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Everything posted by stinson

  1. [quote name='benwhiteuk' post='312863' date='Oct 23 2008, 11:50 AM']Schroeder 1210 or 1212 on its side? Lovely set up.[/quote] Spot on and cheers!
  2. [quote name='eude' post='312861' date='Oct 23 2008, 11:48 AM']Nice setup dude. What's the cab? Eude[/quote] Cheers my man. Its a Schro 1212L. Had a good few months with it now and with the Littlemark and all of those basses it sounds amazing in rehearsal and live, plenty of bottom end delivers the rich tone Ive been after at silly volume.
  3. [attachment=15115:P1010071.JPG] Let the neighbours see what's been disturbing them
  4. stinson

    RIP Leftysteve

    Sincere condolences . Prayers go out to you.
  5. [attachment=13173:P1010046.JPG] Here's mine. Fandabydosy
  6. I'm going to try all diferent ways. Read a few threads where people had tried it this way up and found it agreeable. Just set it up quickly in the study so it wasn't really intentional. Ideally onstage I'd have it the way it was built and raised off the ground. But my God this set up thumps
  7. Here's a crap pic of the new rig [attachment=13045:P1010046.JPG]
  8. Will do. Might check if the neighbour's in later, if not I'll crank it up. First impressions tho is it is alot deeper sounding than I was expecting...which is nice!
  9. We were obviously in the same shipment. Just picked mine from Parcelforce this morning! Had to pay an extra £53 for some reason. Anyhow, all Ive managed to do is unpack it, stick the lm11 through it and give it a quick low volume burst. It all sounds very promising with my Jazz and P with flats. Taking it to London tmrw for a rehearsal and a full workout. Will get some pics done when the weather cheers up a bit! Very excited
  10. Definetely. I'll be putting an mxr m80 in front of it to ad a tad of dirt, see how that goes. Look forward to your review!
  11. Superb, thanks for the response. I basically need one becuase Im gigging a bit more regularly and need something thats easy to lug around as I now have a repaired hernia that I dont want popping again and I want the volume at my finger tips and something that will pair up nicley with my LMII and Precisions. I got turned onto Schroeders through WOTs and Daves excellent detailed exploits and lurking on TB where they have a very loyal fan base. I have no doubt that I'll be blown away. Jorg is a joy to do business with.
  12. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='269418' date='Aug 25 2008, 12:09 PM']My 410L was on my doorstep in just over two weeks...[/quote] Yeah, I remember yours being very speedy. Mine's been about 2 weeks now and I'm chomping at the bit. I shall try and remain patient and not bother the mighty Jorg.
  13. I've got Jorg building me a 1212L at the mo. I wonder if its the same spec as that?! Out of interest, how long has it taken for you to get to this stage?
  14. Just got hold of the Markbass bag from Thomann. Pricey but fits like a glove and I love the ease of the front and back zips.
  15. I love that bass! Owned a few JV's and SQ's and regreted selling them all. If I can shift my USA P I might be interested in this.
  16. Ive been looking forward to seeing this. Absolutely superb. That fretboard looks absolutley monster.
  17. Just picked up Mag 210 cab off Stu. He even got out of bed early as I arrived a tad before schedule! Top man and a pleasure to do business with.
  18. Congrats Andy, that looks like a superb effort.
  19. Good suggestions. He used it towards the end of The Clash and with [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KOUfqUBBbOg"]Havana 3am[/url] Would love to know if he used/uses flats or rounds!
  20. Regardless, the man is a legend. Cheers for the shots 99ster, I love seeing pics of that bass. I really want to know if that is a replacement neck or whether he painted the headstock. it has a skunk stripe at the back os am confused! I love his playing, was listening to the crooked beat just last night.
  21. That does look very nice, tho doesnt have original pick guard, needs two holes at top for thumb rest. Might be interested though!
  22. [quote name='gareth' post='248741' date='Jul 27 2008, 01:53 AM']In due course, could you let us know how the 62 compares tone-wise mainly but also other aspects, to the 66 and the 70's basses. I know this is subjective, but you are probably in a rare category of players that has experienced all these different era fender basses. It is a wonderful bass you have - many congratulations![/quote] +1 I still think my 75 and 78 are the finest P's Ive heard and played. I would love to know what these 'holy grail' basses are all about.
  23. Good lord, you sir are an animal! would love to hear what some of these beauties sound like.
  24. Had my rosewood 75 Precision re fretted at The Gallery. Absolutely top notch job. Real care and attention to detail and very reasonable price.
  25. The best Jazz Ive played and owned for 20 years is my Korean Squire, quite weighty but delivers that beautiful 'nasaly' tone with the front pup rolled slightly off. Worst one Ive played and owned for a week was a mim, was bloody awful in every way. Heard good reviews of the MIA's but you've really got to go and play for yourself, every guitar is diferent.
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