Hi all,
My former guitarist and I are pretty much changing all our stuff.
He's asked me to list this - given it's some cool toys.
"[b]Parker p-38[/b]. kitted with a Bareknuckle Pickups Supermassive P90 and push-button kill switch. Has a piezo trem system. Lovely guitar, sounds massive. Looking for [b]£500[/b] for this guitar.
[b]Marshall Valvestate 120/120 poweramp[/b] - use this to power the pod - a great poweramp, very clean sound. Controls do not colour the sound, but works very well with PODs/Guitar rig setups. From the same family as the 8008 etc. Looking for [b]£100[/b] for this, rack bag included.
[b]Pod HD500[/b] - needs no introduction, top of the POD floorboard mountain. has the most recent update installed, info here - [url="http://www.dv247.com/guitars/line-6-pod-hd500-guitar-amp-modelling-effects-pedal--76074"]http://www.dv247.com/guitars/line-6-pod-hd500-guitar-amp-modelling-effects-pedal--76074[/url]. Looking for [b]£300[/b] for this, carry case included.
Here are the links from him (they appear massive so I wont imbed..)