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Dom in Dorset

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Everything posted by Dom in Dorset

  1. I'm building a bitsa bass with two precision pickups. I'm trying to find out where the bridge pickup should go. Anyone got such a bass? Where is the bridge pickup?
  2. I put them as close together as possible but still allowing access to the machunes. A problem with twins is that optimum playing position can be compromised (get the top neck in the right place and the bottom neck is uncomfortable and vice versa) getting them close reduces the level of compromise. As for balance I think it had some neck dive but not too bad with a thick strap (I recycled the parts ages ago) If I remember rightly the body was only 30mm thick and weighed about the same as a standard bass body, the weight built up once the hardware and necks went on (two lots of necks , bridges, tuners etc weighs a hell of a lot) In total it weighed[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] 6.25Kg / 14lb [/font][/color]
  3. There was no pop when switching. Setting the necks at different depths is something I considered, it could also allow you to get the necks closer together without compromising access to the machine heads.. If I did it again I would go Steinberger, I'd be able to get the necks closer together and drastically reduce the weight. Being able to change necks even on occasion mid song was great but to keep costs down I couldn't build the bass I really wanted.
  4. Can't get the first link to work.
  5. I played a twin neck for a couple of years , I came to the conclusion that the only way to get the weight down was to go Steinberger! I did plan a second attempt but the cost was going to be astronomical (you are building two basses)
  6. This way madness lies...
  7. I only made a precision plate in the end, I think if I'd made the body thicker and thus reduced the height of the strings I would have persuid it further. If I did it again I'd start with a standard bass body , chop bits of and rout stuff out., looking forward to seeing your take on this idea...
  8. [quote name='Jonnyboy Rotten' timestamp='1393365683' post='2379498'] Cool! Slightly left field but looking forward to see what you come up with! BTW what is the black bass you got in the garden there? [/quote] See the caption bellow the picture and http://basschat.co.uk/topic/181605-multi-function-swiss-army-festival-bass/page__p__2186419__hl__festival__fromsearch__1#entry2186419
  9. Sorry I missed your last comment... it's had a fair bit of use, the only downside is that the strings are quite high above the body (but not the neck) it's a little heavy going to play. It's being recycled, see "Drunken Ebay Purchase thread"
  10. Ok , I'd had a few beers and logged into ebay (not quite sure what I was looking for) I accidentally bought this: not entirely sure why???? Anyway, it sat around for a few days and nearly became firewood (it is real wood but has some dodgy routing on the back to make the pots more accessible) Eventually I got inspired to build a junk bass from bits bought of ebay while drunk. However....after drawing on it with a marker pen to see what it would look like with the horns chopped off: So now I'm thinking, all black, double P pickups and I'll take the neck from this : (this was a compact light weight bass for travel/festivals/rough gigs, it worked well but I've had my fun with it , time to move on) So here we go a new project...
  11. when did everyone leave in the end? Thanks for organizing this years event.
  12. Welcome aboard Norm, see you there.
  13. I read it as it's a building nearby that's going to be demolished, the building his gear is in has been evacuated because it is close by.
  14. Glastonbury festival a few years ago , we played a storming set on the Bandstand then raced through crowds and mud across the site to the Avalon Cafe for our next gig. We arrived in time , the venue is heaving,got on stage , set up, sound checked each instrument, played a few bars to get a rough balance (it tends to be a minimal sound check on the smaller stages) ,the compare came on to announce us , then............a guy in a high vis vest comes up to the stage waving his arms frantically. Because of the rain the tent pags had started to pull out and the tent (circus tent) was in danger of collapsing. "We have to evacuate the tent now!, everybody out!!!!" Because of the tight scheduling our slot had to finish on time, we did get back on in time to play four songs as the tent started to fill up again, but what a let down! Hope you can get your gear back in time.
  15. From what I can see it's just another term for rose wood, if that's the case then , yes it's been done before! There are many species of rose wood, most of them have similar properties.
  16. When I first saw it I was hoping that the outfit was included, it's got me thinking, I have a Westfield that looks the same apart from a maple board. Basses with matching outfits is the next big thing.
  17. why what?
  18. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/-VINTAGE-RARE-1970-FENDER-PRECISION-BASS-USA-GUITAR-/161225091676"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/-VINTAGE-RARE-1970-FENDER-PRECISION-BASS-USA-GUITAR-/161225091676[/url]
  19. I'll bring Fender Jazz, Bitsa Fretless Pbody Jazz and my wild card entry Westfield P I could possible bring a couple of new Westfields if anyone is interested.
  20. Hi Diablo, no I'm not a knob twidler either! However in a quest to get maximum ooomph out of my Jazz I hit on this : (from L-R) Entrance .3, Bass 5 , Frequency 250, Level 5, Frequency 500,Level 5, Treble 4 - I don't have my amp at home , I'm working from a scrap of paper from my kit bag. When I get a cheap P copy I found that different settings were more effective.( can't remember what they were) I'll PM the Jazz Bass settings with corrections / updates when I get my amp back.
  21. ...Of amps used for gigging I remember my first Bass Bash, everyone set up huge stacks around the room and there I stood with my Laney RB7 300W 2X10 combo feeling a little small. I'm not in a load band , I rarely use it to it's full potential. Bigger venues I've played DI it , I wouldn't mind adding a 15" cab to it for extra lows but I could live without it. Anyone use anything smaller?Or do you have a big one ?(ooh er)
  22. I replaced the pickups in my Jazz with a set of Wizard 84s I got from Rasta. They have more bass, less treble, more warmth and plenty of punch, a more precision like sound, just what I was after. I'm thinking of getting a cheap bass for rough gigs and fitting it with something like the 84s in my Fender. As Mr Wizard has now retired what else would do the job , passives only please.
  23. I could probably bring a couple of new Westfield basses if anyone is interested?
  24. I expect I'll be the only one bringing a Fender Jazz again.
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