In the coming weeks I'll be after a new bass (if and when I manage to get my iMac sold, see sig ), and I'm giving myself up to around £400 to spend. I'm after a bass that gives a nice smooth tone, but also the option of a bit of treble for a couple of more upbeat numbers my band does (again, see sig if you wanna have a listen and maybe make suggestions from that). I really like Mike Kroegers tone, especially in some of the slower Nickelback numbers ('Photograph' and 'Someday' come to mind). I know Mike uses Spector but they're a bit out of the price range.
It'll be run into a BBE OptoStomp and a DHA VT1-EQ-Bass-Drive. I have my eye on the Ibanez SR505, and that comes in at just a fraction under £400. I could get a Warwick Rockbass Corvette 5 for £400 too.
A really nice B string is a must as I have a few stand out notes in some of our new songs, and I really need a nice B.
Let the suggestions fly!