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Everything posted by Veils

  1. From what I have heard about the bass centre, coupled with me own experiences, they are nothing but trouble!
  2. That's nice. Probably the only TB I have seen which doesn't make me cringe
  3. I'm sorry but I just do not get this whole vintage Fender thing. I know why they have higher values, but that is just ridiculous. If I had that much money, I would go and have me a Sei/Shuker built which would almost certainly sound better than the Fender, then get me a real nice amp and still have money left over! It's just madness! If you want to own a piece of history, go collect rocks or something!
  4. Hmmmm theres something about that I like. It would benefit from being a different colour methinks.
  5. Veils


    I think that's really nice. And it wouldbe nice if you could order one with a top on it rather than some of the rank colours that Musicman use! You cant get a maple board on a bongo can you?
  6. My ray needed tweaking recently and it was only done from the truss rod. Also mine has an unfinished maple fretboard. I'm not sure about lem oliing it though.....
  7. Yeah Long Hill is a nicer route. Much nicer
  8. I officially name the bass......... ...........Dwayne.
  9. Yup. I picked up my Ray for just over 600 quid with a flight case. I think ebay in general is going a bit stagnant for instruments.
  10. But surely paying thousands of £ is over the top? You could go and get something made which would probably sound and play a hell of a lot better than a beaten Fender. I just can't accept that an old Fender should be worth thousands. But then again some people place more sentimentality on these things. I'm not saying it's wrong to pay for one of these instruments, it just seems illogical to me.
  11. I still think regardless of the quality of the instrument, some of the prices paid are just ridiculous. Not a chance I would fork out thousands for an old Fender, when I could probably get an entire rig for the same price.
  12. Thanx ped I personally think the end of the song is the weakest point - but everyone else liked it Yeah we wanted a bit more top end in the overall mix like the first one but the heavniess in the 2+ mix came from what we did with my bass track, which was basically to reamp it through a Mesa Dual Rec (yes - a guitar amp) and distort the s**t out of it. The 9 mix has had that all backed off and it just sounds a hell of a lot tamer.
  13. Thanks for all the comments So is everyone picking out the same mix then? Funny - I picked exactly the same one and everyone went with the trebly one
  14. I've seen that before as well but it still makes me chuckle
  15. Just before my band broke up, we were having a big debate about mixes on the songs we had just recorded. One of the first mixes we got sounded really good to me, but nobody else agreed and we ended up settling on a mix which everyone else apart from me liked. I have put links up to both mixes. One of them has a big long intro, the other doesn't but just ignore that. There is a bit at the end where the song slows down where there are some compression isssues and they can be ignored. It's the overall mix I am after an opinion on. The mix we went with is here: [url="http://www.yousendit.com/download/UVJoR0lVQXB1Yk0wTVE9PQ"]http://www.yousendit.com/download/UVJoR0lVQXB1Yk0wTVE9PQ[/url] The other one is here: [url="http://www.yousendit.com/download/UVJoR0lSZEt3TGcwTVE9PQ"]http://www.yousendit.com/download/UVJoR0lSZEt3TGcwTVE9PQ[/url]
  16. Good informative review that is. Any chance of sound clips?
  17. Feels cheap....
  18. Stingray? You can't go wrong with a Ray
  19. I'll give you a donner.
  20. Veils

    Post counts

    Dance off? Pah! My moves are so hot that I keep getting kicked out of clubs for setting fire to the dance floor.
  21. I could try it with my car to see if it works After all my car is a wreck!
  22. Errr not sure about that one. The buxton I live in is famous for water, inbreds and "No Sheep Til....."
  23. I can't help but get the feeling that it would be a bit nasty to play...... Is this the case?
  24. I guess for someone who uses fingers like Wooten slaps - Billy Sheehan. When I saw him with Vai, pretty much everything he did was fingers.
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