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[quote name='51m0n' post='508378' date='Jun 8 2009, 05:49 PM']I have the sa450, but I've never used an sd800 other than in a shop, so I've not seen just how loud it can go, although I expect most cabs would be unable to cope with its full output, whatever they say on the tin.[/quote] As tested, my Trace Elliot can take it's full power (even though it's on it's limit) yet the Markbass 4x10 also rated @ 800 watts could not... I had the input gain set perfectly and the output gain @ max when I jacked both cabs in, and alone...The Trace really could take it...But my body, and my fellow bandmates could not...It really DID start to hurt! A bit TOO much volume but then, you'd never run it at that, it was just a test...And since that I am very VERY happy with my cab...VERY! But adding a 2x10 I don't think an SD800 would be a good idea as jacked up a wee bit too much would overdrive the cab...although they can take a bit over the limit (so I'm told) I don't think going double over the recommended rating is wise...SO maybe this head is perfect for me? Oh and yeah, the EQ for me only needs a mild tweak in the Mid range...just a MILD tweak and then I tweak the filters, one gives vintage mud...the other that pre-shape sound I've only found on TE heads until now, cept this one is variable. So yeah, the head alone is great! Again, wattage alone does not state volume, I think it's the cutting power of the head with my cab that does it.
I'd say send it my way and I could mod that at work but...it would have to go through official stpes and thus, would cost you to much so...Go for the laptop bag option. Oh and do rack it up, the SD800 I use at rehearsal is and it's STILL lighter than my floor processor!!! But looks nice and is protected...plus if you have a 3u or 4u you could add rack effects. (although you'd add weight). Oh and if you have the time, please visit my thread SA450 vs SD800 as you have the head I'm interested in, I'd like some views about how it holds up.
[quote name='Musicman20' post='508369' date='Jun 8 2009, 05:36 PM']I think Simon has this head! Re: power...I have a LM3 and its 500W at 4 Ohms. 300W at 8 Ohms. 300W at 8ohms through a good cab is damn loud....4 ohms is VERY loud.[/quote] Just like the SD800, the head is going through a Trace Elliot 1048H with power handling of 800 watts...Since having it last week was my first time mating them both together...and it was a match made in heaven! The Markbass cab, as I always say, went crazy and looked like the speakers were gonna launch and the tone broke up...And they also handling 800 watts...But my Trace cab took the entire lot! I briefly pushed the SD800 to max output and nothing broke up...though that's prob down to the Digital amp but still, my Trace cab handled it VERY well! I don't think the 150 drop in wattage will reduce the volume by a LOT...it's more the EQ of these heads I like that cuts me through...but chucking out 450 watts @ 4 ohms means adding a Trace Elliot 2x10 is an option as it can handle up to 500 watts...this head isn't as over kill as others can be, limiting 2nd cab choice.
[quote name='alexclaber' post='219430' date='Jun 15 2008, 08:43 PM']The Big Bright One (as The Big One plus tweeter)[/quote] +1 for listening to fellow bassists.
Ok simple question here, how does the SA450 weight up compared to the SD800...I've been using a Markbass SD800 AGAIN in rehearsals and will do so until I can get myself a decent amp head...But I cannot afford the £1200 price tag! So...how does it's little brother weight up? I ask this because they both have the same EQ layout and the only main difference is wattage and the fact the SA450 is analog and the SD800 is digital. How much quieter and different sounding is the SA450 compared? Bare in mind it's likely to be run @ 8 ohms a lot more than 4 ohms so it's gonna run @ 300 watts and the SD800 runs @ 450 watts. I'm not all into this Markbass craze but this head DOES deliver! Now I wonder, does the SA450? Thanks...I know someone here has one of either of these heads.
[quote name='chris_pokkuri' post='508337' date='Jun 8 2009, 05:03 PM']What about the hartke LH1000? I bought mine new last week for £349. Its 1100 watts at 4 ohms![/quote] Bridged mono of course, it's a stereo head. Actually I might get an Ampeg SVT-5 pro which is 1350watts Bridged mono... Time is ticking and so many options...
[quote name='ashevans09' post='507338' date='Jun 7 2009, 01:45 AM']Aaaah you [i]never[/i] know what might just happen... :brow:[/quote] Yeah, a gust of wind might just carry it away when you turn your back!
Ibanez BTB405QM Transparent Black inc. gig bag - TRADE or FS?
Kongo replied to erisu's topic in Basses For Sale
Got one of these...In Trans Red (Red Tiger look)...And it's an excellent bass! The neck is uber wide though the length isn't as noticable but combined with the collosal width to some people maybe it does show. String spacing is 19mm same as the 4-string for those whom want a wide spacing 5-string. Only downside is, if your like me and ride the pickups while playing it uses the same as the 6-string so...the pickup is very wide...It can create quite a reach to the G-string and confuse you into thinking the neck is wider than it really is. However, for slappers this bass is a sure fire shot! For a similar bass may I suggest you try the SR series? 16.5mm spacing, 34" scale length etc. [quote name='geoffbyrne' post='507992' date='Jun 8 2009, 10:09 AM']May I, Sir, humbly draw your attention to the following? [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=49411"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=49411[/url] Thank you. G.[/quote] OMG why didn't I see this before? MM / J combo...Ibanez...24 frets!!! DAMNATION!!! -
[quote name='bassmansky' post='504908' date='Jun 3 2009, 06:13 PM']you dont work too well with ashdown?pity because soundslive have a uk built 600w mag head for £240,result!ashdowns after sales service is the best around as well and imho that head would go well with the cab. [/quote] No sorry, don't get along with them for some reason. This is now my 2nd option however...but lets see how this month pans out...There be a lot of heads out there which are good. Good cabs are harder to find...But I already found one and I'm well happy with it. Finally got to put the Markbass SD800 though it after getting it...AGAIN excellent tone...but better through my TE 1048H than through the Markbass 4x10 cab...I even run the head full out for a few mins to see if my cab could take it...Even at that silly output level the speakers took it and wanted more...So, it's just the case of getting a good head...Not bothered about names when it comes to then but for cabs, it's gotta be Trace Elliot. Seems the 800 watt power handling is true.
Kongo replied to StevieD_FenderP2009's topic in Amps and Cabs For Sale
I'll trust this ruggidness...The new series TE gear is just as good.
These guys also do a Jazz humbucker too...Like an MM but not...can't remember the actual name for it's style...
New candidate for worst relic job ever
Kongo replied to BottomEndian's topic in eBay - Weird and Wonderful
[quote name='WarPig' post='489918' date='May 16 2009, 04:40 PM']You have to dab it with a wet tea bag too, make it look even more aged [/quote] Then bake it in the oven. I can see where they get these ideas now...It's those school scrolls / treasure maps you made as a kid! [quote name='Protium' post='501832' date='May 30 2009, 06:41 PM']And no thumb wear at the tops of the pickups.[/quote] Could at least have slathered some oil cooking on there! -
The overpriced listing to end them all
Kongo replied to lapolpora's topic in eBay - Weird and Wonderful
[quote name='JPAC' post='487095' date='May 13 2009, 05:49 PM']It says it's open to offers, offer 'em a quid, you never know. [/quote] Yeah...did that to some guy on the market for a Playstation (PSX not PSone) once...And yep, got it for £1 LOL! Well...he did say everything had to go. SO yeah, you never know. -
Yeah ok that is crap...I question the pickup and the cheap tuners...I HATE those ones that look decent from the peg head...but behind they are the cheap oblong cased version...WHich, BTW are actually held on with 2 screws not 4, 2 are dummies...go ahead, unscrew some and have a look...CHEEEEEEEAP!!!
[quote name='EssentialTension' post='505902' date='Jun 4 2009, 10:18 PM']Radial Bassbone is the answer if you don't mind paying out about £150 second hand - I've never regretted it.[/quote] +1 My reply was just that. [quote name='acidbass' post='505774' date='Jun 4 2009, 07:55 PM']Perhaps even a little 2 channel mixer, something like [url="http://www.absolutemusic.co.uk/shop/view_product.php?product=artpowermixii"]THIS[/url], though I'm sure there are cheaper options out there than that even![/quote] Great company, have delt with them before.
I got some love on my Trace Elliot tonight...Only my cab is Trace but that's for a good reason (and also cause I ain;t got a TE head yet lol!). Damn good sound! Great low end from my 4x10 tonight. Someone is missing out if they don't even look into this...Leave your lightweight at home and bring something that doesn't fart out next time you play! (Unless you've got a Barefaced cab...That I'll excuse)
[quote name='jmanfunk' post='505915' date='Jun 4 2009, 10:37 PM']It's a great bit of kit if your amp is indeed minus a semi-para. mid control. It's a real shame that Yamaha stopped production a while ago. I guess most people didn't know what it did or rather never saw a use for it. I had an Ebs outboard pre with a sweepable mid control and now a Genz Benz head with the same. It's a really useful control to have. Also, this is sold to the gent from the continent [/quote] I could use something with a sweepable mid, like a "Pre-shape" that Trace Elliot do but now everyone installs them (Peavey with "Contour" and Markbass with "VPF"). So if you could suggest something I could use with Parametric EQ and sweepable mid that'd be cool. What's the model you use you are on about?
[quote name='neptunehealer' post='505068' date='Jun 3 2009, 09:34 PM']I have a p-bass copy and the sound is dull. Just purchased some seymour duncan spb-3 pick-ups for it. Thing is after hearing some sound clips it sound too punky. I play ina diverse cover band for e.g.g the beatles, james brown and coldplay. I am worried are these pick-ups the wrong choice for me?[/quote] Your listening to someone elses fingers / pick / amp / DI unit / EQ. The pickup is fine. It's a modern sounding P-bass pickup but the sound is great. Defo not punky.
Become a "Go-Between"...it works for me. It happened from playing bass without learning a single song for over a year...just cause I got bored of it. Then when you play in a band you become "Independant". I don't mean solo I mean work with the drummers rhythm, then with the guitarists notes, then with the other guitarist or vocalist...The bass guitar has an awesome job that the uneducated don't realise: The power to change the direction of music ALONE! Even drop out...Sometimes I just drop out for a measure or 2 just to let the music breathe and the band might find something to do because of that. Become a sonic merchant...just never loose your time. Rhythm must be constant but a bassist will do this naturally.
[quote name='peteb' post='505698' date='Jun 4 2009, 06:44 PM']Cheers lads - just bought 3 sets[/quote] Went for the "Wholesale discount" option then? My fav string site...and guitar care / leads too! I LOVE the Kyser and Klassics polish they sell.
[quote name='LoneWalrus' post='503887' date='Jun 2 2009, 03:26 PM']Hi all, Thank you for welcoming me More replies than I got when I signed up to a guitar forum recently w00p![/quote] You'll find the bass world more welcoming, excepting and grown up that said world.
[quote name='peteb' post='505668' date='Jun 4 2009, 06:14 PM']Stringbusters seem to have run out of their stock of Elite Stadiums (standard gusge) just as I've used my last set! Does anyone know of any other places holding stock where I can get some cheap on-line? Cheers - Pete[/quote] www.stringsdirect.co.uk That's the ONLY place I shop for strings as they actually have what you want...or can get it. Plus, the price goes down the more you buy.