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Posts posted by woodyratm

  1. Is (Are) the guitarist(s) playing fully down to D (Eg DGCF) or just the E string to D?

    I've always been okay just dropping the E with my standard string (Elixer Nanoweb - .105 E string), I use a Hipshot Xtender on one of my basses. Need to order another for my other.

  2. [quote name='GazWills' timestamp='1388762631' post='2325759']
    Oooooh - supet fuzz as in univox / Fy-6 superfuzz?? Let us know what it's like if that's the case :)

    Nah - TK-421-X (rat kinda with hpf) and grand tarkin (moof) with ability to blast em both and blend. With cyborg ninja artwork (mgs). Hopefully chaos in a pedal!

  3. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1386343030' post='2299054']

    I wouldn't mind checking out that Alesis. Even if hasn't got crazy range, it's great just to get rid of a cable. Cack that it looks to have a harwired cable though... in the wrong place too. Alesis naughty in hiding that fact with a big "new" circle posted over it too. Proper penny pinching in action :(

    Its not bad - but the hardwired cable is a little annoying.

  4. [quote name='FretNoMore' timestamp='1386977916' post='2307245']
    Only a small change today ... I had to take the very cool Starla tremolo pedal off the board - nice at it is I really
    don't have much use for it in the current band - and replace it with a much more useful TC Electronic Hall Of Fame.

    The tremolo pedal will have to go to an experiments board at home for the time being, maybe I can come up with
    something that lets it come back on the main board eventually. :)



    (For those who wonder, The G30, Thumpinator, SABDDI and Suhr buffer are hidden under the upper shelf)

    Hah! I was sitting reading the chain and actually was trying to figure out why the weren't shown!

    Scrolling down works.

    Nice board!

  5. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1387293163' post='2310358']
    Check this thread-


    It's great that more and more units are beginning to appear.

    I noticed the Alesis one - not crazy on the pack and cable configuration but for that money, if it works, that's a great system. I wouldn't want to venture far from the receiver but in terms of just getting a cable out of the way, it's got to be a winner. I know cables that have cost more than that Alesis unit! Would be great to hear feedback on the Alesis kit.

    I tested in the other day, walked about 30/40 feet and was still working great. I think it could go further.
    The cables annoyed me, but as you said. - 65 is not bad. Gets one cable away from my feet at least!

  6. [quote name='lefrash' timestamp='1387909318' post='2317163']
    I bought woodyratm's Frederics green russian Fuzz, and managed to squeeze a collection in before the depot closed tonight! So does that count? Although I bought it for myself, he did wrap it up nicely for me!

    an xmas fuzz!

    Enjoy man! :)

  7. [quote name='bakerster135' timestamp='1387537342' post='2313030']
    Oooooh, what does it do!? And is that image from Metal Gear Solid!? :)

    Yep - it is! Hoping to have a few MGS themed units (Fanboi) - just mailed Tom about a few other ideas I've had kicking around.

    It's an LS-2 on steriods, switches for channel A then B and the 2nd switch is for A + B with level controls for each channel. Also phase switches too.
    Sounds amazing with the B7K and Oxide together.

    Tom's a brilliant dude - and made the whole process easy and painfree (for me at least ;) )

  8. Hey guys,
    Looking to sell this - bought the wrong one so it's not needed.
    Sent from the states just last week and has literally been opened, quickly sized on the bass - realized I was a spanner and ordered the wrong size.

    Looking for £45 delivered since it is completely brand new :)

    I'll also trade for the 3/8 version (in black).



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