PS. If anyone has the OLD fender precision Steve Harris signature model (released around 2001) and they want to sell it, let me know, i really want this bass[/quote] Nice! I see you like BL 1/4 pounders? I must put my P-bass one here, DiMarzio Will Power equiped and loud and responsive as you like. And the Mockingbird...If you really don't like it (I certainly don't like any bass like that!), consider putting it up for sale. It'll sell quicker than your amps I feel. P.S. No Ibanez? I voted other! I use Fender designs more these days; Fender, Musicman etc etc...... But Ibanez I'd say is overall...
  15. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='510413' date='Jun 10 2009, 05:23 PM']point taken. I was specifically talking about the MB heads though but you never can tell. My Gig Skinz bag turned up to day. Looks great and it will hold all my gear, plus a bit more that i can now start using. I wont have my SA450 until Sat so that will be the first outing for it.[/quote] Ah ok, no Markbass alone would be hard...the embroidery is the issue! Enjoy...I'm still GASsing over that head too! Get to use the SD800 tonight Mmmm...I'll remember that pic hopefully. (the head racked up)
  16. Will no one take even for £100?
  17. For my Trace Elliot 1048H (the name suggests it's not light!) I just use good old 2 man labour. But I am making a trolley that it can fit one so it can both be wheeled (trolley type wheels) and stands a wee bit higher.
  18. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='510043' date='Jun 10 2009, 12:01 PM']Cheers. Yes, i think my rig will look a bit more "proper" with a racked amp. I would have prefered something like a SKB case rather than a bag, with all its straps hanging off etc but this will be more practical. Im really glad i kept the ears now. I almost gave them away to someone on here a few years ago. Not sure how big a market there would be for these but good luck with them if you do go for it.[/quote] LOL You'll be surprised...We once said "No F1 team is gonna want to protect thier gear in travel bags"...But now F1 uses us for 95% of their travel gear, you never know. An open door my friend, in times like this it's a good idea. We went from trimming cars, to F1 travel gear, prisons etc...Can go anywhere.
  19. Congratulations man...It has an owner!
  20. Well I bought mine for £250 from my friends brother. I'd say the price @ £200 is Excellent!
  21. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='508420' date='Jun 8 2009, 06:31 PM']Will do. Actually the vents are needed if you run the amp in the bag so i guess they need to stay. Ive never had a racked amp before and im not sure how nice the SA450 will look with the rack ears on but like you say, its going to be a lot better protected. Its not like its going to be heavy, even with my other bits in it. I'll check your thread later tonight.[/quote] If I can, I'll take a pic of the SD800 racked up in a case when I'm at rehearsal and post it here. I think it looks awesome! The rack ears don't look out of place. Just depends on what your used to. Rack heads ALWAYS look good in a case IMO. I spoke atr work about us maybe doing things like this as we are looking to diversify past motorsport and it met with great response. If it gets real bad and you do need it looked at, you know where to turn. Say the spec and it's yours.
  22. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='509274' date='Jun 9 2009, 05:18 PM']The SD800 is an old head so i wouldn't hang around for too long. I cant believe its not dropped in price but then again all the old heads have gone up in the past year or so. When i got my SA450 the SD800 was £900. I thought that was very expensive at the time but now if even dearer. Ive never done a direct comparison other than to have both at a gig and play one set each but with everything flat they both sound exactly the same. Using the EQ you can get the SA450 to match the LMII but because of the different EQ not the other way round. Both use the same power stage and im sure most of the same components so yes, effectively they are both the same with the SA450 having more knobs on it plus the pre/post switch and two dual output connectors.[/quote] Yes indeed, the SD1200 is the new kid in town!!! But I too can't believe it's £1200 new! THAT'S ONLINE!!!!!!! Still, old or not I dig it's sound...I just thought, as the EQ is the same on the SA450 maybe it's the sound rather than the wattage I like. Volume in a mix comes from many things more than wattage. I have the EQ only slightly tweaked, most of my tone shaping is from the VLE and VPE, one adding muddy sub and the other, top end zing. With the Mid range parametric you can really juggle things up to suit any room and band situation and I'm up against the worst to fight against in my band...All valve high gain amps running drop-B tuned guitars! Of course, by fight I'm joking, I'm often told to turn up more then they are.
  23. Pedal is now sold! Thanks a lot. This pedal is so new still it's a crime it doesn't get used! Donation will be made to Basschat soon.
  24. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='508956' date='Jun 9 2009, 12:39 PM']It might be worth having a look over on Talkbass. Do a search for Kjung. He is a huge fan of MB heads and had a thread about his SD800 when he first got it and he did a very good write up about the differences between that and his LMII. i think he came to the conclusion that the SD800 lacked the warmth of the LMII but had a much quicker attack and also seemed to have more headroom in the low end and so didnt compress on the low notes as much as the LMII. It was a while ago though but you can still find the thread.[/quote] It's one HELL of a head...After reading that no one here has one I feel...privileged using one twice every week. I use rack compression to bring my dynamics to a more natural level...I wonder how this will go with the SA450? Is the SA450 as the site says then, a Markbass LMII in a new shell with a few extra options? Either way, folks LOVE these heads so even though it's not as good as an SD800 (preference dependant), it can't be a bad option. I just cannot wait out to get an SD800 even though come to think of it I should... As said, I'm not "into" Markbass as such, I just LOVE what the heads can do... they work for me. The cabs...don't...But my Trace Elliot 1048H DOES and with the SD800 it's heavenly... Power! Punch! Clarity! Headroom! The cab CAN take the head! Time is running out to get a decent amp head though and I'd rather buy a keeper.
  25. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='508408' date='Jun 8 2009, 06:23 PM']Thnaks for the reply. I would have been happy to pay fo rthe bag to be fixed, and almost did but ive never really liked the fact that the bag has large vents in it at either end. Not very rain friendly. So im happy to replace it. My 2U rack bag is on its way. I was going to get a 3U but i dont really use anything else other thana wireless system.[/quote] Thanks...Any time you consider getting it looked at please, send me a PM. We could use the work LOL! Oh and the vents? Rain friendly? No problemo. Congrats on the 2U...I love rack heads...Look so much better encased (Obviously lol!) and heads like Markbass that don't have a great deal of a shell can benefit from surviving falls if need be...which is hardly ever if at all.
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