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Dom in Dorset

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Everything posted by Dom in Dorset

  1. Quite often the screws that control bridge hight can buzz if they aren't making contact with bass plate. On bridges with two screws per string if one is left loose it can buzz, just tighten it a bit ubtil it makes contact with the bass plate, if you stop just as it touches it won't affect the action.
  2. Reading the blurb it sounds like they are describing "kiln drying", it's been around for years, it mearly dreduces the seasoning time of fresh cut timber. It is usually thought to be inferior to natural or "air dried" timber. I'd be intrigued to know if the brown colour shown is the result of their process, kiln drying dosen't (as far as I know) affect the colour. It's interesting to note that their blurb dosen't say that the process gives that nice golden brown colour, I suspect that it's an applied finish. Look nice, probably does the job, IMO it's way of making a routine cost saving opperation into a bonus for the customer.
  3. Just noticed Dave Cs Hohner stick for sale, I had the five string once, good bass if a little "Marmite". They also have the advantage of being unfeasably small even in a hard case.
  4. Ibanez usually give good value for money, a few models in the £300 range. I tried a Jet Kings and loved it, not a classic look but a nice bass and full marks for quirky. Having said that , you can't go wrong with a decent P bass copy and Squire seem to be well thought of here.
  5. As it turns out I accidentaly bought one of each!!! As it's for my twin neck, I'll use them both, I'll let you know whar happens.
  6. That also explains why I crawl on my belly and eat dust.
  7. Deuteronomy 16.8 : "And the Lord sent a great fire into the land and the great fire consumed all of the cattle , both great and small, all of the cattle both spotted and ringstraked. All the beasts that walk on cloven hooves were consumed by fire. All the bass guitars , both five and six stringed were consumed by fire , for they are an abomination in the sight of the Lord."
  8. Never heard of them but I love the idea of playing a Crunge.
  9. AAAAH! Look around you, wonderful stuff. Most of it's on youtube, well worth a look.
  10. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='900070' date='Jul 20 2010, 02:22 PM']Try him on this, slap and a great vocal in one: [/quote] Were you unnemployed at any point during the 1980's?
  11. I can see that I'm going to have to work on the Blockbusters theme too. Mind you, the sound man we see most of all is American and just wont appreciate the likes of Rentaghost or Blockbusters.
  12. I always used to play Spinal Tap's "Tonigh I'm Gonna rock You (tonight)" in sound checks, last night i was practicing scales when a new tune happened! There are better versions on youtube, this guy is a few steps ahead of me, but I'm not gigging for nearly a month , so plenty of time: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ib9gMLjOXS8"]youtube clip[/url]
  13. I love it! all those people boiling their strings to briong back the zing and you soak them in engine oil to remove it! It's always a worry replacing one string, I had to replace one black nylon string recently, the new one sounded just like the old, no problem. I'll remember the engine oil when a round wound dies!
  14. they would appear to be polyester, i'll go for ceramic. Thanks.
  15. I love the sound of black nylon strings on my acoustic fretless. I'm making a twin neck (fretted /fretless) it's solid body with P bass pickups + piezo bridges. the bridges in question are all metal construction as opposed to the wooden sadle + plastic "ivory" on my existing fetless. in order to avoid spending lots of money trying different strings it would be useful to know if nylon strings would make much difference with the magnetic/piezo set up or would regular flats sound prety much the same?
  16. I'm about to order the electrics for my latest project, I know nothing about the subject, happy to follow a wiring diagram. CH guitars do wiring kits for certain basses and guitars, they do two for Jazz bass, one with a ceramic capacitor one with poly- what difference does it make (if any?)
  17. Not sure why it came out so small, try this: What's left? final shaping and profiling of the body, routing for pickups, wiring, scratch plates, bolt the necks on, machines, strap buttons , get a cape , some dry ice and write a rock symphony in four movements.
  18. I've routed out the neck pockets and refined the body a little (a lot more work on the body to come) Those are piezo bridges.
  19. The only Shine 6 string I've seen has a 34" scale.
  20. I have my own workshop here in Bruton and once a week I'm here :http://www.allinstruments.com/ I'm usually there thursday afternoons, but not this week. Pm or email ([email protected]) if you want me to take a look.
  21. this is part of my twin neck project (see build diaries) I've bought cheapish P bass pick ups (10k G&B from Axesrus), where exactly do they go in relation to the neck? a measurment from 12th fret maybe? Also , looking at the pick ups themselves they have different markings on the back of the coils for each half of the pair. One half (with a white wire) says G&B2, the other half (black wire) G&B6. Does it make any difference whitch half is under E and A strings or D and G?
  22. [quote name='BigRedX' post='894426' date='Jul 14 2010, 09:16 AM']That's not held correctly... For a Thunderbird the whole body should fall somewhere between your waist and your knees.[/quote] that's also a valid technique,the neck dive is cured by the headstock resting on the ground.
  23. If a Thunderbird is held correctly (Right fore arm resting on back horn) there is no neck dive.
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