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Everything posted by Veils

  1. Oh and I have also heard that Eden stuff has a bit of a reliability issue.
  2. I've never heard of this software before, exactly what does it do?
  3. Surely there is a lot of money to be made from hand built amps? Luthiers are fighting for custom in a saturated market all the time, but no bugger builds amps
  4. Everyone is going Shuker mad!
  5. That's nice. Nothing too overstated or flashy. A very honest looking bass and I like it a lot
  6. Don't spose anyone has anything like this of Sei?
  7. That's a lot of strings I hope you have a lot of hands!
  8. Ill go for a Tacoma as well Otherwise just a nice natural jazz, maple board, block inlays. Lovely jubbly
  9. Veils

    Post counts

    Garry. I challenge you to a duet.
  10. Would you guarantee someone a full refund if they found a mistake?
  11. If anyone has any good suggestions I would love to know also!!! Make some use of the millions of duds I throw away!!!
  12. Very good post Where I live, bassists are few and far between. In fact there are 3 recognised bassists in the town where I live. One is a jazz extrordinaire and is definitely better than I am, there is me and there is another young mate of mine. Now this mate of mine has been playing 2 and a half years and joined his first band recently. He has spent the last 2 years following my band about, watching us gig, even learning my basslines and I went to watch his first gig the other night and while he started nervously, he soon settled down and played effortlessly, heeded every tip I gave him and some of his playing was an absolute joy to watch. I had a nice view of the stage as I was doing the sound engineering for the night and I felt such a feeling of pride to see the guy who learnt his way on my rig, using my bass and working out my basslines. It was totally refreshing and it inspired me more than watching any virtuoso ever could. I know that one of these days, he will surpass me - something I do not have any problems with at all. As for my own playing, obviously I want to be better, but I know that I am at a standard that a lot of bassists wont reach. At the same time there are many many players who are better than me, again something which I am totally comfortable with. If I can play a good gig and someone drops me a personal comment on my own playing, that makes me happy enough
  13. LMKII is good value for money. Never played a Nemesis, but it seems well priced and I have heard lots of good things about them.
  14. Veils


    I use a LMKII and my evaluation of it is this. For gigging, it is absolutley superb. 500w at 4 ohms is perfect for gigging, because I can run a small 2x10 cab and with it being very small and lightweight, it is very portable. Tone wise, it sounded crap with my old Status 5 string, but with a Stingray it is much nicer. It's maybe a lil bland in tone for my liking and you can't get any real growl out of it. It is a very clean sounding amp. Fairly diverse in terms of tones with the VLE and V-whatever-it-is knob, but most of the tones that come out of it don't agree with my ears, so while it may be diverse in terms of the different sounds it kicks out, I think some of them are a bit crappy. If I was recording, I think I would use something else as it is a little bit lacking in character. I would rate it a 7/10 given the reasonable pricing.
  15. Would have to be a Sei Original 5 of some kind.
  16. Veils

    Post counts

    Bloody 'ell its a bit hormonal in here......
  17. In response to the SVT thing - I would add that my favourite recorded bass tone was done through an SVT 4, my fave amp I have ever played live was an SVT 3 and by far the most disappointing amp I have ever played was an SVT 2, which is supposed to be one of their monsters......go figure!
  18. The way tab sites have been ravaged is ridiculous. I would be honoured if someone took the time to tab something I wrote!!!
  19. I am yet to find a bass mag I actually like. Most of them tend to have the odd interesting issue but are mainly filled with rubbish
  20. Interesting stuff! I would have naturally assumed the ray to be much more powerful that the P!!!
  21. Pfff yet another classic from the bass centre. Napper is a great guy, it seems, but he is really dragged down by the rest of them.
  22. Everything I have bought from the states, I have been stung somewhere along the line
  23. Life would be so much easier if we didn't need batteries!
  24. The tone was completely lifeless. The craftmanship was really nice and the woods looked superb, but it's no good forking out that much money for something which looks pretty but sounds like a total piece of crap.
  25. +1 for James Leach - that guy is my hero and he is an amazing bassist. Check out that crazy bass fill on Hold My Finger I always nominate Alex James for these discussions as well. Some of his basslines are superb and totally enhance Blur's music.
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