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Everything posted by Kongo

  1. Aaaaaaaaaw yeah! That's a cracking LTD all right. Proper high quality model, no cheapy here (not that LTD ever feel cheap). I wish you luck with the sale, much as I love ESP / LTD I prefer the Forest series myself. Nonetheless, great bass. Seriously, if this sits on here with little interest I'll wonder what's going on around this place.
  2. If memory serves these also have a "pre-shape" filter like contour control. Useful alternative to the Trace Elliot tone. I almost bought the more powerful version of this once. Real solid stuff. They ain't too heavy either, just heavier than people want these days. X-D
  3. Yet another LTD on here that seems to have...well no interest. Why, I wonder? These have to be some of the best built basses for your money, by far better built than both Yamaha and Ibanez. Forget "stigma" you don't need to play metal to play an LTD...just look at that finish!
  4. Now sold. Thanks all. :-)
  5. Forgot to say, on hold.
  6. PM's replied to. :-)
  7. For sale here is my almost never used BOSS OC-3 Super Octave. One of many effects I got over the past year or so thinking "That'll come in use" and then I realise I don't use effects...sooooo... It's the version with the "Mode" dial and also has a "Drive" mode, so it can be used as an OD pedal also, kind of, if you wish. It has dedicated Bass AND Guitar inputs, standard output and Direct Out. Never used the polyphonic mode as I'm not a guitarist so I can't say how well that works. Tracking is pretty good, just make sure harmonics and / or other strings aren't ringing out or it'll "glitch". Comes complete with box and instructions. I think the warranty is still in there as well will have to check. Has a small surface scratch near the switch, which you can see in the photo. It came with this unfortunately, the rest of the casing is mint and shiny as it should be. Selling for £60 Inc. P&P. As anyone will tell you that has dealt with my, it WILL be packed to survive a nuclear apocalypse, so should any bombs drop soon you can rest assured it will arrive as it left. :-D Bank transfer is preferred. With "Teh Internetz" today you don't even have to leave home to do so. :-) Thank you for looking. :-) [attachment=118084:IMG_0181.JPG][attachment=118085:IMG_0182.JPG][attachment=118086:IMG_0183.JPG]
  8. [quote name='symbolic' timestamp='1342802096' post='1741281'] Sent you a PM regarding this, exactly the bass that I've been looking for over the last few weeks, perfect for the death metal that I play! [/quote] Oh dude, it'll be more than perfect for Death Metal. Yes indeed! (Not at all adding to the stigma that's all that these are used for). :-P
  9. [quote name='TJ Spicer' timestamp='1342481661' post='1736079'] Yeah, it looked similar - Can't say I'm a fan, he uses an ESP standard series though and it's 5 string right? Yeah, it's definitely WAY more versatile than doing that, but if it fit's that bill I'm not going to complain! I don't play metal so it don't be perturbed by it's looks... [/quote] Nope, 4-string. Thrash metal bassists rarely move from 4-string, the tuning isn't so heavy to warrant it. Not such a fan of Thrash myself, but I'd still have his bass if I could. But indeed, people shouldn't be put off by looks. Actually, this model, which is the "Forest" series, isn't supposed to be spikey. It's design is based on Vines etc, hence the horn sculpts. Fantastic sounding basses though. The resonance on these is rarely seen at such a price.
  10. Wrong model of bass, but yeah a Slayer fan might like that...bit of a waste IMO though, could do so much more with it. :-P
  11. BEAUTIFUL! I love the Forest series! Not enough respect for LTD's on here, built way better than Ibanez IMO and the necks actually feel natural too instead of being flat as a pancake. If it grew another string by some miracle, I'd be highly tempted...Oh wow that fingerboard motif is sensational!
  12. Warms my heart...Exactly the same make, model and finish as my 1st bass...10 long years ago. Still near and dear. Pretty solid for their price and will take a newbie up to...Well...It has 24 frets, P/J combination. In the world of 4-string bass this can do ANYTHING! From beginner to Wooten.
  13. Amazing! But my bass quota is already tip top atm...These never come up for sale when I'm able to purchase! I'd use this badboy with my TRB6II. That motif on the fingerboard is legend!
  14. How odd, my stacked mid pot does exactly the same thing. AND it's in the rarer Trans Red. :-) These basses are sweet to play. Slap players will enjoy the wide spacing, which on this model is the same as a 4-string.
  15. [quote name='chrismuzz' timestamp='1340977952' post='1712352'] +10000 I was on acne medication that was basically high amounts of Vitamin A and it made all my joints ache incredibly. It also causes muscle breakdown. I was advised not to exercise or even play bass for about a year! [/quote] It is a little known fact, so I'm made aware. So many on medication etc fall under this...and as a musician your quite likely to hit it. Many using their joints for a while take to Cod Liver Oil...nothing wrong with that...Then they also take multivitamins...Cod Liver Oil already has 100% RDA of Vitamin A, add the other 100% Vitamin A in the multivitamins and over the space of a week you'll start feeling the effects of toxicity. This makes many believe they have arthritis when in fact, it's their "daily supplements" having a negative effect. :-)
  16. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1340397278' post='1704130'] Dean still make some lovely instruments but unfortunately, like BC Rich, they get classed as low end heavy metal guitars by people who have never seen or played the older US models. [/quote] Same with ESP / LTD and Ibanez in some respects. Although low end when some will cost you £2500 is no joke. Such a shame people forget an instrument doesn't play itself. :-P
  17. Gotta put out some love for LTD's! Finally got a Forest 5-string today. Surely not everyone here is a Jazzer? Someone want a bass with balls that will, I repeat, WILL play any genre of music you want? You really can't go wrong with a Surveyor. It's a Jazz bass with over 9000db output! X-D
  18. Ah the old "Fake it until you make it" gag. X-D
  19. [quote name='chrismuzz' timestamp='1340900657' post='1711326']Remember, on a properly setup bass you can achieve a much lower action with heavy gauge strings! [/quote] That's what the general census seems to say...Yet I always seem to be the other way round? Hmmm but then again, maybe it's technique? Take my Yamaha TRB6II...very well made bass so the fretwork is fantastic (although the years are beginning to show). Last gauge was .25 .45 .65 .85 .105 .135, action pretty damn low. Now I've gone back to .30 .45 .65 .80 .100 .130 I can get it lower, same on my cheaper basses, whereas before the string would always catch a higher fret. other than tension...I do wonder the physics behind this. But yeah, high action causing pain? Unless your playing some sloooooow Blues lines or something it's not worth keeping action high any more. More wear on hands. Oh and a random note...also cause of hand pain? Too much Vitamin A...True story. :-P
  20. [quote name='TRBboy' timestamp='1340841990' post='1710531'] I'm sold! Dunno what to do with the D'addarios though? They only did a 2 hour studio session last week, but obviously I cut them to fit my bass (3+2 headstock), so I can't really sell them...... [/quote] Keep em as spares. I used Roto's for a bit but quickly came back. That tone your enjoying won't last, that's if one doesn't snap whilst tuning. That's my experience with em anyway. Aching hands though? Careful dude. If things get too tough during a song and it's just rehearsal, back off and shake off when you can. RSI / Carpel Tunnel LOVES to jump you at those moments. Few years ago I was minding my own business when all of a sudden...BOOM my hand stopped working and pain shot all over...RSI from nowhere. 2 months healing and THEN getting them back to strength after.
  21. [quote name='thodrik' timestamp='1340654273' post='1707717'] Recently strung my Viger Arpege with the DR DDTs heavy gauge which is 55-135. It works fine for tuning a whole tone down. I would have thought that they would have at least had a 140 or more for B, but the 135 works fine for A though, which is as low as I need. Still the 55 and 75 are fairly tight at F and C respectively but eminently usable. Personally I think something like 50 - 70 - 95 - 115 - 140 would have been a lot more balanced but I have found it difficult to source many five string sets with anything bigger than a 105 on the E string. I might stick with the DRs as the tone is way better than what I was using (even when I was tuned to standard), but the cost is seriously offputting. Before that I was pretty much a 45 -130, with it usually being Rotosound or Ernie Ball. [/quote] Although it costs a slight bit more, I'd buy a 4-string set in the heavy gauge with the .110 and then add a low-B to it. It's what I did back in the "armour cable" days. X-D
  22. I recently got my one of these back out of storage...In electric blue. My first bass all those years ago, learned every technique I know on it. The build quality on this puts them into Intermediate range I'd say, with plenty of money left to spend on stuff to go with it. PJ config...24 frets, a lovely neck, simple passive electronics...What you have here is a 4-string that can do ANYTHING a 4-string can ripe for upgrade if you so wish. If a beginner buys this...oh are you spoiled, the world of bass is open to you! :-)
  23. [quote name='TRBboy' timestamp='1340483343' post='1705201'] Interesting stuff.....! Is your 5er strung through the body or something? I used standard long scale D'addario Prosteels on my TRB (35" scale) and they fitted fine. In fact, if you check D'addario's website they state that their long scale are suitable for a string scale length of up to 36.25"! Think I may get on stringbusters.com in a minute and order some of those .040" - .125" and give them a go. I'm sure I've wasted £20 on worse things! [/quote] Nope, through bridge. Yamaha TRB6II, so 35" scale. The taper towards the headstock falls shy of the nut. :-/
  24. Used to have one here in my city like that, until it went bust...then got bought out...then finally died again. Even as I became a better player I felt bad going in there all the time because most of the staff were so condescending if you asked almost anything and would hardly ever help. I used to feel so stupid when I just started out asking any questions and so...my relationship with online purchases started. :-) [quote name='Jack' timestamp='1340469986' post='1704967'] I hate this, went in to Guitar Guitar in Newcastle specifically to look at a MB Fusion (I asked for it by name), I was shown to the Aguilar Tone Hammers, because they're "much better than anything GK makes and much, much smaller than those massive GK heads". [/quote] This also. My 2nd bass was a 6-string, I got it online in the end but I went to Nottingham once as they have loads of music shops and one I went to did actually have a 6-string but it was £1500. The reply I got when I said that was too much was a few things...1st I got "You won't find 6-string basses much cheaper than that"...Which got me to hand him the Peavey brochure I picked up in a shop previous...So, having a subtle smack in the face I then got "Well, you never need more than 4-strings anyway...what are you, a guitarist?"...Riiiiiiiight. A newer shop in my city currently however...staff as helpful as you like...for now.
  25. I have waaaaaaaaay too many basses now. I used to buy them to use in my only band but it got silly...mostly just testing different types to find what I liked really. However more recently I decided that 2 of my 6-strings, one fretted, one not, are for the band. The rest I am using at home now I've gotten back into learning songs etc so I can have a main in the band and main at home etc. I've given them different jobs / tunings etc the only issue is they are of so many different brands, spacings and scales it's a menace to muscle memory at times. I'd shed them and buy more similar models but tbh, I've seen people put em up around here and most wouldn't shift without mass undercuts so...I'm stuck with em. X-D It's a problem sometimes I agree...I always wanted "The One" but in all honesty, unless you always play one genre, band and tuning...you'll never get it. Like a variety of tools in a box, each bass has it's different use. However, I would suggest trying to get them as similar to each other as you can. ;-) [quote name='cloudburst' timestamp='1340388357' post='1703989'] How do you get rid of GAS? Is there any cure? [/quote] Nope, your terminal. X-D
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