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Dom in Dorset

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Everything posted by Dom in Dorset

  1. Wow that's a bargain , I can't say I've ever seen a red Westone before. Welcome aboard and check out the events page , there's a Dorset and Somerset bass bash coming up soon.
  2. or this this "erotic art"?
  3. I've been "filtering" submissions for smaller venues at a major festival , the organizer gets bag and bags full and to ease the work load gave me a bag to sort into no (on style or quality grounds) or maybe , they get sent links and CDs , everything does get listened to. but I did get to the point of disliking bands before I'd heard them just because it took so long to unwrap a CD.
  4. I dep for a country band from time to time, a few that I enjoy are working man blues by Merle Haggard ,and this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RPjhakaK-yI
  5. [quote name='namefail' timestamp='1390750716' post='2348950'] Aha, silly me. Can't say I'd pay the money for that service. [/quote] The home made ones are far easier to open, and so far the most promising one in my batch was in an unwrapped cardboard sleeve with the tracks written on in marker pen.
  6. I should say I'm talking about music festivals rather than record companies. The smaller festivals (and small stages some at larger ones) Are run by by people who are doing other things for the rest of the year, listening to demos is fitted in around other commitments. I'm no expert but having gone through a bag of disks for a friend the wrapping is a pain!
  7. [quote name='namefail' timestamp='1390749688' post='2348934'] You must be very clever, being able to burn a cd while it's still in its packaging. [/quote] People have them manufactured , they come wrapped. [quote name='Myke' timestamp='1390750040' post='2348940'] I watched a presentation on this recently. A lot of people now prefer to listen on the internet. Soundcloud, website or some such other platform, rather than listen to a CD now a days. [/quote] Most people I know prefer CDs, links to band's souncloud pages etc turn up among all the other email, you have to find time to listen before you forget about them, a CD may end up in a big pile but it doesn't get forgotten about. A lot of people in this situation farm out the task of sorting the wheat from the chaff to friends and family (hence my involvement) this is easier with CDs.
  8. It helps a lot if you remove the plastic wrapping first. Imagine that you have to open , look at the biog and play mail bags full of disks, it takes ages to get the plastic wrappers off!
  9. Back Before Breakfast at the King Arthur , Glastonbury. We got there to find that they wanted to cram a five piece band into the tiniest area possible. in an isolated strip opposite the ladies loos.. After re-arranging speakers etc we managed to set up. We were still waiting for one of us to arrive when we heard a commotion, someone had apparently spilled a drink over a drunk and obnoxious woman who proceeded to shout and swear despite attempts by her friends to calm her down. Our missing member arrived we jokingly asked if the disturbance was down to him "yes" he said. As he came in carrying an amp someone backed into him , he stepped back and nudged a table spilling a drink. - off to a great start. First set , not many people there , we play original songs , bar staff and the few punters I can see seem to be enjoying it. but the response is subdued At this point I'm still thinking "just get it over with and go home" After a short break we resume. The pub is now full, from the first song the response is much more encouraging. Set two had a couple of new songs in that went perfectly and the audience (and most importantly the landlord) were getting very enthusiastic. By the end it was an absolute delight. We've been owed a real belter of a gig for a while now and we've been asked back.
  10. I'm nagging a couple of none members to attend , I'm sure you'll all make them feel at home (after the usual humiliating/painful/degrading initiation ceremony.)
  11. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1390152095' post='2341995'] Beat them off with a sh*tty flute and make it part of the act, kind of like a misogynistic Jethro Tull tribute act. [/quote] Nice idea as long as I don't have to play a sh*tty flute.
  12. [quote name='lowdown' timestamp='1390128905' post='2341652'] I am a Bass player who sings as well - My four wives are happy with that. [/quote] I play bass, sing and play flute, fighting them off with a sh*tty stick.
  13. Most cheap MM copies I've seem were passive , the Westfield is active and bloody powerful too! A lot of bass for the money. (I only do passives so I've just got the Westfield P)
  14. I did build the twin neck with this in mind, I play fretted and fretless. The twin was a bit of progtastic whimsy, quite heavy and to keep costs down had to be made from budget parts. These days I just hit the tuner pedal and swap between fretless and fretted jazz. As others have said it takes a few seconds and is only an issue if I have to introduce the next song. Oddly enough the set list has to be drawn up around our guitarist instrument changes, funny that.
  15. It was nice to meet everyone who came to the Gallifrey bassbash next year.
  16. Perhaps you should edit the thread title [b] "Dorset and Somerset Bass Bash 2014- Feb 23rd 2013: date confirmed"[/b] I'd love to come but don't have a tardis.
  17. I'm concerned that it looks as if the frets run all the way around the neck, looks as if it would be horribly lumpy running up and down it. I also think that it looks like it belongs in a sci fi film.
  18. I also do repairs in a music shop, looking at what was done (extra screws aside) we'd charge £15 to replace the jack. The strap pin is a quick job so £5-10 depending on the exact circumstances. We charge £8 to fit a set of bass strings. So a total of £33. Personally I would have advised you to get a new scratch plate as part of the repair but I'd never modify a customer's instrument without their permission.
  19. I'd love to know how a loose strap pin is going to effect the Jack socket???
  20. I know of several cases involving Chinese factories where the eventual instruments delivered bore little resemblance to the samples shown to the buyer.
  21. [quote name='cameltoe' timestamp='1389116200' post='2330234'] Tis a one piece maple neck- would it be possible to remove it through the skunk stripe at the back? [/quote] don't know, the one I did had the truss under the fretboard. Someone on this forum did pull one out from the heal end , like this : [color=#000000][font=verdana, arial, sans-serif][size=2]http://www.tdpri.com/forum/telecaster-discussion-forum/137345-lite-ash-truss-rod-replacement.html[/size][/font][/color]
  22. I had a no name jazz bass many years ago, thanks to the good folks here I found out that it was identical to the Antoria. I had assumed that the pictures were from a trade catalogue.
  23. It is possible to replace a truss rod, it requires removing the board, not for the feint hearted, I've done it but I put a fretless board on , I didn't replace the original.
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