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Dom in Dorset

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Everything posted by Dom in Dorset

  1. Musically it's the sort of thing I seem to end up doing (depping in a similar band in about two hours) but the shovel drums put me off. I'm all for silly gimmicks but that just dosen't work for me. Also what exactly do the mean by "guitar player on the bar"?
  2. A few years ago we played at an outdoor event in a large car park. It was a warm early evening , there were food stall, families , a nice good natured gathering. The first band on were deafeningly loud and rather bland heavy rock trio playing mostly original songs and the crowd were doing their best to ignore them! It didn't help that the front man was being ultra cool and not saying a damn thing to engage the punters. After each song ended the 500+ crowd ignored them and got on with whatever conversations they were trying to have above the music. Not one clap, not one cheer, nothing. To add insult to injury they overran by about ten minutes and got no reaction even after completing their set. We were thrown on stage and immediately told the sound man that we didn't need to be as loud. We do original folk/rock music and opened with an easy going country sounding song (played at an even slower tempo than usual) that also served as our sound check.....a huge round of applause followed and the rest of the gig went from strength to strength. People turned around to watch and listen , children and families sat down at the from, people danced. For us a great gig.
  3. Bitsa Glenn Cornick tribute bass. It was inspired by the weird multi-coloured jazz bass he played in Tull's early days. Apparently he wanted a wider neck and the only one he could get was a lefty. The body was black, I got it on ebay for less than £10 and spent about two years on and of stripping the layers of lacquer.
  4. There's nothing about the headstock that looks right. Fender put the string tree closer to the A string machine head, shouldn't there be a serial number on the back of the headstock? Fender have never just put "Fender" on the headstock, there's always something else "Made in USA" , "Precision Bass" etc The spindle size on the machine heads is too small, I've seen those on some Chinese made Squiers.
  5. Whatever bridge you have you need to be able to adjust the saddles either side of the 34" mark. My Fender's bridge is a little further down that I would have put it so the G string saddle is at the limit of it's adjustment.
  6. 2006 US Fender 890mm the differences will probably be down to different bridge designs. When building a bass I fit the bridge so that the half way point of the saddle's range of adjustment is at 34" from the nut (This is assuming that the scale length is 34" The Fender I measured has the half way point at 34 1/4")
  7. I've been gigging with JBXNs form a couple of years now they are the business.
  8. I've got JBXNs in my jazz besses and a PBX in my precision. I have a PBXN but I so like the sound of the PBX that I haven't felt the need to upgrade it. I've tried a number of pickups over the years in both types of bass , stock Fender, Seymour Duncan , Wizard , Tonerider and found them well unremarkable to lame. Entwistle does it every time.
  9. I think it's more like you suddenly notice that they are dead. I've had similar experiences, there is some factor (different room?) that tips things over the edge. After having the same thing happen (and because I'm weird like that) I keep a log book and record when and with what string all my basses are strung. I aslo record all gigs and what bass I used. I can generally head of such problems before they happen.
  10. I saw a similar band a few years back , they did a cracking version of The Osmonds "Crazy Horses" , they got the crowd to sing the "waaaah waaah" theramin part. Also , he's not usually thought of as glam but Vegas era Elvis would fit the bill (IMO) how about Burning Love?
  11. My solution to the Telebass neck dive problem. I've also moved the other strap button to the back of the body about 6" from the bottom.
  12. The Scaffold's Lily the Pink "Backing vocalists on the recording included Graham Nash (of The Hollies), Elton John (then Reg Dwight), and Tim Rice;[1] while Jack Bruce (of Cream) played thebass guitar" The band have also said that a little known guitarist called Jimi Hendrix did some session work for them around that time and that he might well have also been on that record.
  13. These days we are much more serious about the music.
  14. Back in the day our singer would do the same , thankfully the day was long before cameras in phones. There was also the black patent leather catsuit complete with foil wrapped cucumber down the inside leg.
  15. I play in an occasional glam punk band (songs are moronically simple but fun, lots of make up, glitter , tiger skin print etc) We first formed 25 years ago and back in the day it wasn't uncommon for our singer to wear a bra and pants (he's a he) .Our stage gear has got more outrageous over the years as five guys try to compete with each other for the limelight. These days we play a couple of times a year for fun , usually as a charity fund raiser. As we don't do it that often we tend to pull out all the stops and in part due to our singers c list celebrity status we can fill a small venue and it's always a wild night. Our guitarist (a gothic transvestite) is planning on coming on stage with a running chainsaw....(thankfully he's removed the chain) Best / worst things you or your band mates have done on stage.....
  16. Dragons sh#t everywhere. On a serious note these strings could be a good idea for anyone with allergy issues. (u nless you're allergic to dragons.)
  17. Andy mcCluskey.
  18. Mike Kerr and Rick Danko ooh Gail Ann Dorsey
  19. Me (you know that guy in that band you've never heard of)
  20. However you do it you'll still need to re-tune to compensate for changes in temperature (ambient or due to contact with your hot fingers) or just because you can't built a playable but totally rigid bass ie: cast iron through neck that's 8" deep. There will always be some slack in the system . Pianos have iron frames and no machine heads and still need tuning. My main bass is headless I still tune it mid gig.
  21. Single, living alone , all gear in the living room, on the walls , on the floor, on racks, on the sofa. Maybe that's why I'm single?
  22. I was forced to start sight reading a few years ago playing for pantomimes. The problem is that I don't have the time or opportunity to do it for the rest of the year so every time I get panto gig I have to re-learn what I picked up the previous year. The MD offered to send me the score in tab but I stick to conventional notation as I'm hoping I may be able to use it for none bass related activities too some day. As others have said the basic principals are simple enough , you just need to put in a vast amount of practice. like learning a language you'll only become fluent if you use it regularly.
  23. The problem with most of the online stuff I've seen and also with many of the alternative health places that do it is that they seem to be based on variations on "bioresonance therapy" which (IMO) like homeopathy works if you believe in it. I had a neighbour who was involved in such things and personal experience has taught me that it's not to be trusted. My employer has offered to pay if I can get it done at a private conventional clinic.
  24. I'm down for an allergy test as I really need confirmation beyond doubt before I start re-fretting my instruments . "There is up to a 25 week waiting list"
  25. Thankfully I stopped making instrument keys a few years ago , I still work with nickel occasionally , mostly working on frets or stringing guitars. i'll have to wear gloves now.
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