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Dom in Dorset

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  1. If someone tells me something can't be done I just have to try it.
  2. No, the body/ neck combination will be as described in the previous post.
  3. Next.... Three teles....I've been slowly putting these together for a few months, a chance to test a few ideas. From left to right: For the first time I'm not using reclaimed wood for this guitar. It's going to be made entirely from British native timbers. Single piece Dorset grown ash body, sycamore neck with beech fretboard. Middle- this is the now reassembled "extreme relicaster" . A white poplar body blank that was left to rot for 18 months to acquire some character. It now has a lot more interest and colour as well as a mahogany band in the body and neck. The neck timber is unknown (from an old sofa) , the fretboard is reclaimed teak from a garden bench. As it was after it 18 month exposure: After reassembly and sanding: Right- If you Google "can I build a guitar out of oak" you will come across some odd reasons why it apparently won't work " oak is sonically dead" , " it gives off a gas that corrodes metal" , too heavy, too unstable etc Let's find out....oak body , oak neck, oak fretboard all reclaimed. The exact spec for each guitar is yet to be decided... Most of my pictures were too large to upload and I'm far too lazy to try again. More pictures of these builds and others can be seen on the Scavenger Music Facebook and Instagram pages.
  4. I own four Eko acoustics, never tried an Eko bass though, quite jealous !
  5. Back in the day we made a posterwith the dictionary definition of sock on it including all of the examples of uses of the word
  6. "Clunk Click" and"Age of the train" aren't in use.
  7. We're quite different in style, Odd Socks might be more accurate.
  8. I'm in band called Sock. We started in 1990 and apart from a brief twenty year hiatus have been going ever since. A few years ago another much younger band started up with the same name. People occasionally tag us in Facebook posts intended to be about them. We find it funny and if they were based nearer to us we'd love to do a gig together.
  9. Predictive text or senility not sure which 🤔
  10. I know another band in age south West called Junkyard Dogs , no "the" and no connection with Hobo Jones.
  11. We had to delay our set at a village fete because the puppet show overran. "I told them a thousand times- it's Spinal Tapp first , puppet show last "
  12. No, the denim was really faded, white in place but the resin seemed to almost completely restore the dark blue colour.
  13. Progress...I'm onto set up. the denim is visible again one slight snag, I'd forgotten thatvthe truss rod access was covered over with resin. I filled it with blu tac so it's just a matter of careful excavation and I should have her playable very soon.
  14. I haven't had the time to try again since my last post. Maybe I'll download the drivers etc again this afternoon and try Reaper.
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