Three teles....I've been slowly putting these together for a few months, a chance to test a few ideas.
From left to right:
For the first time I'm not using reclaimed wood for this guitar. It's going to be made entirely from British native timbers. Single piece Dorset grown ash body, sycamore neck with beech fretboard.
Middle- this is the now reassembled "extreme relicaster" . A white poplar body blank that was left to rot for 18 months to acquire some character. It now has a lot more interest and colour as well as a mahogany band in the body and neck. The neck timber is unknown (from an old sofa) , the fretboard is reclaimed teak from a garden bench. As it was after it 18 month exposure:
After reassembly and sanding:
Right- If you Google "can I build a guitar out of oak" you will come across some odd reasons why it apparently won't work " oak is sonically dead" , " it gives off a gas that corrodes metal" , too heavy, too unstable etc
Let's find out....oak body , oak neck, oak fretboard all reclaimed.
The exact spec for each guitar is yet to be decided...
Most of my pictures were too large to upload and I'm far too lazy to try again.
More pictures of these builds and others can be seen on the Scavenger Music Facebook and Instagram pages.