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Posts posted by bumnote

  1. [quote name='Clarky' post='1101366' date='Jan 24 2011, 08:56 PM']PS, if anyone on South Coast is interested in this I will be at the University of Chichester on Sunday recording a live video in the daytime (roughly 11am-6pm) with my swampy blues band Rattlin Bone so could meet up there or nearby[/quote]

    FFS Clarky stop it

  2. [quote name='paulflan0151' post='1101342' date='Jan 24 2011, 08:44 PM'][url="http://www.avatarspeakers.com/s"]http://www.avatarspeakers.com/s[/url]


    Has anyone out in the UK bass world had any experience with these cabs? The prices seem too good to be true.[/quote]
    link doesntwork

  3. [quote name='SteveM' post='1101278' date='Jan 24 2011, 07:58 PM']Just to chip in- I too have been stung by this company. I'll skip the details but it's a similar story to LittleWing.

    It's now the end of January and I ordered the cover October last year.

    I've spent an excruciating 3 months dealing with Shaun Dunk. I still have no product and no refund even though I was told I would be refunded last December.

    Sadly he has continued to ignore my correspondence so I have been left no choice but to reclaim my money through legal action.

    I'm glad that other people were able to get their money returned through PayPal - you've saved yourself a lot of hassle.

    If you are still chasing a product/refund from this company- move fast and be very firm with them about receiving it. Don't hesitate to use Consumer Direct/Trading Standards if you aren't seeing progress.[/quote]

    Their web site looks really professional, and If I hadnt read this thread I could easily have ordered from them.

  4. [quote name='Lemming16' post='1101109' date='Jan 24 2011, 05:46 PM']It is loud enough, But it distorts and the sound comes like "Bzzzzzzzzzz"[/quote]

    As per one of my previous posts if you have it on 9 you are probably overloading the preamp.
    Is there anyone that can lend you and amp, or is there anyone you can lend the amp to to compare with either another speaker or amp?

  5. [quote name='Lemming16' post='1089550' date='Jan 14 2011, 05:11 PM']----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    EDIT: 24/01/11

    Hi, well, after playing it more time, i realized something. When i play at relatively low volume (in my room), the amp sounds great, very clear, just how i like.
    BUT, when i play live in a small venue (With a loud drummer and 2 guitar players with 100W Marshall MG), i have to increase the volume to 9, so i can be heard.
    Increasing the volume 9/10 makes my sound go like "Bzzzzzzzz, Bzzzzzzz" when the tones is at 0 (when my bass tone is at 10, it doesn't sound that bad, but its tooo bright, and most of the songs i play have a very clean and classic bass sound).

    Let's say i need the classic clean bass sound like "Boom boooom", but its sound is like "Bzzzzz Bzzzzz" at gig volume. I think it is because of what i mentioned, the cab being 200W at 8 ohm and my amp being 120 at 4 ohms, which would make it like 80 or 70 watts.

    Also, when i add an overdrive it sounds horrible, like a horrible fuzz (when it shouldnt sound like that, since i use the same effect and settings on my tiny Yorkville combo and it sounds beautiful).

    So, i'm thinking 'bout selling my cab (Ampeg BSE410H and the Acoustic 220) and getting a Fender Rumble 350 with 2 10" (and obviously 350 Watts RMS)

    What do you think? I'm just looking for a good clean and overdrive tone at a small venue volume. I don't know if the Fender Rumble 350 would deliver, or even any other 200W RMS combo.

    Or i could also just sell the head and get a head with 150W at 8 ohms, like the new GK MB-200 or something else.
    I started to think it was because of the cab, but i'm not sure.

    Thanks in advance.[/quote]

    Thats difficult it really depends on how loud you play, and if everything is working properly, although Im surprised the 220 wont keep up.

    150 watt or even 200 over the 220 wont make a significant difference if the 220 is working properly.
    I would see if you can borrow an amp in the power range you are talking about and try and see if that does what you need
    The trouble is what is loud for me might not be loud for you

  6. [quote name='TKenrick' post='1100535' date='Jan 24 2011, 10:44 AM']Latest news is I have to wait until tomorrow when the lost property backlog from the weekend will have been processed - I've spoken to another BCer who works for south west trains and unfortunately there's nothing I can do to speed this up.

    The bass was left on the service running between London Waterloo and Guildford on Friday night. Having checked lost property at Guildford on Friday night, it appears that the bass is most likely at Waterloo, unless someone has taken it...


    Are you sure it hasnt gone all the way down the line? Waterloo to guildford ends up at Portsmouth doesnt it?

  7. [quote name='Beedster' post='1100331' date='Jan 24 2011, 12:20 AM']Not on a Precision matey, so no reason to suspect it's not the original body

    You know what, the more I look at that strangely blue bass, the more I wish I'd bought it!


    I have had the same thought

  8. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='1100278' date='Jan 23 2011, 11:14 PM']Yeah, one slip and i could write off the pup.

    To be honest if this bass was in a colour i liked i would make sure i sorted this out, but all this to get a black PG on to a bass im not really in love with (colour wise only) is a bit too much hassle.[/quote]

    I used to be very sceptical about pickup changes but the thumper made a real difference to my bass, far more than I thought it would

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