Very good post
Where I live, bassists are few and far between. In fact there are 3 recognised bassists in the town where I live. One is a jazz extrordinaire and is definitely better than I am, there is me and there is another young mate of mine.
Now this mate of mine has been playing 2 and a half years and joined his first band recently. He has spent the last 2 years following my band about, watching us gig, even learning my basslines and I went to watch his first gig the other night and while he started nervously, he soon settled down and played effortlessly, heeded every tip I gave him and some of his playing was an absolute joy to watch. I had a nice view of the stage as I was doing the sound engineering for the night and I felt such a feeling of pride to see the guy who learnt his way on my rig, using my bass and working out my basslines. It was totally refreshing and it inspired me more than watching any virtuoso ever could.
I know that one of these days, he will surpass me - something I do not have any problems with at all.
As for my own playing, obviously I want to be better, but I know that I am at a standard that a lot of bassists wont reach. At the same time there are many many players who are better than me, again something which I am totally comfortable with. If I can play a good gig and someone drops me a personal comment on my own playing, that makes me happy enough