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Dom in Dorset

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Everything posted by Dom in Dorset

  1. "I've written a new song, it's about how environmentally friendly caravan holidays are."
  2. I was looking for a replacement scratch plate for my jazz, found this place : [url="http://www.guitarselectric.co.uk/USAMex_JAZZ_BASS_SCRATCH_PLATE_in_4_Colours/p207303_3419136.aspx"]http://www.guitarselectric.co.uk/USAMex_JAZZ_BASS_SCRATCH_PLATE_in_4_Colours/p207303_3419136.aspx[/url] They sent me a template to try out to see if it would fit, it did, I ordered, it turned up. They don't sell a lot at the moment , maybe they'll add to their range in time.
  3. "our previous bass player(s) used to play this one better/sound bassier/look better/do something really cool on this tune/smell better/better in bed etc, etc..." It's to be expected I've only been in the job for two years.
  4. Three of us take on the front man role: Our lead guitarist (far left) occasionally dose a bit of backing vocal but the lead vocals and front stuff is shared between the rest of us.
  5. most of it was (IMO) on a par with "Remember to breath while you're on stage" The bit about taking keys to adjust intonation seems a little odd- as if you'd do that on stage?
  6. The thing is that as my ear slowly clogged over the course of a few weeks I didn't notice how bad it was getting until it cut out completely. at the same reheasal our guitarist was showing of his new Gibson Custom shop semi acoustic, I wasn't impressed with that either! The band is going to sound very different next time.
  7. I saved some cash and splashed out on a secind hand US Fender Jazz. I'm more of a precision tone fan but love the neck and potential versatility of the Jazz so I was prepared to experiment to find "my tone" For various reasons I didn't have my amp for a couple of weeks and didn't get to plug the new jazz in until last week. During the rehearsal I wasn't massively impressed with the output and felt that the Jazz lacked "depth". I love the feel of the bass and though that I should replace pickups, add speakers to my rig, preamp? pedals? Last week I went deaf in my left ear, it had been a problem on and off for a while but this was the worst yet, left ear blocked for a week. I saw the doctor and have the offending ear syringed. The Jazz sounds amazing! Before you upgarde, check your ears.
  8. Go with rounds then! I have to say that my other reason for changing was that I didn't like the feel of rounds under my fingers on the fretless board.
  9. Call me a doom merchant but I can only report what happened to me, rounds marked my rosewood board -almost instantly , I changed to nylons after a couple of days.
  10. +1 for filling the slots with veneer, I've done one with wood dust and glue- not a patch on the one I did with veneers. Re strings: round wound strings will eat up a rosewood board, unless your board is ebony I'd consider flats or nylon wound .
  11. "Never understood that metal detector. Was it a heavy metal Cucumber ?" - In the demo version of the film [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UGfZOpzfxFM"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UGfZOpzfxFM[/url] (about 9 min) it's a load of small change in a hadnkerchief. For some reason it became a foil wrapped cucumber in the full film. There are a few other details that make more sense once you've seen the demo. There is also a deleted scene where a roadie is seen wrapping said cucumber. I am a total Spinal Tap nerd.
  12. I had an argument with a cricket ball two years ago, bent the tip of my LH ring finger back. I could play but had to keep it strapped up with elastoplast and couldn't bend strings with that finger. I can play unhindered now but the joint is still swolen and I've lost some movement , probably permanently. I doubt I will be missed (batting average of 3) but I have given the game up now. As soon as you can cope with it , start doing some gentle excercises to get the finger moving again.
  13. I think he "budded" from a growth in Derek Smalls' armpit.
  14. I thought he looked familiar:
  15. I for one am going to follow every one of his suggestions, I'll be at the front, tongue out , spitting blood, dry humping my bass in my tight ass jeans and shoving my cucumber in 18 year old girls faces. How the helll have I survived without knowing this stuff?
  16. Pure self indulgent showing off (and I'm jealous): [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=GFVl--WlMnk#"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=playe...;v=GFVl--WlMnk#[/url]!
  17. Also the big guy who talks from Penn and Teller: (fast forward to 1 min) [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NRExcUAFX3k"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NRExcUAFX3k[/url]
  18. Clunes in a comedy spoof (Hunting Venus?), there was a bit in a rehearsal scene where he did appear to be playing: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YqIrG036Kvk"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YqIrG036Kvk[/url]
  19. Looks like it's got the S1 switch in the first vol pot? A useful extra. I recently aquired it's rosewood boarded sister , can't put her down.
  20. Beautiful! I'm just off to put my remaining kidney on ebay.
  21. I did have a fretted 5 years ago and did experiment with ADGCF but never persued it.
  22. +1 for nylons, beware that the variation between brands is huge. I've tried Piacato and they are very trebbly, Fenders have more bass.
  23. Precision+piezo played somewhere around the bottom of the neck.
  24. Now you mention it, that C string is going to ssssssooooooooo skinny, I think it's low B unless anyone has a damn good reason why not.
  25. Low B or high C? What's the norm? The most pupular? What do you prefer? Why?
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