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Posts posted by woodyratm

  1. [quote name='6v6' timestamp='1396431056' post='2413391']
    Bit harsh but I tend to agree.

    Sounds like the communication could have been handled better, but plenty of people (myself included) play in more than one band without issues.

    I don't really get the "loyal to just one band" thing at all, provided you have the time to play with different bands and be sufficiently committed, mix it up and play with them IMO, it's all good experience.

    I agree you should take your time and see how things work out rather than just quitting.

    +1 :blink:

    I don't fully understand - you're in a 3 piece, which does covers? But your guitarist and drummer are forming/reforming a band from years gone by, playing originals?
    As someone else said above, if you've been together for 4 years and are still enjoying gigging - then why leave? Surely thats a case of cutting your nose of despite your face?

    Having two bands on the go isn't that hard to do. If gigs start being cancelled and what not, then yeah - look again. But I think you're worrying for no reason.

  2. [quote name='thepurpleblob' timestamp='1396355514' post='2412586']
    There was a massive discussion - that got very heated - about a year ago that basically asked if it was acceptable to 'flip' basses for profit.

    Essentially - a bass is worth whatever you want to pay for it. You only get ripped off if you get conned into paying more than it is worth to you. "Worth" is a tricky concept...

    Yeah that was my thought process.

  3. [quote name='cetera' timestamp='1396352712' post='2412529']
    A suggestion for all. If you see a rare bass for sale on here - do a google search and see if it was for sale elsewhere recently. You may find, as I did, that someone is selling a bass on here for at least £800 (!!) more than he bought it for just days ago....
    I'd hate to see anyone fall into the trap...

    Is the bass worth £800 more?

  4. I sent a mail to Andertons asking them to confirm...

    "[size=2]Hi Dave, these have been delayed slightly from the original date expected. We are hoping to see these through around the 10/04 at the latest."[/size]


  5. Andertons still showing as 31st. I'm still wondering if one will appear at my door in the next week.

    EDIT: But an email I got from them said 31st of May.


  6. [quote name='ThePapabull' timestamp='1395266730' post='2400568']
    Hi Woodyratm, gigs are inevitably loud ( but your point is good one) i can't exercise much control re volume. What does uncouple the cab mean….. I should explain I've only been playing bass for 2 years and am really a tenor/alto sax player at heart. (30 years) . I really enjoy practise and playing but this room is sending me around the BEND!!!!

    Get it off the floor :) back in the day i used a beer crate thing.

    You might be getting boomyness from the floor. Also try and get out front if you can. Might be sounding pants next to you but amazing in the crowd. :) (im on my phone so havent seen your vid)

  7. [quote name='TG Flatline' timestamp='1394810952' post='2395520']
    The effects loop will be parallel, so you can add your sub in under distortion, modulation, delay - whatever you fancy really!

    Available now with custom etch, I've not got the artwork drawn up for this one yet but I've got three projects with T-65s on the go as we speak! I hope to have it on the website by the end of April ideally.

    Oi back in the workshop you :P

    I might be joining this queue for the octave... But an LPF also sounds tasty...

    You bad man! :P

  8. I know you've just possibly ordered one, but if you're willing to drop >£1k on a bass, why not look at getting one built?

    One of my requirements of my purple beastie was it had to be pretty light. Not sure on weight atm - but it's insanely lightweight. No idea what Rich did but you don't even feel the weight really!

  9. And thanks to an issue completely outwith my control - I wont back in the UK till Tuesday. :(
    So much for my offshore trip being 2 nights offshore...

    I've PM'd Alan to say I won't be coming now so my weekend ticket should be up for grabs.



  10. Hello - I was getting wrist pain pretty badly a little while ago.

    Went to the doctor and was suspected of CTS too. I was told to wear a wrist support (the ones with the metal rod) whilst sleeping to try and keep my wrist in the correct angle. I also was advised to get an ergonomic mouse for work (I work in IT) - so now got a funcy joystick looking thing.

    Did the nerve tests and found no issues...Until the doctor asked what my hobbies were. I mentioned bass (whilst miming with my hands), to which he said "Hold up, do that again... is that where your right hand sits?"
    I agreed - quick test found I was somehow trapping the nerve whilst playing! Changed my technique slightly and strengthened my wrists with exercise. Not much pain or issue now! Still get the odd flare up but it's controllable.

    Hopefully the nerve testing reveals whats wrong :)

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