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Everything posted by Veils

  1. I often wonder whether things like that are just gimmicks or whether it's actually the real deal. I think if you use an instrument over a decent period of time, the natural way you play will cause some wear and starts to feel more natural. I reckon if you were to pick up someone elses bass that they had used for years it probably wouldn't feel the same. It's kinda like when you put someone elses shoes on, they don't feel right because they have been worn in specific to the owner.
  2. There is also a Buxton near Norwich I think??? I know there is another one somewhere in the country......I dno if you were mistaken with that one?
  3. I tried an Alembic a lil while back and it put me off them forever. I don't believe at that price they should ever churn out a bad bass, and what I played was worse than bad.
  4. For what it's worth, you may as well have written that post in welsh. I will explain this in very simple terms. I titled the post "Manchester(ish)". I live in Buxton. Buxton is not far from Manchester. 20 odd miles down the A6 to be precise. I live on the A6. The A6 runs straight into Piccadilly. There is usually a lot of traffic on the A6. It makes it slow. It usually takes an hour with traffic. No traffic = less time. I live near Manchester. Here is a route finder from my house to Manchester. Leave house. Get in car. Drive down A6 for an hour. Fin.
  5. Well in my last band, I tuned my 5 string to ADADG and the geetarer was tuned AADGBC. Yummy low rumblyness and dischordancy type squeaks!! If you have a listen on ere - www.myspace.com/presoulnationuk - I Am Spartacus is the best one for making use of the dirty low notes, and a fair few of the other ones have the horrid dischordancy created by the BC tuned strings.
  6. The VBA400 is stunning. Probably the best amp I have ever played through in a live gig situation. The 8x10 cab is also brilliant. And in all honesty - as far as guitars go - sod Marshall. It's all about Framus.
  7. Jesus why is everyone talking in abbrevations? Anyway here is my take on things. I have fried several SS amps, but at present I still use SS. The simple reason being that most of the time I cannot afford to buy a valve amp. I have played through a few valve amps and have mixed opinions. I have gigged an SVT 2 rig on several occasions and been bitterly disappointed. I found them to be very thin sounding and completely lacking in any "grunt". I have also played a couple of Trace valve amps, which were alright. The one that totally blew me away was the Marshall VBA400. They are somewhere in the region of £749 new which is reasonable for an all valve head and the sound is nothing short of monstrous. It is fairly likely to give you a hernia when you move it, but I think the unberable abdominal pain you will suffer is well worth it when you see how many people are either making small sewage factories in their pants, or have simply gone deaf. I am going to sit on the fence on this debate. Yes, a good valve amp sounds better, but they are more expensive, they can be very heavy and they do generally cost more to maintain. SS amps are cheaper, some of them do sound really good, but you can't get [i]that[/i] tone
  8. Now that is nice!
  9. It's less than an hour away on what is a very slow road. Does your satnav come free with Kellogs Corn Flakes?
  10. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='4022' date='May 21 2007, 11:24 PM']It was a few years ago now, before I got the GB's made. My overall impression was it just felt heavy - the neck felt heavy and chunkier than the Lakland, but then millions of people love Warwicks so like I said its personal preference. I like slim necks. I also thought the humbucker over-powered the J pup so blending was limited.[/quote] The neck on my Sandberg was pretty slim, very similar dimensions to Fender Jazz. And yes the bucker is quite powerful, maybe a little too much for the J, but that suited me, as did the weight Like you say - horses for courses although I have to add I don't have a lot of experience of Lakkys and I really do like the look of the DJ!
  11. Veils


    Yeah I had a good look on there a while ago and sent the link about to a few mates of mine and they were all astounded by the prices you can get things at. I emailed the web shop and they replied very quickly with a very informative response! Seems like a great shop!
  12. Veils


    Many thanks for all that info! I am really really tempted now. The only problem being - my car blew up yesterday...........
  13. I got da mad skillz. If you want me, pm me or call me on 07951505107
  14. Veils


    Didn't say it was a woodline on the description......or if it did I missed it
  15. Veils


    That jazz bass is gorgeous. Very tempting!!! Do they all use Barts??
  16. Veils


    This is it!
  17. Veils


    I don't think its possible to link it. What I did, is go to google and search Ishibashi and either the first or second link brings up a window which halfway down gives you a link to their used stuff - or "U BOX" as they call it. If you search Bacchus on there, it's the blue one.
  18. I so want to insert a comment about religious types here..................aarrgghhhh.............
  19. Make a suit of armour for when you go shopping in particularly dangerous places!
  20. Veils


    I think I will because there is a really really nice one - which if Dood's magic calculation of justice is correct, will be about £300 posted!
  21. Enlighten me - is this an excuse to go and get really drunk? If it is, I'm so interested.
  22. Warwick are in Manchester. Me and my guitarist buddy were being fixed up a Warwick/Framus endorsement before our band split. At the mo I am still endorsed by Knucklehead, and I also had an endorsement with Sandberg. It's all about highlighting what you can offer these companies in terms of exposure for them, so if you are regularly playing big gigs, get in touch with some companies and really big up what you are doing and the advantages of them endorsing you!
  23. Veils


    After much tomfoolery with Ishibashi, I finally managed to find the used section. There is a Bacchus BJB-98 on there in a pale blue colour with a white pearloid s/plate which looks very very tasty and very tempting to me. Anyone know anything about these basses???
  24. Guess so Just out of curiosity, what didn't you like about it? I have heard others who have claimed not to get on with Sandberg. I certainly don't get on with their distribution company but thats a whole different story
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