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Dom in Dorset

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Everything posted by Dom in Dorset

  1. No but I've had no significant irritation since I stopped playing on Nickel strings. The foot thing may not be related and apparently nickel allergy isn't always at the point of contact.
  2. From Wikipedia " Austenitic stainless steel (include the so called super-austenitics) When nickel is added, the austenite structure of iron is stabilized. This crystal structure makes such steels virtually non-magnetic and less brittle at low temperatures." However the Rotos I have are magnetic, although it's hard to tell if it's the core of the string or the winding. The pull from a neodymium magnet is strong on all the strings.
  3. That had crossed my mind although the tone would be quite different. I played a bass with Rotosound stainless last night for a few minutes and so far no ill effects. I'm tempted to email Rotosound and see if their stainless contains any nickel.
  4. How reliable is the coating? I had some Rotosound Nexus (black coated) but the coating came off if you used a pic.
  5. I've had odd small patches of eczema for a few years now but mostly just on my left foot. In September I was sitting in the garden when it occurred to me that my skin was crawling. I was covered in patches of itchy red skin and blisters were forming on the palms of my hands. Over the next few weeks I saw several doctors , was prescribed various treatments (including scabies!) to no avail. By November a secondary infection had set in and my hands had become a mass of weeping sores. Two courses of antibiotics and three different creams seemed to kill the infection but my hands continued to blister. Last week I was in a pit band for a panto and the trumpet player is a retired surgeon, he asked if I have ever worked with nickel? Yes most of my life , making keys for woodwind instruments. He said it's very common to become allergic to it and maybe my bass string were causing it? I have spent months trying to find the culprit but in my diet, at one point I thought it was dairy, then chili, then sulphites in wine. Nickel seems likely as I've been practicing every day for an hour or more and more blisters came up every day ....except boxing day (I took a day off for Christmas) So.. I played the last panto gig yesterday at 2 and haven't touched a nickel string since ...so far no new blisters ...stainless steel strings in the post....fingers crossed.
  6. Sorted! Thanks for your help.
  7. I was going to bring mine! I'll try and get down 12ish.
  8. Great thanks, are you there all day? It's 10-4 apparently.
  9. Can't make it for the whole day but I'll try and come down for a couple of hours. Not sure exactly when as yet.
  10. I've been asked to repair a Soundgear bass. The battery connector had come away and I can see no indication of where to re-solder it. I've emailed Ibanez and to my total amazement (not) heard nothing. Any suggestions?
  11. Hi, only just spotted this and right now I can't find my diary! Put me down as a a probable... (Fender Jazz, DA Bass Tele and maybe some other stuff)
  12. It's more comfortable than I thought it would be, I still haven't used it for rehearsal or gig yet.
  13. It turns out that it's passive! The controls are Vol ,tone, vol, tone + master volume. I'm really pleased with it , it's nice to play and produces some nice tones. Costs: Bass - free! Gatorskin wallpaper - £12.99 Strings - £9.99 (cheap and nasty "king lion" brand but sound fine) Nut- £1.99 Chain - £8.98 (I bought 2 meters but only used about 1.2M Total £33.95!
  14. I finally found time to finish this off...
  15. I've done similar things , I just try to play through them every day and improve a little each time.
  16. [quote name='phil.c60' timestamp='1478945259' post='3172838'] Like Jack said, it's "Folsom". [/quote] As I said "Folsom" Avoid "A boy named Sue" , it's got great lyrics but there are a hell of a lot of them.
  17. Folsome is a regular in our set, I can't say it ever occurred to me to do anything more than root -4th down or root -5th-octave. I just keep it simple and let the guitarist put some pretty bits in. The link is to a video on facebook (you'll have to scroll down but it's pinned to the top of the page) of a rabbit in the headlights playing fulsome at the band's first gig. [url="https://www.facebook.com/The-Dooks-981940681886219/"]https://www.facebook...81940681886219/[/url]
  18. "I met this trombone player in the pub last night I've asked him to play at the gig on Saturday."
  19. I don't think I could give it up if I tried. For me music is about interaction with other players and stretching myself musically so being in a band is a must. I'd love to record solo stuff but can't find the time or motivation. For a couple of years in the early 00's I was involved in a serious recording project and only doing studio stuff and don't remember missing live shows but I still had the interaction and musical development .we started gigging as soon as the album was finished. As well as being in two bands I get regular dep work with others plus occasional one offs and theatre work. About half of my gigs come to me. I'm 49 years and 363 days old ,I'll stop when the work dries up or something more interesting comes along or if I just can't do it anymore.
  20. I think I will try DRs at some point but I'm going to get another set of Nexus' right now. I'm not bothered that much about the coating issue and I like the way they sound on my standard Jazz so they should be good on my headless (Neodymium jazz pickups)
  21. So, yes/no /maybe then?
  22. I tried and liked Rotosound Nexus strings, I liked the sound , tension, feel and look. However I occasionally play with a pick and it takes the coating off. How to Black Beauties fair?
  23. [color=#1D2129][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]I've dismantled it ready for fret leveling and re-finishing. Before starting I marked the worst offending frets for buzz and while removing the machine heads noticed that they too are Lindo branded (nothing on the pickups) I am 99.99999999999999999999999999% certain that this is not a Jackson. All work is being carried out while wearing a Mack Trucks bassball cap.[/font][/color]
  24. I will as soon as I start work on it. Supposed lindo from Gumtree , note the logo free pickups, the neck extends two frets beyond the last marker (22 fret neck) and pointy upper horn: Jackson bass , note pickups, rounded horns, (another picture shows ) a 24 fret neck with four frets beyond the last marker and what looks like a die cast bridge (my bass has bent tin.) If my bass is a Jackson someone has gone to a lot of trouble to hide that fact.
  25. If it's a Jackson then someone has gone to the trouble of applying a lindo decal to the headstock and fitting a Lindo neck plate! I did find an old Gumtree listing for an identical bass , listed as Lindo. Of course it could be the same bass. Looking at the Jackson basses they have more rounded horns.
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