[quote name='thunderbird13' timestamp='1334133261' post='1611214']
In my opinion there are a LOT of idiots out there in music and you tend to come across them in auditions and I could go into the problems I've had but I'll save that for another day
The one thing that I'm curious about is as the band gets more professional does their attitude improve ?
For example I'm pretty much at the botttom of the food chain, my gear isn't great and my playing isn't in any way special so the bands I try out for are the ones who will play a gig in a local pub on a Tuesday night in front of 5 people and consider it a big deal. Unfortunatley the people I meet for audtions are generally not that nice and seem to have an inflated view of their own importance
Do the bands that are higher up ,make money out of it and are better musicians behave more professionally ?
I would say no...
I went for a function band audition a few weeks ago (£500-1000 per night), asked which songs they'd like me to learn - so they sent me the set list of about 90 songs. I asked if they had a selection they'd like to do and was told "Nah just anything mate". Hmm fair enough....
Went to the audition after learning about 10 songs of their set only to be told each time "Oh we havent done that one in ages - dunno if I can remember it."
Had to pretty much learn other songs they'd been doing on the spot, Managed to do them to an alright level and finished up feeling slightly confident about blagging it.
"Yeah mate - we're totally impressed - we've got another couple of guys to try out but we'll let you know by next week regardless."
They said a few days before the audition that they had very little interest and hadn't played together in months... Yet they somehow had other folk auditioning? Huh - strange...
I've yet to hear back from them.