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Dom in Dorset

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Everything posted by Dom in Dorset

  1. I'd leave it whole or split the fatter bits. At 200mm it will still season fairly quickly. You can dip the ends in hot wax or even PVA to help prevent splitting as it dries.
  2. Looking at the blurry picture of the body last night it occurred to me that I could only describe it as "dirty brown" . You may be surprised that I work at a piano shop and we often strip and refinish pianos. You'd be amazed at how many times a maker took the trouble to cover a piano in beautiful figured/flamed veneer only to hide the whole thing under a generous layer of brown gunk. See bellow: I took a chance that I'd find something nice under the gunk... Promising... Bingo! Onto the neck....the template (you'll never guess what I made it out of). The trimmed neck:
  3. It's unlikely that we'd buy it but we do nationwide moves, you can get a quote for moves here: http://allinstruments.com/PianoRemovals.asp
  4. From 1900 is too early for for many dealers, the place I work for doesn't buy uprights pre 1960 unless they are from a few select makers (Steinway , Bechstein Bluthner etc). Many pianos from that time were still overdamper types with straight stringing. If you look inside and see this: You have such a piano.
  5. Posted at 2.30am you must be frustrated! I'm frustrated! I only started reading this thread last week I'm hooked.
  6. Hello again. For anyone who missed out on my last offering: https://www.basschat.co.uk/topic/340516-recycling-a-piano-short-scale-tele-bass/?tab=comments#comment-3737079 Since then I've moved to Dorset (clue in new user name) and set up a temporary workshop in my mother's shed. I have a few projects on the go , all involving recycled materials , notably pianos. I'll start with what I hope will be a fairly straight forward Precision Bass build. For now I'm calling it the P34 as it's a 34" scale P bass. I cut a blank for the neck and started to remove the veneer from the surface that will take the fretboard. The veneer is stuck on with old animal glue and I don't want to run the risk of the fretboard coming off at a later date. Then I noticed that there was a join in the wood just off centre that could weaken the neck and make the headstock look crap so...start again! New neck blank, this one only has veneer on one side. It has the number 31093 stamped on it, probably the pianos workshop number to ensure that parts of each instrument in production stay together. This will be lost when the fretboard goes on. Take a last look : Slot routed for the truss rod: The fretboard , made from some sort of mahogany, no idea exactly what. The body so far. It's based on the previous Tele body but solid and with the upper horn added. I didn't have my glasses on when I took that! The fretboard has been glued , hopefully I'll get back in the workshop tomorrow.
  7. If I had the money I'd buy it and kill it with fire.
  8. From Kiss' Crazy Nights "A million ways to bury you alive" Maybe I lack imagination? I just chuck them in a hole and start shovelling.
  9. I can't imagine why or indeed that more than one man has ever done this. I'll give Bono the benefit of the doubt.
  10. "Early morning, April four Shot rings out in the Memphis sky" Martin Luther King was in fact shot at 6pm . This is one of many reasons why I don't like U2.
  11. I thought I was the only person who over analysed song lyrics.
  12. "Sun is shining in the sky There ain't a cloud in sight It's stopped raining everybody's in a play And don't you know It's a beautiful new day Hey, hey" I saw ELO at Glastonbury and it was pissing down.
  13. Lucy in the sky with diamonds? - they must have been on drugs when they wrote those lyrics.
  14. Prince in his 1995 hit "All that glitters" wrote "Even at the centre of the fire, there is cold" Prince may have been an iconic multi instrumental ,singer songwriter , performer recording artist but I do question his abilities as a physicist.
  15. Napoleon surrendered to Captain Maitland onboard HMS Bellaphron then anchored at Rochefort on 15 July 1815 and not at Waterloo as ABBA would have you believe.
  16. A while ago I sold a scratchplate on ebay , three months later the buyer gets in touch saying something like " I've been too busy to do anything about it but the colour didn't look the quite same as in the picture, I was so disappointed with it that I gave it away to a friend. I want a partial refund."
  17. Geographically correct user name 😁 Thank you

    1. SpondonBassed


      It seems the Lords of the Manor have heard of your plight.

      Ain't it grand here?

      Well done.

  18. I'm now in Dorset but can't change my user name.

    1. SpondonBassed


      It's an anagram of Somme in Dorset though.  Deed poll?

    2. SpondonBassed


      Mosme in Dorset
      Emmos in Dorset
      Smmoe in Dorset




      No need to thank me.

    3. GisserD


      Sids Metronome

  19. I find strats more comfortable to play but a tele looks more badass.
  20. Out of the box the set up was tolerable but no problem to make any adjustments required. Now It feels just right. The original pickups sounded great but I was using a lot of overdrive. I changed them for cheap rail style pickups to fatten the sound a bit and may get a more expensive set at some point. The sound is a bit "one dimensional" but then so is my playing. I have been experimenting with an AXL player delux strat, a cheap strat copy but nicely made.
  21. I've always owned an acoustic guitar that I've used for writing purposes although I never put much effort into being a guitarist. A few years ago a only band I ever played electric guitar in (C1990) was revived and I needed a suitable instrument, I cashed in some Argos vouchers and got a Squier tele. I changed the scratchplate to black when Rick Parfitt died (we shared the same birthday) I found I actually enjoyed playing it and after the other "serious" guitarist quit last year I ended up as sole guitarist in the band and haven't felt the need to upgrade. If you think I look weird you should see the rest of the band.
  22. "There will be full backline and drum kit, just bring guitars and breakables"
  23. They had to fire him for drinking Dale's breakfast beers. Rober E Dook plays guitar. Sorry "geetaw".
  24. Dale Dook, front man and bass player with The Dooks (Buzzard County's 3rd best country music act) who happens to bear a striking resemblance to myself. That's his brother Curly on Drums.
  25. I have rehearsed and gigged with the bass now, in fact I'm using it for a lunchtime gig tomorrow. So far I've replaced the pickup, it was originally an Entwistle but I tried a generic one that I got from AxesRus a few years ago that I liked due to it's big dynamic range. It's a bit clearer than the Entwistle too. It cut's through nicely without being too loud, great in the folk rock band I'm with tomorrow but not big enough for the country rock trio that I also play in. I've replaced the strap buttons with piano frame bolts (they hold the frame to the case) , this extends the position of the strap and improves balance. I can't stand those piddly little screws! There is no way these bad boys are working loose.
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