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Everything posted by holio.cornolio

  1. Hello all, I'm new here so be gentle I play a bog standard precision bass. Very vanilla nothing special, but I have the age old problem that I'm sure we're all familiar with, namely, for the most part I only use 2 strings. Why? Well the d and g strings sound too thin and twangy to my ears. I can't get a bad sound out of the E and A, but D and G are only ever used in an emergency (i.e. when my hands physically can't stretch far enough to fret the right note on E or A strings!) because they sound ugly. Of course one man's meat is another's poison and all that, but seriously, there must be some sort of box of tricks out there that would help to smooth out the twangyness of the high strings on a 4 string bass. For reference, my setup is, Bitza P Bass - Boss tuner - orange squeezer clone - Big Muff (occasionally) - Ashdown EVO 2 500 4X10 Cheers
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