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Everything posted by bumnote

  1. I asked Mark to put a fender decal on when I bought it. It isnt the same as a real stack knob so with the limelight sno on the back and the variation from standard theres no possibilities of passing off. And yes I am that shallow sometimes.
  2. I have the same cab paired with a bassman 100 tube. Great cab, and the neos make it reasonably easy to move for a 4x10
  3. looks like him too
  4. I was the original buyer, this is a really nice bass
  5. funny I have a cs64 which is an odd one they did modeled on McCartneys bass, but the right hand model has an upside down [ie left handed] neck which they did as a limited edition of a few years ago. Anyway, if I were in John Halls position, I too would vigorously try and protect my trademark so if anyone wanted to copy it it would be difficult, why should someone else make money out of my design. Why would I want to make cheaper versions of my product. Im sorry you cant afford one of my instruments, it only makes it more desirable. You dont expect to see Mclaren or Ferrari trying to produce a car to compete with a Mondeo, they can sell as many of what they make as they want to.. In most product types, there will always be people who are prepared to pay for that perceived top quality product. Rolex watches, Saville row suits, Gucci handbags, nike trainers, you name it, there are people who want to be seen with, or just because they can, buy that very expensive product. Sell you a cheap rick, Nah, I want to get as much as I can for it.
  6. Rickenbacker have got it right. The products hold their prices and there is a waiting list. They make a profit, probably more profit on some items than Fender get as a selling price.. Fender on the other hand have been reputedly in debt for years.
  7. Thanks for posting, perfect reply
  8. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1509754357' post='3401498'] Ok, I'll fold. However the Ampeg SVT was a mild stone in the advancement of bass amps. Blue [/quote] Dont forget the acoustic 301/360 from the late 60s
  9. why dont you contact ashdown and ask for the price of a new speaker? Their customer service is great.
  10. I think I would wait and see how well these tunes go down in the venues you play in. If they go down well, then hopefully that will encourage you, if they dont then you could talk to the rest of the band. I used to play with a drummer who had a real knack in choosing songs that would fill the floor, so i was generally happy to follow his suggestions even if they were not necessarily my choice.
  11. Im just down the road Hello
  12. I have had my 64 precision since 1969. I swapped it for a 6 month old Gibson EBO and never regretted it. still used regularly
  13. I agree with Steve. I have a 62 re issue which I imported from Japan a few years ago, fitted it with a lollar pick up and its really nice. Has the wide 44mm neck and plays well. I have an L series precision bought in the 60s, [not all original unfortunately] and I can tell them apart but theres not much in it. I also like the necks on the classic 50s mex reissue.
  14. one of my absolute heroes, i envy you
  15. [quote name='yepmop' timestamp='1457969623' post='3003486'] Just got my TC Electronics Bass combo back from Raphael at [url="http://www.sutamps.com/"]http://www.sutamps.com/[/url] excellent service and great prices. So if you're in the Hampshire area and need some amp repairs/servicing/mods check him out you won't be disappointed i wasn't . Cheers Tony [/quote] Another recommendation for Raphael, sorted my Phil Jones out for me, Another bass player and nice bloke,. Thanks Tony, he is nice and local for me and saved me a drive.
  16. I have had great service from synergy in the past. I just got my M500 back from a local tech after replacing an led and cleaning up the pots, [it was easier than sending away] He was very complimentary about the design and quality of the build.
  17. I have always had great service from hot covers, must of had about 10 covers from them, Couldnt recommend more. I have had one from roqsolid but prefer the design and material from hot covers
  18. It depends which PJB you buy. I used an M500 with an 8b [8x5] for about three years in three different bands playing in clubs and pubs and didnt have a problem keeping up. They have a very clear sound and project really well. I remember talking to another bass player who was amazed at how well it projected my ricky in fairly large hall somewhere near Crawley. There are people who dont appear to get the sound they want but I dont have a problem, and I like a fairly old school tone. The m500 has a switchable 12 band graphiic and a parametric eq as well. Some of the other phill jones amps only have a 7 band [I think] graphic so maybe thats not for everyone. Im not sure a 6x5 would have met my needs, but you also would have the option of a 4x5 combo and a 4 x5 extension, which I have been told also will keep up in a function band. I also uses a bassman 100 with a 4x10 neo, and I wouldnt say thats much louder than the pjb. If your travels bring you near portsmouth, give me a shoult and you can come and see mine,
  19. how wide is this at the nut?
  20. Great Stuff, have a good gig
  21. hope you recover them. Some people are scum
  22. Ive used hot covers for 7 or 8 amp/speaker covers. Great service, and a very nice product. good fit as well
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