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Dom in Dorset

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Everything posted by Dom in Dorset

  1. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BjaqrL7Kzj8"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BjaqrL7Kzj8[/url]
  2. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1383600783' post='2266533'] Marry her. [/quote] Then create a bass heavy wedding present list.
  3. My marriage didn't last, maybe if I'd have bought more basses things would have turned out differently.
  4. Hang on , it's just occurred to me, are you sure she isn't feeling guilty about something?
  5. "[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]and then told me I should buy it." - Don't you remember the "how to sneak a new bass past your other half" thread?[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Many of us would be envious of your situation.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Just [/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]do it, worry about the consequences later.[/font][/color]
  6. [quote name='Spike Vincent' timestamp='1383068751' post='2259841'] They both have the individually coloured ball ends to identify each string. [/quote] The colour coding is different and Fenders are lower tension. If D'Adario make Fender strings they use a different recipe. I also thought the Fenders I tried were awful, not a patch o D'Adario.
  7. Here's mine £38 second hand . I had to spend half an hour setting it up but it's a delight to play. I've not gigged it yet but it's my "leave lying around the house " bass.Westfield also do a Music Man style bass that is also seriously good value.
  8. [quote name='Fat Rich' timestamp='1382786582' post='2256522'] I've had a few conversations where I've asked: "Why do you use Rotosounds?" "I've always used Rotosounds" "You've never tried anything else?" "Nope" A few people have said because Billy Sheehan or John Entwistle or some other player uses them. I'm often surprised at how little bass players are prepared to experiment with different strings. [/quote] Personally as far as my jazz goes I don't want to f@ck up my set up, different makes have different tensions even with the same gauges and materials. My jazz neck is so sensitive I just don't want to risk it. I've ex[erimented with several different strings for fretless and found something I like, those strings seem to last for ages so I probably won't experiment again for a long time. I might try something else on my cheapie P bass but yet again the set up is so good with my usual that I'm not sure it's worth it.
  9. The most interesting thing uncovered in this thread so far is that Rotosounds aren't too popular.
  10. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1382696095' post='2255488'] Strings are a very personal thing. What suits one player won't necessarily suit another and even if find a set of strings that works for you one one bass that doesn't mean that they'll be as good on any other basses. Personally I really haven't been able to get on with any of the DR sets I've tried. I bought a 4 different sets after reading lots of rave reviews on here, but hated all of them. Mostly they felt slack - particularly the E and low B strings. Could get them off my basses quick enough. Also I've never tried Elixiers because of bad experiences with the strings on guitars. Horrible feel which made me want to wash my hands immediately after playing them. [/quote] Oh yes, I was fully expecting the first reply to be "I always use Fender strings and I love them"
  11. In my experience actives give a wider range of sounds , passives are less versatile but they do less things better.
  12. I meant to say in the original post that I use (and love) Fender black nylons on my fretless.
  13. My jazz bass is a rather fickle mistress. I don't know what strings were on it when I got it (second hand) but the output was weedy. I switched to De'Addario 45-105 nickel roundwound and managed to get the action right down and the tone I was after. Last month in a fit of madness I decided to try something else, I don't have much cash so something in the £15 range but a known brand. I found some Fender 45-105 nickel rounds and put them on. They had a slightly lower tension so the strings flapped against the neck in places. I had to raise the action and adjust the truss rod . Basically I f#cked up my carefully honed set up leaving the bass with a higher action than before., resisting all attempts to lower it. The output was lower (I did raise the pickups) and the tone of the open E and A could only be described as mushy. I have learned my lesson.
  14. Sure, pickups can fail ie problems/damage like the one you described (which was also what I was suggesting might be the problem) but they don't have a "lifespan" or just run of of juice with time.
  15. As far as I'm aware pickups don't wear out, they can get damaged (spilled beer etc). I don't think it's a lifespan thing. The only thing I can think of is maybe there's a broken connection inside the pickup casing.
  16. My Fender Jazz is blissfully unaware that for the last two months I've been having an affair with a Westfield P that I got for £38 on ebay.
  17. I tried some Fenders in Guitar Guitar and only the American Delux models were well set up.
  18. It turns out that the band I as depping in were offered another gig on the strength of our performance on Saturday, which is both gratifying and annoying!
  19. Depping with a country band at a wedding with a free bar! we were on at midnight after two sh*t hot bands ((Motown/soul and latin/flamenco) and what passed for a sound check was ten minutes of confusion while a dj let rip at extreme volume. For the first couple of numbers we couldn't hear a thing , the soundman couldn't seem to find the fader to bring up the lead vocals on stage..After about three songs things seemed to gel and all I could see what a sea of smiley people dancing. I was driving so couldn't take advantage of the. bar. Got home at 4am with money i my pocket. Not bad, not my usual gig but I'd certainly do i again.
  20. I'm actually going to build from scratch. I would seem there is a lot of variability in the scale length.
  21. Inspired by the release of "Black Sabbath for ukulele" myself and a couple of uke playing friends are planning a Sabbath bases camp fire sing song next summer. I thought about taking my acoustic bass but now I'm thinking of building a bass uke. I've done some research some info but I'd rather hear it from the horses mouth. They seem to tune EADG and use thick nylon (?) strings, what is the acoustic sound like? Where can you get strings from I've seen scale lengths from 20-25" , what's most popular/best?
  22. I've got a 2006, if memory serves I payed about £600 (from the research I did that was a fairly good deal) It was second hand but looked virtually untouched , the set up was appalling but with a little patience it turned out to be the dogs dooh dahs. The fit and finish is great and all my basses have to be set up like this one now.
  23. My main concern is recording. I've found that cheap basses can sound great live but in the studio tend to require a bit more fiddling to get a good sound.
  24. If there is a constant turnover of basses in your house the presence of another new one wouldn't be noticed, just start a rolling system of cheap ebay buying and selling . Many of you will no doubt find it hard to believe that with all the quality advice I'm able to offer on this topic I am in fact getting divorced. It's the bagpipes she really objected to.
  25. It's all in the timing of the purchase. Wait until she's feeling down , heard bad news, under the weather, feeling bit neglected etc.....Then cheer her up by buying anew bass.
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