A few years ago, I was in a band that experienced a reasonable degree of success for the genre of music we played (metal). I supported bands like Slayer, Mastodon and Trivium, got some Radio 1 Rock Show airplay and at the time, everything got very very serious. It eventually sucked any enjoyment I took from playing bass, I stopped practicing in my own time and eventually, I gave up altogether.
I was, at the time, a pretty good player. I've now finally got the itch in a big way to jump back in. I've loaned a bass to try and get some of my chops back. I'm obviously rusty, my fingers are a tad clumsy and trying to play along to one of my old bands tracks (I attached it - this is NOT the above mentioned band) is, in places, quite difficult.
What's the biggest break you guys have taken from playing and did you take any specific approach to getting back into it?