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Everything posted by Kongo

  1. [quote name='BassBunny' post='492776' date='May 19 2009, 10:28 PM']You mean likey so. [attachment=25551:G_L_L2500_1.JPG] But it ain't For Sale[/quote] Why you!
  2. [quote name='clauster' post='494114' date='May 21 2009, 12:05 PM']I'm thinking about P basses at the moment (well, for the last couple of years in truth). I played three Ps pretty much exclusively for my first 14 years as a bass player and that split single coil aat the sweet spot is how a bass should sound to me. But (and it's a HUGE but) my hands really can't cope with the width of a P neck. So I'm looking at P's with a J neck. I've been looking long and hard at Warmoth's website and I could put my dream bass together at a reasonable price. But I know what I'm like with DIY (two months to paint all four walls of a bedroom with two coats, 9 months and counting to even begin putting together a BFM cab) Off the shelf I can only find the Squier Pete Wentz (bargain price, good reviews, stupid graphic on the body and on the 12th Fret) and the Lakalnd Skyline DD (nice, but over my budget and for the same price I could get someone else to put together the bits of my choice from Warmoth). Is there anything else out there off the shelf which I'm missing?[/quote] DR Parts and WD Music have some J-bass necks you can buy for a reasonable price. I'm using a DR Parts maple neck on my P-bass and it's great so the J necks must be of same quality.
  3. [quote name='neepheid' post='494196' date='May 21 2009, 01:18 PM']Why not get a Precision/Jazz pickup configuration? That should cover most of the tonal bases. The rest is down to neck ergonomics and aesthetics.[/quote] I agree...you could get a P-bass special which is a P-bass body with a J-bass neck and a P/J pickup config. It's basically a P and J in one!
  4. [quote name='BottomEndian' post='494452' date='May 21 2009, 04:47 PM']Didn't even know it existed! It's not on Squier's website, so I guess it's a discontinued model. If you liked it for the price, snap it up -- it probably won't be there much longer![/quote] It is...they do a Jazz V now. These have been discontinued for a bit of time...not bad basses you get the classic 4-over-1 tuners to keep the neck nice and heavy and you get a P/J config. For the price you can't really loose so go for it man! I one day got to that thinking when I bought a Squier Jazz bass december last year and fell in love with the Fender Bass design after hating it for so long...they are just so comfortable! If only they put in the features I want!!! I'm using it in practise at the mo, it's a Squier but it's real good and it's a Jazz bass. (called Jizzy-B ) But that P-bass special is cool too! Best thing about Fender basses is, if you wanna change how it looks you don't need a paint job, the scratch plate can instantly change it!
  5. [quote name='obbm' post='493953' date='May 21 2009, 09:09 AM']Just to confuse you John, the Bass Terror is a hybrid. Although it has a valve pre-amp, the output stage is solid state and so should be regarded as such for output power and speaker impedance. I've searched and been unable to find a proper specification for it anywhere.[/quote] Oh hell! The new Trace Elliot 12 band heads are like that too! I don't quite understand it so much...
  6. [quote name='noirpunk' post='494281' date='May 21 2009, 02:29 PM']Also is the ohmage 8?[/quote] [quote name='Bill Fitzmaurice' post='494296' date='May 21 2009, 02:37 PM']Impedance.[/quote] Could be worse...coulda said "Pwmage"!!!
  7. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='494112' date='May 21 2009, 12:03 PM']I always wanted one but could never justify getting one. I started a thread a while ago about the SD1200. Now thats some power. I found the tone to be tighter and a bit more sterile than my MB heads, with a very nice quick attack on the lower strings that my heads cant produce. I "believe" the newer high powered heads (i wont say digital as i dont want to get in trouble with Alex ;-) use a different power stage and so are a bit warmer. Nice head though and i would still like one but cant see me ever getting one now the LMIII800 is out.[/quote] Whoa that's some rig man! (looking at Avatar) It's a quality head but out of my price range...unfortunate cause I've found my perfect tone on it and tried it with many cabs so it would work with mine too. I didn;t know at first...I got nothing but over sub, nasal or tinny sound but then I just messed with the mids a bit and all of a sudden I got the best tone I ever got! Tried it yesterday in another cab AGAIN! This time a Warwick Ned Pro...not my choice of cab but...yup! the tone was still there! Yoy get 450watts @ 8ohms too so even single cabs get power! Is that 1200watt version a stereo head or do you really get that power? Jeez that's aLOT if you do! and I bet it still weighs nothing. Oh but I'm not too keen on thier cabs. The 4x10 markbass cab with this looked like it was having trouble...But even the Warwick 4x10 last night didn't break up! I decided not to use the 18" with it this time...the room just fills up with sub bass! Hmmm maybe that warwick cab isn't so bad then but the markbass cabs don't seem as good as the heads. Light? yes. good? yes but not great.
  8. As a Claypool fan one of these would be nice! Are there no others out there?
  9. Been a lot of modded XBox's used on COD4 of late. Automatic noob-tubes? WTH!!! (360 that is)
  10. How many bumps? (uh-oh...now I've done it)
  11. I've been using this amp head for a few months now and I've plugged it into every cab I could (rehearsal cabs are always different, can't have dibs on them unlike the head ) and MAN! After getting used to dial EQ (I'm used to Graphic) I got a aquality sound that's consistant with many cabs so this head is awesome! It's also lighter than my BOSS ME-50B so it feels...When I first carried it I almost threw it it was so ultra light. Massive headroom too...It's got a clip light but it doesn't show until your about 3 o'clock (tested only, I don't need it that loud!!!) and seems to have almost infinite headroom. It's a shame they cost so much as I've built my tone on it for a few months now and it's not mine so one day we shall have to part ways. Has anyone else here tried or owned one? I'm well impressed!
  12. LOL when an Orange amp came into my band my rig was rendered...no good! The Orange Rockerverb is a quality amp and I wonder how the bass amps stack up? Not my bag though but it's interesting all the same.
  13. Pedal reserved.
  14. Kongo


    [quote name='7string' post='493730' date='May 20 2009, 09:42 PM']I was looking at this thread again and remembered that I started putting ramps on my basses in the late 1980's I had a Hohner Jack bass and I couldn't put my thumb in the right spot to play. I cut the side of a Kaolin and Morphine bottle (because it was thick plastic) and stuck it on the bass. It worked great but looked absolutely rubbish [/quote] Function over form I guess. My "Flight Deck" looks a bit odd I think but it works a treat for what I need. LOL it's just a piece of Foamalux board cut to shape and bolted onto the pickups. I used to want an Overwater bass...I still woulod but I'd not use it in my band so...alot of money for the bedroom! That being the case, I'd like some Overwater in my basses and having them do some work would be fine by me. They certainly help keep England on the map eh? (Or the UK as your from Scotland...)
  15. [quote name='skankdelvar' post='493848' date='May 20 2009, 11:51 PM']Can't speak for reggae or jazz, but blues-wise, I find the P gives you a classic plonky, uncluttered tone that I think sounds good in a band with multiple front-line instruments - e.g. two guitars, keys, and / or brass. That said, I prefer a Jazz, particularly in smaller outfits, fills out a bit more. Neck pick-up full on, bridge rolled back a little bit, tone likewise. Warm and yummy.[/quote] For Reggae a P-bass for sure for that classic sub, dub kind of tone. Roll off the tone a bit and there ya go. For Blues it's either way...depends on what kind of blues you play and how you want the bass to sound and feel. For Jazz...Jazz bass all the way for the range of tones. If just one? Well then the Jazz Bass because you can get a P-bass"esque" tone from rolling off the bridge and soloing the neck...but it's not got the ballsy sound of a P-bass. Also to note, Jazz and P-bass have completely different bodies and necks to take into consideration.
  16. Ok I'm selling a fair bit of stuff so I'm setting this here for folks to leave feedback for me. Oh and please take time to use the poll vote...I just gives an instant rating should anyone want to see quickly and not scroll down. Thanks.
  17. Bought this a year ago for £90, stomped it a few times but just could NOT find a good sound or use for it. It's in as mint condish as you can get...hell it's still on original battery and has the side sticker to put on. Comes boxed with everything it came when I bought it. Looking for about £50, will post. PM me if interested.
  18. [quote name='stingrayfan' post='492982' date='May 20 2009, 09:24 AM']1. Think the distribution in the UK never worked. When I called shops about Tributes a year or two ago, they said they had trouble getting hold of them. 2. A lot of the USA stuff is made to order. Means you great a custom bass but also means you don't see many hanging on the wall of guitar shops. 3. £500+ for a Tribute is a lot for the casual buyer. But you do get a hell of a lot of bass for the cash. If they could sort the distribution of the Tributes out in the UK, they'd sell on their own merits me thinks.[/quote] They have started appearing regularly in shops within the EU it seems to Europe is getting them. Look online and you can see Tributes appearing more and more...only a matter of time?
  19. [quote name='allighatt0r' post='493612' date='May 20 2009, 07:13 PM']but i can't justify two basses in the space of a fortnight![/quote] I did that a few months ago and felt rotten...It just feels wrong.
  20. [quote name='51m0n' post='493196' date='May 20 2009, 12:48 PM']Cheers, Ragnarok is a great name for a bass [/quote] Ragnarok is on the left. It's a fitting name I though. *picture is old*
  21. Does anyone know if bass strings count as "Scrap"? My local takes Stainless Steel and I play Stainless Steel strings. Jus an interesting question...
  22. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='493596' date='May 20 2009, 06:59 PM']Work and bands are eating all my time at the mo...[/quote] Same here man, same here. For a Ska looker you really can't beat this then. Plus being Ska I doubt anyone would care about the name...nor do I if it sounds good.
  23. I have decided to sell my Traben Array LTD 5-string in Natural Spalt Maple. I bought it 3 months ago for £420, took it home, played it for a few hours, took it to one rehearsal and decided it wasn't for me. The tone was to die for...the feel just wasn't right. I'll get some real pics up soon so you can see it...the Spalt is to DIE for on mine! The grain that has spalted is almost a mirror imagine on both sides. For now...here's one to see what a Traben Array LTD 5-string looks like. Reason for sale? I don't use it and it's a waste. There is nothing wrong with it as far as I have found so far and anyone near my neck of the woods is welcome to give it a try to see for themselfs. Info: 5-string 35" scale Natural Spalt Maple Body Basswood with Spalt maple top. 3 band active EQ 2 pickups: 1 MM style, 1 Soapbar (unusual combo) 1 x voume 1 x pan pot Not sure on neck diameter but it feels like an Ibanez thickness wise but more Fender Jazz in profile. So it's a fast neck, but not ultimatly flat. Fingerboard radius is also similar to Jazz bass IMO. The only thing I can say is it's got a HUGE tone to it and it's not nasal at all so you can cut through the mix without loosing low end easily and I go against 2 valve amps driving hard distortion with Drop-B tuned guitars. The bass is quite light too. I will post pics soon, I'm really seeing if there is interest here for it as it really needs an owner. Any questions, feel free to post or PM. I'm looking for a sale as I need the dosh to put towards my next bass but feel free to show me what ya got. I've not got a hard case, just the original box but I'm not too keen on sending it like that so collection or I could deliver depending on the location. I COULD pack it very well and send it if the buyer wants but I'd rather not. Thanks for looking.
  24. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='493283' date='May 20 2009, 02:09 PM']Oh hi! How's that bass working out? I was just glad to get shut of it. I'll have to have a think about this, I've been thinking about getting a cheap Jazz for my ska band (so I can stop using my Thumb and finally put some fresh strings on the poor thing).[/quote] These are very nice. It wont feel like your Thumb (obviously) but they don't feel cheap either. Pickups are good, not great but good but easy to upgrade. Solid finish too.
  25. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='493283' date='May 20 2009, 02:09 PM']Oh hi! How's that bass working out? I was just glad to get shut of it. I'll have to have a think about this, I've been thinking about getting a cheap Jazz for my ska band (so I can stop using my Thumb and finally put some fresh strings on the poor thing).[/quote] These are very nice. It wont feel like your Thumb but they don't feel cheap either. Pickups are good, not great but good but easy to upgrade. Solid finish too.
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