I'm the only one who knows that you can't fit 32 songs into a 45 minute set. This conversation happens before every gig-
Band member : Lets do the set list...I want to include every song we've written.
Me: We can't , we have 45 minutes, that equates to about 10 songs.
Band Member: Ok but I really want to play songs 1-25!
Me: We can't, we have room for about 10, maybe twelve at a push.
Band Member : Ok, let's not do song 9
Other band member : but I like song 9, and what about songs 26-30?
Me : remember 45 minutes, that's 10 songs with intros + guitar changes
Band member : ok so just songs 1-45 oooh and we must play song 67 and 56 ooh and 46 etc
Me : why don't you just let me pick our 10 most rehearsed / appropriate songs?
Band members : Ok, that's a good idea......make sure you include every single song we have.