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Dom in Dorset

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Everything posted by Dom in Dorset

  1. How do I edit that part of my profile?
  2. Mr previous was a very talented upright player and it took me about six months to get completely up to speed with their back catalogue. Things were fine for a while but I think what did it was they started cleaning up the recordings they'd done. It reminded them that what they wanted was a double bass with close mic put through every studio enhancement availabe rather than a jazz bass put through a 2X10 combo. I saw it coming after a rehearsal when they kept going on about more bass ,X had a more bassy sound on that bit, etc I was seconds away from "if you want me to sound like X, get X back in" I suspect that's what has happened,he's the only person who could learn the set quick enough and make the sound they want.I think they are making a mistake but whatever, they'll come crawling back when Sex Farm charts in Japan. What did she say? Something like "It's been two years and it's not really clicking with you..." she then went on nervously excusing their actions "it's no you it's us" type stuff for about five minutes until I interrupted her to say "that's ok I saw it coming." Then they electrocuted my scrotum.
  3. After two years of being unfavorably compared to the previous guy I'm out.There were plenty of good times but the spector of *previous guy* never completely went away. Just had the call, basically they've been finishing off recordings made by the previous line up and it's become obvious to the rest of them that I don't play like that. the rest of the band wanted low rumbling grooves, I play more up-front melodic parts. We were friends before I joined , they were honest and diplomatic, I'm still in my other band (as far as I know) , so I'm not too bothered (I'll miss the money). I felt for the band mate who drew the short straw , I've never heard her sound so nervous! Just goes to show that this can be done painlessly. As I wise man said "it's a gift of free time" Maybe now I'll have time to record some of my acoustic numbers with the Royal Philharmonic.
  4. (Long scale neck) - (two frets) = (neck with sawn off truss rod) =(banana)
  5. Thinking of trying an EQ pedal, what's hot and what's not for around £30? (or under) The Behringer EQ700 7 is by far the cheapest, gets mostly good reviews , the downside is that it's not too sturdy and can be noisy. I had a Boss years ago but don't want to shell out that much at the moment, I may upgrade if I find enough use for it.
  6. How do you know that you can modify the truss rod with out seeing it? Or without seeing what's left after cutting 2' off? Unless you can source a short scale truss rod to replace it: One word of advice "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
  7. A small detail but the pickups will be in the wrong place too. As has been said before you'll destroy the truss rod, so no it can't be done. How about tuning down to D , then your second fret will be your E, you'll then have a short scale bass with low D extension!!! Or just get another bass.
  8. I started with a lined fretless, I've just gone over to unlined with side marker dots (not every fret) and I actually think it'd easier! Don't know why but it works for me. In short - get the best fretless that you can, you'll get used to it , don't worry about the details.
  9. It might be worth trying to remove the wrapping with a coat hanger or similar. I use wood screw on the end of a long rod to remove cleaning swabs stuck to wind instrument bores, gently push it up until you feel the obstruction then slowly twist, the swab (or wrapping in your case) starts to tangle on the screw, then slowly pull it out , hopefully with said obstruction still attached.
  10. They have a good unplugged sound (one of the best I've tried), nice to play if set up well. Build quality good. On the downside , on one I know the neck seems to demand attention, I've set it up a couple of times, the first time after a month there was massive fret buzz, I raised the action a bit and six months down the line the neck relief is huge. Maybe it will stabilize , maybe it was a bad example. If you're not afraid of adjusting the truss rod yourself - go for it. BTW it's up for £199
  11. That's where I got mine from, the difference between the two that he sells is the length of the Allen key nut.
  12. That stuff that came out of the knot hole - have you tried smoking it?
  13. It should be possible to iron off the veneer, you may need to improvise some sort of contoured tool ie: piece of steel tube heated and pressed agaist the cloth covered veneer. I suspect that the veneer is'nt going to come off or go on cleanly. The truss rod is put in before the board is glued on, they are a tight fit in the hole and some glue may have got onto it, pulling it out might be tricky
  14. I replaced atruss rod recently , I found this : [url="http://guitarnuts2.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=reference&action=display&thread=5347"]http://guitarnuts2.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=reference&action=display&thread=5347[/url] I did what they said, someone sugested that I put a cloth over the frets, which I also did.It was surprisingly easy, I replaced it with a fretless board so I've no idea how easy putting the original board back on is. The original board was pretty much unscathed by the process. I got the truss rod from CH guitars, £9.99 including postage, turned up the next day.
  15. Mine is US standard 2006 and has it.
  16. Some years they revert to copper alloys again! It must be down to prices of metals.
  17. They must read this forum, they've emailed me this evening to say they're on their way!
  18. Ok, looks like a case of "if they don't show up soon, I'll have to wait some more."
  19. Just wondering how long it took for them to arrive? I ordered some a couple of weeks ago, I gave some wrong card info but after a phone call it was all sorted and paid for on the 8th, it's now the 14th should I chase it up yet?
  20. Measure the distance from the nut to the 12th fret and double it, that's your scale length.
  21. Standard US Fender apart from the grey scratch plate:
  22. [quote name='Chlo_treacher' timestamp='1320669261' post='1429621'] Its a hand painted/put together bass that is based on a 1950's p given to me by an american luthier. It sounds and looks amazing, weighs a tonne though and the neck is very chunky. So I'm not able to use it too often for long gigs. Will maybe use it for future recordings though....x [/quote] Is it left handed or is the picture reversed?
  23. [quote name='Kelso' timestamp='1320587827' post='1428601'] Profile pic - love the bass! What is it? . . . Kelso [/quote] A rare ambidextrous P bass.
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