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Everything posted by bumnote

  1. [size=6][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][sub]Look up wembley loudspeakers who could recone/repair the existing ones and then they should be right for the box.[/sub][/font][/size]
  2. I have been using my 8b and m500 for about 18 months now and I couldnt be happier
  3. [i]I much preferred his playing to Steve Howe.[/i] [i][i][url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u597zuajp3w"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u597zuajp3w[/url][/i][/i] [i]This is a great instrumental version he did of Astral Traveller, also one of my favourite yesssongs[/i]
  4. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1360422170' post='1970120'] The most over-rated band in history Very influential etc but I have never actually listened to 90% of their stuff. Not hostile, just never went there. [/quote] Overated but you have never listened to 90% of ther stuff hmm
  5. As a longtime airline user I love the convenience of the plug in transmitter but there can be a carrier type noise, particulalrly if the treble is boosted. Its not noticeable on stage but I will try the stage clix one day. Had a line 6 relay from the US which was very good but I didnt like the flimsey little mini jack
  6. [quote name='Jimryan' timestamp='1359138500' post='1950669'] I'm a tad puzzled now, the mesa's rated at 2 ohms, the acoustic's rated at 3.2. My cab's 4 ohm. I'm afraid I've never truly got the whole ohm's law side of things. Also, with the Mesa, I've never used or even tried a valve amp before, so I'm curious. James [/quote] The Acoustic can be used 2 4 8 or 16 the 3.2 refers to the matching 1x18 cab I think Nevada service is pretty poor, I wouldnt buy anything there if I could help it
  7. Or you can use my acoustic 370 Im also in waterlooville
  8. I used to have a mini 15 and a mini 4x8. I was very very tempted to have 2 4x8s as the 4x8 sounded great with either an ashdown abm 300 or and eden traveller. The 30kgs per cab is the only thing that stopped me I was not impressed with the 15, and it wont develop anywhere near 300 watts.
  9. Or The Phil jones briefcase can work from a rechargeable battery
  10. I thought the advantage of the black widow was that you were able to replace the whole basket , the magnet unscrews and you just buy and replace the whole cone assembly.It should be fairly competitive price wise and they are good speakers, designed to do the job
  11. [url="http://www.tomkentmusic.co.uk/contact/"]http://www.tomkentmusic.co.uk/contact/[/url]
  12. As there seems to much appreciation for this model I thought it time to give it a bump,
  13. and make sure the handles are exposed. The easier you make the handling fot the carrier, the less likely there is for damage. Sounds live once sent me a boogie 1x15 cab as it was with just a label on in. It was fine
  14. [i]My Acoustic 370 Amp is stencilled up with Steps, does that make it more valuable? [/i]
  15. Ive had a five and a 4 At first they sound ok, the acoustic bass for example sounds ok in the studio, but doesnt really come across live. The electric basses really need fine tuning on your amp which kind of defeats the object. They are heavy on the strap, and powering them is a pain, I think line 6 discoontinued them wonder why
  16. [quote name='muppethenry' timestamp='1341009378' post='1712941'] PM'd [/quote] And replied
  17. Do you have a cost of P&p?
  18. Terry bought my 57 reissue P bass. Great bloke to deal with, thoroughly enjoyable transaction.
  19. Sold a set of Wizards to Graham Instant payment and good comms. Top Man
  20. Hi Gareth IIRC I put one of these on the sunburst MIJ I just sold. Ive also put one on a Tokai Hard Puncher which has EMGs and its not a difficult fit although I had to ease the pickup mounting cut outs. Black and gold, looks smart .
  21. genuine Fender anodised scratch plate. This has only 10 fixing holes, If I remember correctly it lines up with existing holes but It does depend on which model precision you have, ie mij,mia,etc
  22. As the title really. Bought last year surplus to requirements
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