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Dom in Dorset

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Everything posted by Dom in Dorset

  1. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1387638322' post='2314067'] A gig's a gig. You'll live! At least [i]you[/i] won't be on YouTube! [/quote] No, I'm loving it! It's twelve gigs in a row, I'm out of sight under the stage, improving my sight reading, playing a load of stuff that is way outside my comfort zone (thus challenging) and getting paid for it. (we do have to play a song by someone called "One Direction" though)
  2. Also looking forward to playing "Almost Paradise" from Footloose, the obligatory cheesey as hell powerballadtastic romantic duet.
  3. Not the best Muppet song (give me Rainbow Connections anyday) but certainly fun.
  4. Pantomine pit band gig, you get to play the most bizarre selection of music, this year this is the pick of the bunch : [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t9_zKm2Ewaw"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t9_zKm2Ewaw[/url]
  5. They cover the bridge. An uncovered bridge could cause the sky to fall in or tear a whole in the space time continuum.
  6. I can honestly say that the only replies I've had to adverts placed anywhere have been from weirdos and time wasters . All of my musical contacts have come from (real not internet) networking, meeting people at gigs, open mics etc.
  7. I see you have a Squier, you could try asking on the Fender forums.
  8. Kn mine if you think of the pickups pointing downwards North, then the indicator points NW. Of course you can pull them off and replace them at a different position on the spline
  9. I doubt if the f hole made any difference, it sits over a small chamber. The centre of the instrument from neck to bridge is solid, that's the bit that counts. You can get a good range of tones from it, I replaced the board with a fretless ebony board ( I got it cheap due to a busted truss rod which I also replaced) It was an interesting project but not a bass that I wanted to keep, went over to a fretless passive jazz. Seen here in action recording this: [url="https://soundcloud.com/dominic-allan/the-fox-mp3"]https://soundcloud.com/dominic-allan/the-fox-mp3[/url]
  10. Your premise being?
  11. Neck -maple, body on mine is obviously ply, but as I said it's fairly old, the new ones I can't tell.
  12. I had one ! converted to fretless , can't remember what model it was, pretty good bass for the money. The controls are - master vol, blend, bass , mid and treble. it is active. How much is he asking?
  13. I think Aerodynes are Japanese.
  14. The tort is standard, it's a fairly old model, the scracthplate is a bit thin and has gone a bit crinkled around the edges. The more recent ones are a lot better made. They are about £130 new.
  15. £38 off ebay, I had to replace a pot ,strings and set it up. lives in my kitchen .
  16. Tried an affinity P a few years back, ok but as others have said grotty pickup. The one I tried had a really weak muddy sound, the Westfield and second hand Encore I tried that day ran rings around it.
  17. [quote name='Geek99' timestamp='1386838779' post='2305081'] No reason for a jazz bass to hum either. Mine is absolutely silent due to copper shielding and slight changes to wiring. [/quote] Mine is too, as far as I'm aware it's exactly as it was new (US 2006)
  18. I made my jazz do something similar (on G string) by setting the pickup too high.
  19. Try some other rounds first, I tried Fenders and hated them! Try D'Adario Nickel rounds, 45-100 , they have a slightly higher tension (I found I get set it up with a lower action without much buzz as a result) and much more focused tone.
  20. Well, never, can't remember ever breaking a string. I play with fingers and a pic, for a few years in the 90's exclusively pic. Played some quite heavy music. I did break a few while setting up a fretless a few years ago, but I was using old strings and took them up to tension and down again many , many times while shaving the board down and fiddling with the truss/saddles. I can honestly say that I've never broken a string gigging, rehearsing, recording or noodling around at home.
  21. We formed to play a one off gig doing songs by one band member, there was no rule that it was only to be his songs , he just got everyone together and had the songs (in a rough form) ready to play. We decided to stay together and myself and one of the others also started contributing songs, sometimes delivered as a fete a complis, sometimes more embryonic requiring more input from the others. So we started in effect with a ready made repertoire and added to it later. It's now roughly 1/3 each. We did play a couple of traditional songs early on but it's all original now.
  22. The case I was involved in hinged on "duty of care" basically if a company (and I presume private individual) has your property in their care they should provide basic care of that property - even if they issue a "we take no responsibility for loss or damage" warning. Might be worth reading this :[url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duty_of_care_in_English_law"]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duty_of_care_in_English_law[/url]
  23. Get a copy of Mel Stein's How to Complain. Full of useful advice and case studies. The last time I had any reason to take legal action the small claims court cost about £80 to start proceedings and there could be further costs after that. As a rule don't make any threats you can't (or aren't prepared to)carry out, a solicitor's letter has no legal clout , it is just worded in a way that people find intimidating and shows that you are serious enough to pay for the letter.A full range of legal sounding phrases are outlined in the book. I used it to successfully get damages from a company that destroyed something of mine without spending money on a solicitor.
  24. They used to re-release it every year, looks 1980's to me. As far as I am concerned Christmas doesn't start until I hear it.
  25. I never had Slade down as an Ibanez sort of band, well fancy that.
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