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Posts posted by bumnote

  1. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1390185698' post='2342434']
    A Phil Jones Bass Suitcase and 4B extension cab WILL do the job!

    I know you said you didn't really want an extension cab, but they are tiny and light weight. A seriously loud and eminently portable piece of kit. Our sound guy always DI's me out of the suitcase, but never puts me through the front of house cos he doesn't have too, it's that good. I really don't know why he bothers connecting me at all!

    It also has an effects loop and a multi band band EQ. It has been 100% reliable and always gets favourable comments. I highly recommend you try one out.

    I agree, my phil jones 8x5 copes well at gig volume so the suitcase with an extension should admirably fit the bill, sounds great as well

  2. [quote name='essexbasscat' timestamp='1390729730' post='2348596']
    Thanks folks :)

    I'll have a look at those sites for the right crowning tool. The angled one I'm using at the moment leaves too many tooling marks, so it's looking like a [expensive] diamond crowning tool [expensive].

    Trouble with Stewmac is they seem to have all the right tools and no UK branch <_<

    You wouldnt save much money even if they did. You would pay 20% vat on top of the selling price if they had a uk branch and you would pay it on an import. Sometimes if you get a small ish and not too expensive an item it slips through the net and you dont get charges

  3. [quote name='blunderthumbs' timestamp='1390231934' post='2342890']
    The later stuff has "MADE IN PRC" on the back. Peoples Republic of China.... :(

    I wouldnt knock it for that, I opened up my phil jones M500 this week which is also made in China, the quality is stunning.

    I have never really understood the knocking of ashdown, [perhaps it was pre barefaced] I have had 2 cabs, a combo and a couple of amps. Never had a problem apart from loosing the bulb in a vu meter, which was replaaced in 24 hrs at no charge. All the questions I have asked them over the years have been answered promptly, Fabulous Customer service.

  4. I have been playing first guitar, and then from about 1968 bass. I am left handed playing right, which gives me an advantage on my fretting hand, but I am pretty slow on my right using a pick or fingers. I play in three bands, and I concentrate on locking in with the drummer and doing the right thing for the song. I get immense satisfaction from that. I cant slap, or do fast runs but I play fairly regularly and enjoy myself.
    I sometimes see these guys at shows where they they are playing 100 miles an hour, and I think to my self where can they play that.
    As I write this I am listening to the great Otis Redding singing my girl, the bass line is simple, Im sure you could play it, and it perfectly suits the song. I am an old codger so you may not be familiar with these songs but I am sure there are songs in your selection where the bass isnt a million miles an hour.
    Dont be discouraged, just keep practising, and remember you will get better, but you will get better, faster with a proper tutor

  5. I have had both of those and the only real difference I could find was the pedal size one has a position on the switch to allow you a preshape.

    Unfortunately I found both of these a bit noisey, and if you can, go for a digital like the line 6 or the stageclix. IMO woth the extra for a really quiet unit and to my ears no discolouration

  6. I did this on a a Tokai neck that had some dents in. IIRC i did several small applications rather to fill it all at once and sanded once dry.
    Igot a really smooth result , In fact not only can I not feel any dinks, the only way I know where the 'repair' Is to look for the colour difference.
    The only problem you may have is how you colour in the dent. If its a polyurethane finish I think it wont get soft or melt when you try to colour it, but a nitro finish could soften the existing paint. I dont claim to be an expert so do a small area first..
    Try and find a place on the bass where it wont show/matter and test a very small amount.There may be a bit of overspay in the neck joint or look and try behind a strap button or the scratchplate.
    Good Luck

  7. [quote name='ATSbassman' timestamp='1388927491' post='2327651']
    Nice seeing some other peoples experiences

    I'm a bit les of a technical bass player like that, spent the time getting a tone I was happy with and then stick with it for live

    As someone who went from a Behringer to a Mesa Boogie, anything is a step up!

    It should last you for years and if you can find a great sound, which with all those controls you should be able to, you should be a happy bunny

  8. I bought one new just after it was released, and I wasnt terribly impressed. The quality of the build was stunning but I found the two switchable and blendable preamps a bit fiddly for live work, and I never really got a sound i was happy with. I used a mb 2x10 and a 1x15. I later bought another 1x15 and used 2 of those.
    I then started using a single 1x15 driving it harder, and I got a better sound from that, but I was never terribly happy.

    I lost a bomb when I sold it, they were 1595 when I bought it and I got about 500 I think when I sold it

  9. [quote name='Phil Starr' timestamp='1387018133' post='2307413']
    Sorry, but this simply isn't true, though it has become the received wisdom on BC.

    Of course size isn't everything and there are many other factors, the electromagnetic motor and the detailed design of the cone. Alex Claber explains this perfectly fairly (from memory as his site is down) in saying there isn't a sound of a 15 or a 10" speaker. There are so many variables it couldn't be, but it isn't insignificant either, if you wanted a loud, efficient speaker driving down to 30Hz you wouldn't start with a 4" speaker.

    What about the phil jones 5" jobbies? I have graduated to an 8x5 pjb [sometimes with an added 4x5] from an acoustic 360 driving a 2x15 and although its not as loud, I get some great sounds from it. It doesn't lack the real bottom that the ashdown 4x8 I tried had . I also use it in a jam environment where it gets used by other people either with my bass or their own. It projects nicely all round the room.

    I originally thought it was a gimmick but it works really well. I would love to try on of the big rigs with 24 or more speakers

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