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Dom in Dorset

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Everything posted by Dom in Dorset

  1. [quote name='3below' timestamp='1355175495' post='1895137'] Try a simple low damage method. If the lines are plastic inserts, get a black or brown (depending on ebony colour) permanent marker pen ( [url="http://www.google.co.uk/products/catalog?hl=en&q=staedtler+permanent+marker&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&bpcl=39650382&biw=1092&bih=505&um=1&ie=UTF-8&cid=6895590855099130917&sa=X&ei=31XGUNSZO4qK0AXL8oDoAQ&sqi=2&ved=0CF8Q8wIwBA"]Staedtler[/url] ). This used carefully will colour the lines for a long time. Re-apply as and when. [/quote] I use black nylon covered strings on my fretless basses, this solution would probably last forever.
  2. Don't worry about too much veneer, leave about 1-2mm stcking out, trim it off with a sharp knife or chissel when the glue has dried.
  3. I did it with a jumior hacksaw (or regular hacksaw, can't remember) Took about ten minutes, looked no worse than a de-fretted neck straight after the de-fret. Note this was a rosewood board. You just put enough veneer to fill the slot, nothing to it. It's also possible to replace the board if you are feeling adventurous...
  4. [quote name='GuyR' timestamp='1355127988' post='1894278'] Whatever you do, don't saw fret slots then fill them. It will be detrimental to the sustain and tone. Best to sand or strip the lines off. [/quote] Sounds like it already has fret slots, as do two of my fretless basses and countless other ones out there. Sustain and tone are fine. One of my basses had been de-fretted and plastic inserts fitted (looked ghastly) I had to saw them out. If you are trying to hide the lines then some sort of filler will do, if you want nice looking lines use veneer.
  5. I've oiled the body and been shopping. I've got bird's eye maple for the neck, black hardware and in an attempt to find some pickups like the ones I used on the previous incarnation I've spent £8(including postage!) on some dodgy chinese pickups , if they are total sh1te I won't have wasted too much.. Not sure what I'll use for the board, I could use some of the maple , I also have boxwood, damson, laburnum. So far I've spent about £70, the only parts I need are pots , knobs, jack, strings and strap buttons.
  6. I've tried filler and veneer , the latter is neater , but as you say it's disposable bass to see how you get on. I dod once try a fretless in a shop , I think it was new and had unfilled slots.
  7. Probably more poppy that you had in mind but ABBA were glam as anything (even if only in shocking dress sense) Waterloo or Does your mother know? I am the tiger etc ABBA basslines are superb too.
  8. Tiger Feet If it was my band we'd do Bowie's Star Man.
  9. [quote name='Doddy' timestamp='1354482254' post='1886556'] To be honest,I would have been gone long ago if it's been 3 years before your first gig. That would have been enough alone. But not getting on with one member as well? I'd have been gone after 2 or 3 weeks, unless we were regularly out gigging. [/quote] +1
  10. Elm is also worth looking at:
  11. Despite the mass of Jazz basses there I came away thinking that life isn't complete without a precision. Watch this space...
  12. Is there a collective noun for Jazz basses?
  13. Yes, thanks again to those who did the hard work of organizing this. You can't have too many jazz basses, or can you? (Hello Fremsley, watch out I think Ivor has put the chip pan on!)
  14. I've spent a bit of time sanding the body and I think it's starting to look quite sexy. It will be a lot darker once I've oiled the wood. I also realized that I didn't rout out the pickup holes properly, I still need to do the rounded bits for the mounting screws. The weight is now 4 1/2lb (2.2kg) I'm planning on at least re-boarding a neck (might even make the whole thing) possibly use boxwood to make the board.
  15. Routing. So far... The dark satins are from the wood hardener, they won't be visible at the end.
  16. I saw him from about ten feet away at Glastonbury a couple of years back, I had alway seriously rated his playing but seeing it up close was a revelation. He was playing Crafter Centaur bass apparenty about £300. (if memory serves)
  17. At the moment it weighs in at 5lb, which is what about Fender Strat body weighs according to a discussion on a Fender Guitars forum. I don't know how much a Fender jazz (or P) body weighs but my Jazz is quite a heavy bass. I'm confidant of losing another 1/2lb by routing and contouring.
  18. Spalted beech usually sells for £40-60 per cubic foot, I reckon that I had about 1/2 cubic foot and the worms were extra!
  19. Well, the waters of Sennen Cove failed to yield a suitable driftwood bass body but On a trip to Yandles sawmill to buy ebony I found this piece of spalted beach: A bit of bandsawing: (I also ran a router over the surface to reduce the thickness. Further refinement: You can't see from the picture but there are more worm holes than an entire series of Star Trek , I'm going to dowse it in wood hardener to firm up any porous areas and hopefully kill or at least p1ss off any remaining wood worm. I don't know why the earlier pictures have gone, I'll re-post if anyone is interested.
  20. Still interested, can't confirm just yet , but 90% certain (I need to run it past Mrs inSomerset who's in the states until No1st, I can't think of a problem with my attendance but there could be something I've forgotten like children's birthday, wedding anniversary, the date set for my brain transplant etc) I hope to bring: 2006 US Jazz Bitza P body fretless Jazz The Brown Special acoustic fretless
  21. I built an a fretless out of spare parts to test a few ideas, I used Jazz pickups from a Lindo "Red Tiger" bass. My intention was to use the "Triggers Broom principal" ie built it with whatever bits come to hand , replacing parts as better ones come available, until all of the original parts are gone. The pickups were a big surprize- superb output and tone, exactly what i was after (slightly higher output than my Fender even with nylon coated strings) I may get through six necks and four bodies but the Lindo pickups will stay.
  22. It can be as much down to the market at any particular time. Last year I was saving up to buy an Aerodyne, while I was getting the money together ebay was full of them going for £400-£500, sometimes not selling at all. By the time I'd saved up the money there was one, going for silly money. I bought a US 2006 jazz from the market place here in the end, when I got it the set up was lousy (I noticed that only the delux models were set up well on a trip to Guitar Guitar) Took a bit of effort to get it going but it's now exactly what I was after.
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