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Dom in Dorset

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Everything posted by Dom in Dorset

  1. We work from a score, band call and dress rehearsal with the cast today is the only rehearsal we have. You are expected to turn up knowing your part, sit down and play it!
  2. 9.30 band call , then dress rehearsal at 2 , first show is at 2 tomorrow....
  3. I have a regular paid gig in the pit band for a pantomime. The set usually comprises a mix of current pop, classic pop, songs from shows and Disney films. This year's high point : [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kDZ9I3p7xBE"]https://www.youtube....h?v=kDZ9I3p7xBE[/url] This year's low point: [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8DNQRtmIMxk"]https://www.youtube....h?v=8DNQRtmIMxk[/url]
  4. I've actually done some recording with it now. It may be a while before the results are ready but I'll post something when it is.
  5. A 33" scale neck sounds a bit unusual are you sure?
  6. Nice , love the yellow. "you ask yourself how much more yellow could this be and the answer's none, none more yellow"
  7. Just a "posted image" box.
  8. Gigged with it last night, it felt great not to have 8lb of wood and metal strapped to me! This may well become the go to bass, I have to sing and play flute , I have to pick up and put down the flute quickly during songs, It's so much easier with this bass. More thoughts on the hardware to follow....
  9. I think if I did it again I wouldn't cut the headstock off too close to the nut to allow a bit more room to maneuver. I made it slightly more complex because I wanted a narrower string spacing at the nut. To do this I ground and filed bits off the string retainer and left the original nut in place. You can still access the truss rod through a hole in the retainer. The hardware seems good, I'll play if for a while and post a report later. I've now recessed the bridge , the action is much better , I also intend to tweak the neck angle.
  10. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/311363305520?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
  11. I put some old strings on to see if I've got everything aligned only to discover that the action is high enough to park a double decker buss under it and still have room for Evel Knievel to jump over it. The bridge is ultra chunky so I'm going to cut out a section of the wooden top under it thus lowering it by 7mm. On the plus side it stands up by it'self!
  12. I've glued the top on and given it a first coat of danish oil. It will darken a bit more over the next few months.
  13. The top is taking shape, I'll glue it on tomorrow (I don't have enough clamps at home, I'll take it yo work)
  14. Finalizing the layout: The slightly odd neck pickup position came about because of the earlier attempt at a compact bass. I accidentally bought a 24 fret neck with a very long heel. This prevented fitting the neck pickup in the usual place, I moved it down a little and it's closer to a P pickup position. It seemed to give more bass than a conventional jazz and I've stuck with it for this bass (I'm re-using the pickups too) .It also helps fit in with the lower cutaway. The knobs are off a defunct effects pedal and are only 16mm in diameter.
  15. I can't help thinking that it could do with some green fur somewhere !
  16. More contouring and control chamber routing. The wood will turn red/brown when oiled. Trial fitting of the top Eric- The twin was my main bass for a couple of years , in the end I decided that I was better off with one higher quality bass (I'm playing a Jazz these days) the parts were used to make a fretless that I still use from time to time and the fretted neck will end up on this. I've stacked all the parts + strings on the scales and the bass should weigh less than 4 1/2 lb.
  17. So far it clocks in at 5lb , I'm aiming for 6lb finished.
  18. Sorry but I'm just not going to fit this in today. Things have stacked up this weekend , it's turned out to be busier than expected.
  19. Wow! What exactly did you do to it to get that? Mine has moved on a bit...
  20. [quote name='Twigman' timestamp='1443022872' post='2871573'] I'm quite obsessed by weight. My band plays 2 to 2 1/2 hour sets and does 4 hour rehearsals. That's a long time to be stood with a 10/11 lb bass hanging off your shoulder. My current favourite bass is a mere 7lb 3oz.. [/quote] That's about it for me, if it's a short gig I take my weighty Fender Jazz, longer gigs and lengthy rehearsals I take a lighter option. I even found the weight of the Fender on my leg during a sit down pit band gig too much by the end of the week. Another thing to consider is carrying it around. I do a lot of festival gigs where you have to park your car a mile from the stage and when the promised land rover doesn't turn up you carry your kit in hot sun/pouring rain.
  21. I should be able to make it.
  22. [quote name='Andyjr1515' timestamp='1443941599' post='2878756'] Looks a nice piece of wood [/quote] Thanks!It's cherry You won't see that but though! It will have another piece (just as nice) on top to cover the chamber that I routed out today: The bottom end is lop sided, this is because once it has a strap button the two sides will be equal and it will stand up straight if leaned against an amp.
  23. My lightest bass is my bitsa fretless at 8lb. I'm working on a headless bass that should clock in at 4.5lb Apart from acoustics , Ashborys and ukes who's got the lightest bass?
  24. Slowly taking shape...
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