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Everything posted by leftybassman392

  1. Perish the thought...
  2. Nothing to see here.
  3. What about this one... Eh? Eh?
  5. So, um, instead of asking if a bass is good for metal, we're now asking if metal is good for a bass... is that right?
  6. Here's one from the Loggia della signoria in Florence. It's actually Roman, but the subject was inspired by a greek original. Here's another one, from a Greek vase located in (I think) The Louvre. Here's a link to a study of veils in ancient Greece. It's a synopsis of a book, but you get the general idea. https://www.jstor.org/stable/j.ctv1n357p0?turn_away=true I'm not going to get into a long discussion/argument about this. It's just a statement of academic opinion supported by a range of evidence. If you disagree, then that's fine - knock yourself out! (But bear in mind that the statue and the vase are things I have seen with my own eyes. The link is to a book written by an acknowledged scholar with expertise in the Ancient world.)
  7. Just to be (sort of) serious for a mo... In Athens at the time it was normal behaviour, to the point where an adolescent boy would be considered weird if he didn't shack up with an older man for a couple of years. While we're at it, you could also have mentioned that slave ownership was common at the time. Oh, and not forgetting that Athenian woman were second class citizens with effectively no rights. Those headscarves you see on statues were a legal requirement in much the same way as Islamic women being required to cover their faces in some states today. (Sparta was different though; women had many freedoms, and promiscuity was actively practised on the grounds that it was in the state's interest to have the pick of the gene pool.) Different folks, different strokes. Just sayin...
  9. Good Lord! Is that the time already?
  10. Well waddya know? I lied. My second contribution to the thread... I still have a pair of these from my studio days: I still use 'em on a regular basis for sound editing (mostly spoken word in my case). By my count they're at least 20 years old, but DT100s are ubiquitous in the industry to this day. I do have a very nice pair of in-ears (not moulded into my ears sad to say, but WTF...), but I still really like my DT100s. Then again I'm just an old lag, so what do I know?
  11. Since I don't play anymore, I guess this will likely be my only contribution to this discussion. Notwithstanding his, um, unfortunate - yes, 'unfortunate'; that's the word I wanted - personality, I do actually think the OP has raised an interesting discussion point about the future of live performance. Whether his aggressively monochromatic outlook on the subject will cut any ice with the old lags dotted around this place is another matter entirely of course. Then again, maybe he's not speaking to the old lags (or at least if he is then he's probably whistling at the wrong dog). Shame really.
  12. Posted in error. Sorry. My bad.
  13. Reviving an old topic. There have been so many fabulous singers on display here, but I don't recall whether this piece has been posted before (apologies if it has):
  14. Looks like he needs one of these: Or better yet, one of these: (Disclaimer: I'm assuming the owner is male...)
  15. Done. There's nobody within 10 miles of me so far. Meh!
  16. What a fascinating discussion! For the record: I'm a boomer (mid-boom, thanks for asking); I have a couple of instruments that might conceivably qualify as having vintage value (although the '64 Ricky 345 - one of only two made that year - is long gone), one of which has a bit of (albeit minor) provenance. Both are magnificent instruments in their own right irrespective of their age. That said, the guitar I pick up most these days is my Rob Williams custom Tele, made for me around 9 years ago. Oh, and my Faith Mercury parlour acoustic, handed to me personally by Patrick Eggle around 4 years ago.
  17. Where the h*ll were you when I started playing guitars sixty years ago?
  18. Crikey SM! I didn't think you'd ever want to part with this one. Sometimes being Lefthanded is dead cool; at other times it's a real PITA! GLWTS.
  19. Seconded. I worked for around 15 years as a guitar and bass tutor. Much though we might like it to be otherwise, online lessons are not the best route for every student to follow. I guess I would say this, but IMHO there's nothing quite matches having somebody in front of you to observe, guide and answer questions.
  20. Bound to be an unpopular opinion on this here bass player's forum; there's lots of music out there that doesn't involve bass guitars at all. Or drummers. Or singers for that matter. In fact, there's quite a lot that only involves one instrument. Just sayin'...
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