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Everything posted by Kongo

  1. That kid plays with such conviction when you look at his hands, yet seems spaced out in the face haha. Amazing! Hope he keeps that up...might wanna take his name for the future. X-D
  2. Peavey Grind and Ibanez SR series...BTB Series if you prefer wider spacing. Any cheaper than those I don't think are worth going into. Remember your adding "6-string" as well as "cheap". Can't compare them to 4-string prices. :-P
  3. It's a distraction, it keeps the easily entertained masses just that and makes them dream that they too could get on the TV and all will be good. But it's the stuff behind the scenes they don't know. Not everyone gets to be in front of that panel, there's a massive filtering system beforehand. They know what they want, a quick mass sale and that's it, back to your job in Tesco or wherever, feeling done in the backside and your dream was just a fleeting memory. Sad but true. I absolutely hate it, but that's because there's a world of music out there and yet all I hear is how great some X-factor contestant is. But then you stop and think, if this is what they want to believe, if this is what they want to dream and think as the ideal lifestyle, let them.
  4. Death - Lack of Comprehension.
  5. Don't bother with short scale, it's the neck shape she'll be needing. You can move your hand to stretch more than you think and besides, some 6' tall males have sausage fingers which aren't much longer than a short woman's. I'd go more towards a Jazz neck to help at the nut. It's going across that'll be harder than going along. :-)
  6. [quote name='fatback' timestamp='1352324932' post='1861817'] On the other hand, there's this: [url="http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/releases/5868.php"]http://www.medicalne...leases/5868.php[/url] [/quote] Providing your not over the Vitamin UI threshold. I wasn't saying don't take them, I was saying watch you don't OD on Vitamin A and D if you also take multivitamins. It'll make your joints hurt so bad you'll think you already have arthritis, not to mention it reduces bone density.
  7. I like these OLP's, just never find a use for them. Still have my OLP MM3. I'd mod it but the costs etc sometimes it'd be better to get the real deal. The neck sounds odd though, I reckon it would have adjusted. People who have little experience in setting up often neglect the truss rod and gain as low an action they can get with the bridge alone and then wonder why it's still hard to fret! X-D I'd have asked to take an Allen key to it. :-P
  8. [quote name='Nibody' timestamp='1349601436' post='1828043'] To poorly quote Billy Sheehan on anything with more than four strings "I have a couple of five strings at home. I find most people dont give enough time to get good on a four string first" *interviewer* -"How long is that?" *Sheehan* - "About 20 years" or something like that [/quote] Ah yes, from "IMHO", he speaks about "The Flinch" and this is one topic. I play no less than 5-string and mostly 6-string in my main band and he makes a good point, indeed I haven't gotten the most from a 4-string...But then playing one in my current band would be impossible. That being said, "The Flinch" goes both ways and I know that Billy can't play a 5-string+ as well as his 4-string, which is heavily modified to his needs so bad that he has a twin neck just so one bass can be tuned BEAD. X-D In other words, Sheehan himself is also "flinching" from 5-string as much as he says modern players "flinch" from the 4-string. :-P Love the guy, he's wise way beyond his experience and far from the shredder people think he is (He also speaks about that's all people post on Youtube from him) but I do have to criticise also haha.
  9. I have a 1998 Yamaha TRB6II who's original owner got the finish on the neck sanded off. I think the guy said he oiled or waxed it...can't remember. Well I've been using it for 4 years now and I've never touched it. No issues here. It hasn't blackened or started to rot and the neck never moves even this time of year. I imagine it'd be wise to oil the neck or something but I gotta say I love the feel of a non-lacquered neck...and I HATE painted necks also!
  10. If you really can't feel the difference, place your fingers on the 1st four frets, one finger per fret, and hold them there. Do this on both 34" and 35" scale, THEN you'll notice the difference. :-P In all honesty I'd like to not use 35" scale when it comes to technicality. It does require more stretching but you don't notice if you keep to them and practise a lot. That being said, 34" scale is long enough (just right when I think about it) but sonically never sounds as tight to me. Plus, the bass models I like all come in 35" scale, go figure. Strings are also a LOT easier to buy for 34" scale! Less restriction on gauge too.
  11. A wide strap will help with weight. P-basses are light if you use wide spaced 6-string basses regularly :-P but I can't even feel the weight of them with a 4" leather strap. Keep your wrists STRAIGHT, it's easy to slouch and put your elbows towards your ribs and have bent wrists. Poor for blood flow and doesn't help tendon sheaths. Someone above mentioned Cod Liver Oil. I'd like to post what no one has and say that can actually BE your problem instead. Cod liver oil contains a lot of vitamin A, if you already have enough in your system this will trigger vitamin toxicity. Vitamin A overdose will cause chronic joint and muscle pain, which can be confused as injury or disability. Seems to be a rarely known fact. If you already take multivitamins with Vitamin A in it, Cod liver oil can easily put you well over the recommended UI.
  12. Ooft VERY nice! One day in the future, when I have more money and more regular gigs to warrant, I want a Modulus Quantum, 5 and 6-string. This a truss rod model I take it? Some seem to be devoid of them.
  13. These are listed as being 16.5mm.
  14. I think it's more, at least in my experience, that people like the idea of being in a band but not the actual hard work. More so these days when venues are harder to fill the "glamour" some expect just isn't there. It's easier when you've gained reputation and material as the question of "will this go anywhere" is already answered at least by the dedication of your band. Recently had to find a new vocalist for mine, which took me the effort of going home and making a call. But back when we started, finding a drummer and guitarist was very difficult.
  15. Billy Sheehan explained this issue in one of his DVD's. He hated that when you touched the poles on the original Fender pickups they would buzz. He coated them with Epoxy. Could work. Then again he also routed with a hammer and chisel and scalloped the last 4 frets with a Dremel. X-D
  16. [quote name='LeftyJ' timestamp='1351853057' post='1856117'] I had to replace the jack on my first TRB once as well. At some point it just wouldn't properly make contact anymore and I would briefly lose my signal once in a while. I'm not a fan of those enclosed jack buses. If it keeps spinning, check if the original rubber ring on the outside and the toothed bushing on the inside of the cavity are still in place. Those should squeeze the jack in place when tightened. [/quote] I de-soldered, removed, cleaned and re-soldered it (properly, unlike previous repair someone did)...I did not notice a rubber ring! 8-O Should it have an o-ring on it? Hmmm. Toothed bushing was there. I stuffed a load of jiffy bag behind it and put Loctite on the thread, tightened it shut. I noticed that the inside spins separate from the sleeve, the input and output wires spin and the earth, which is attached to the sleeve, remains still. I set it so they can't move much due to hitting the earth but I'll be damned that that may too rip it's wires out. I put up a post in the repairs side. I need help if this doesn't work because I'm running out of wire! :-( Then I'll be needing to find one of those 4 wire pin things as they aren't separate. I'd prefer to just use a standard jack but I see no way of mounting it.
  17. Not too skinny but at the same time I came to realise a few years ago I don't like too much tension. I hate flobby strings but at the same time too much tension doesn't work with how I attack and dig in. I have 130, 100 and 80 on my low strings, of which I will go down to Bb standard with fine. I might up by.5 for D-standard but they work. Then there's 65, 45 and 30 for my higher strings...I guess I use a combination of both. :-P
  18. Hey guys, so I love my Yamaha TRB6II, I really do but there's something that's getting old now; No matter what I do eventually it seems to like pulling it's wires out. I can't for the life of me stop the damn jack from rotating, I tighten it enough but this involves constantly taking the back plate off. I make sure not to rotate my lead when putting it in but movement alone does this, I can't stand like a statue. I've seriously tried everything and very soon I'll have none of the white wire left, it's on it's 5th re-solder on that and 3rd resolder of the earth wires. It looks like a standard barrel jack. I've tried jamming foam and the like behind it but over time it just works grooves into it and freely moves again. Soon this bass will be going on the road with me and it's pulled a wire out and died on me mid-rehearsal a few times, I don't want this happening live. I always make sure to check it before hand but my point is this shouldn't be happening. Can anyone suggest something to try? Am I alone with this issue or is it known? Any help would be appreciated. :-)
  19. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1351771445' post='1855121'] I use solid copper wire from mains cable offcuts I scavenge for the earth between pots in guitars, solid wire means if the pot comes loose it can't rotate. Screened wire from Maplins for the signal path, massive pile of scavenged wire, bundles from washing machines being scrapped for spares, that stuff is good because its silicone sleeved for head resistance in some places, which means no burnt ends. [/quote] I always wondered why earth wirings on a lot of my basses have solid wires instead of sleeves ones. Thinking about it now this makes sense. :-)
  20. [quote name='chrismuzz' timestamp='1351713781' post='1854599'] I've never seen an SR506 like this before. They all have that browny red colour now. Nice! [/quote] I reckon it's a yankee version. They have a lot more choice in finishes and fingerboards than we do. You can get these with maple fingerboards also. :-) That price is very reasonable and besides, you don't see that finish too often.
  21. [quote name='HADGE' timestamp='1351806214' post='1855777'] [i]Well said kongo my bet woudl be a yamaha rbx 170 or 270 i have the 270 and its a terrific little bass[/i] [/quote] If one can afford an extra £20 (might be more now) the RBX 270 is quite an improvement, adding a tone pot over dual volume and better body wood. There's one for sale around here that's been upgraded to DiMarzio pickups I believe? Anyway, the choice is to the OP. Sounds like your taken by an Ibanez? Not a bad thing tbh, they are really easy to play and built well. I used to love them and still do but over time I realised thin necks aren't really needed for speed and I don't like them flat as a pancake. Doesn't work well with my thumb and fingers in the long run.
  22. [quote name='Doddy' timestamp='1331833814' post='1579705'] Don't fall into the trap of camping out in the lower range. Too many people do when first moving to a 5 string and rather than making the music sound 'heavy',it can end up sounding a lot emptier,depending on the instrumentation of the music. I'd recommend familiarising yourself with the extra string by extending regular scale and arpeggio exercises over the five strings-it will allow you to play 2 octaves with minimal shifts-no shifts at all if you use extended fingerings. [/quote] I realise this is an old reply, apologies (I didn't bump this though :-P) but this is true. I don't play much under 5-string these days but that's for needs. That being said, even in my main band who are tuned down to B (Drop-B but I keep to standard) I prefer to root around the E string. I like the thought of the Low-B being there to "go down to" rather than "camp" on it. (I like that quote btw). 6-string adds two strings and keeps the main 4 as the "centre", a 5-string is the same but only adds a string below. Even in bands that use the low notes a lot more you'll find better bassists don't camp out and instead move around. Great example of that is Alex Webster from CC's "Vile" era onwards, switched to 5-string because of the new tuning but doesn't keep to the ultra low end to sound "heavy". Try playing what you would on a 4-string but remember you can go down as well. Visualise octave and inversion possibilities as you play. Does a lick or run go up and up? try going up half way, then drop down an octave lower and crawl up again. That's a great way of using 5-string, it gives some interesting note choice possibilities. An otherwise cheesy run can sound quite out there. This is hard to explain in text. Maybe take a song that uses drop-D as well? My main reason for a low-B was because as everyone knows, I hate "dropped" tuning. I will "detune" but not drop. I dunno, I guess RATM is all I can think of. Learn a song in that tuning but on a 5-string. The 3rd fret will be your D note. Also, notice that because of this the 5th fret is your open E? Is an open E tripping you up on a certain riff? Is muting it causing an unnecessary movement? Are the frets a little too far apart for the lick? Do the higher strings not sound as good for the lick as the lower ones higher up the board? Do you need to then go up the board AFTER the lick? Use the 5th fret on the low-B. The options are endless my friend. :-D
  23. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1351709931' post='1854511'] If it turns out to be a scam, give them the run around as much as you can, if everyone does that, it will become not worth the time for them. [/quote] Scam trolling...I like this idea.
  24. Lovely finish and scratch plate. Christmas present anyone? Bump for a hot rod candidate.
  25. Very nice bass indeed. 34" scale length and easier to play than the BTB series. Great workhorses too and the necks don't feel so unnatural on these. Uncommon finish also. Put up a price dude, it will help with the sale AND keep the mods happy. :-P
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