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Everything posted by holio.cornolio

  1. [quote name='blind pilot' post='1158034' date='Mar 11 2011, 01:37 PM']Its a shame you cant come this way a little, as we have our own space, and would be happy to share, if you covered costs![/quote] Thanks for the offer, but the drummer's travelling from Leicestershire so the idea is that he doesn't have to stray too far from the M11. You know what drummers are like...
  2. Hello Chaps etc, The drummer in my band has rather inconveniently relocated to a silly part of the country. At the moment he's making a fairly stupid commute to our rehearsal studio on the odd occasions that we actually practice, but it would make life easier for him, and wouldn't inconvenience the rest of us overly if we could rehearse somewhere in the Harlow / Bishops Storford area. So anyone know of any decent, or indeed sh*te rehearsal studios in those areas? Oh- need to be open sunday evenings too! Cheers
  3. only a year on, is this still hanging about??
  4. Thanks, that's fantastic advice. I really have no clue with the eq. I'll have a play. I do have a Trace 2x10 cab which I sometimes use instead of the 1X15, but I find that's a slightly tighter, more modern sound still than the 15. Also I have used the SMX bit, only the compressor, but I found that the low compression makes the bottom a bit too tight for my taste and had switched back to my pedal compressor. I'll give it another try, ignoring the high band bit this time! Stupid as it sounds I hadn't actually thought to cut stuff, only boost. Oh I'm mainly using a Ric 4001, most often neck pickup only, occasionally both pickups together, (but I've bypassed the stupid bass bleed cap on the bridge pickup). Occasionally use a Jazz bass too, but mainly the Ric
  5. I'm a complete know nothing when it comes to EQ, but I've always been pretty happy with the Trace preset EQ curve so I haven't felt the need to tweak until recently. I have a GP12 SMX 1X15 combo, and at the moment, I run 95% of the time happily enough, just using the preshape without ever touching the EQ, and to be honest I find it a bit intimidating - all those sliders, what are they all for??. It seems like it should be pretty versatile, but for a couple of numbers I could do with a sound that has a bit more motown to it. I don't expect to be able to transform the Trace into a B15, but how can I use all those sliders to approximate an Ampeggy kind of sound? So far, all I've managed to achieve is a nasty, twangy version of the trace sound. I'm focussing my efforts on accenting the mids, particularly the 660 band, but if I cut the low end, it loses all semblance of warmth. Can anyone help. I have no idea what to do at the tope end of the EQ, should I cut, leave flat? What? Any help is appreciated.
  6. sold / gone now.
  7. I am testing the water for a friend who has a Markbass SA450 for sale. It's not the current model, it has the line out level on the front, but is unused and essentially a NEW amp, having never been gigged or even used at practice, in fact having not even left the shop yet! Looking for offers IRO £500. Feel free to PM me for more details.
  8. Treat yourself for the new year. You know you deserve it!
  9. [quote name='Lozz196' post='1067680' date='Dec 23 2010, 12:17 PM']The slippery slope of pickups.......... Plenty of people on here rate Wizard pickups, and apparently the guy there is very helpful, and will put together what you are after. Added bonus is they also aren`t excessive on price.[/quote] Hey you're not wrong there. half the price of a set of Nordstrands! I have a set of wizard spangles in my (cough) strat, and they're great pups.
  10. [quote name='ezbass' post='1067693' date='Dec 23 2010, 12:30 PM']If there is nothing that you don't like, what could actually make it better? So if it already sounds 'perfect' to your ears leave it well alone and save some cash.[/quote] You've got a point, and currently head is winning the argument, but the fact remains, my local chippy does an excellent haddock and chips, but I still make a point of going to Rick Stein's overpriced chipper in Falmouth when I'm there. It's still fish and chips..... but it is nicer. I'm just wondering if really good could be made better, and, since this is the only Jazz I've ever played which doesn't sound like I'm slapping an open piano with a soggy baguette I don't want to f*ck it up, but I just wonder if it could be more AWESOME? Plus, it's f*cking boring in the office today.....
  11. [quote name='dood' post='1065639' date='Dec 21 2010, 01:31 PM']That's an interesting question re: point 3. I have to say that if it were true, then would I be tuning 'upward' more and more over the life of the string? - I'm assuming that if the core does stretch it would be in the regions of hundreths of an inch vs anything that could be measured without test gear. Maybe it's a myth perpetuated by those who pull the bass out of tune by yanking the strings away from the neck. Which is more likely down to other problems rather than the string stretching throughout it's life?[/quote] Pianos do tend to be slightly less portable than basses, so I guess that it's fair to assume that MOST pianos live their lives in an environment with relatively stable temperature / humidity conditions, meaning that they don't need retuning quite so often. Piano tuning mechanisms are also (in the main) protected from inadvertent impacts from cymbals / drumsticks / drunken punters..
  12. Hello All, I've been using a Fender CS 64 Jazz reissue for about 18 months now. It's the first Jazz Bass I've ever picked up that I actually liked the sound of, and over the past 18 months I've become unnaturally attached to it. Like all my gear, though, eventually I feel the need to scratch an itch, and although I wouldn't consider selling it, I can't overcome the feeling that I need to pimp it somehow.... I have been toying with the idea of simply upgrading the pots etc and seeing what that does, but perhaps slightly more drastically, I feel that changing pickups might make it more 'mine'. It came with Fender's standard 'vintage Jazz Bass' pickup set which sounds great to my ears, but seeing as they're from a relatively lowly point in Fenders range, I wonder if putting something slightly more tasty in might bring the bass more 'alive'. The stupid thing is, there isn't anything about the sound of this bass that I don't like, but I can't help wondering if a more expensive pickup would make it EVEN BETTER!!! Is it worth it, or am I simply being the kind of wet behind the ears, know nothing, dimwit that the 'boutique' pickup marketeers dream of about?
  13. this is still available
  14. and........................ it's still available...
  15. to the top
  16. new pics added of neck pocket, heel scab and neck end. Enjoy!
  17. make me an offer, don't ask me my price bump.
  18. back to the top bump
  19. yawn... bump
  20. [quote name='dumelow' post='1010531' date='Nov 3 2010, 11:05 AM']hi, im struggling to find a manual for this amp it appears its been discontinued, how much does it weigh roughly??[/quote] Sorry for the delayed reply. I'd say this is in the region of 20kg. It has a strap carry handle on top, and carrying it that way is feasible, albeit awkward. It's a comfortable 1 person lift, and I'm a 5'9 10 stone weakling.
  21. wakey wakey! bump
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