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Posts posted by bumnote

  1. I expect the hollow bodies players had a similar reaction when Leo made the telecaster, and upright players when he did the precision.

    Some people like the variax, some people like the roland system.

    From my point of view it doesnt lok appealing from a live perspective, but some people will enjoy the opportunity for something different.

    Live and Let live

  2. Not everyones taste but I started collecting a few aacoustic amps

    The mighty 370/301 Weighs a ton but sounds great
    126 Combo
    150b 404

    Ive sold the 220 and the 126 now and I may sell the 150b as I am waiting for a PJB to arrive and need to fund it

  3. [quote name='juice' post='1095459' date='Jan 19 2011, 06:32 PM']Hi, only reference for cash price I have is ebay Item number: 200535555440 which is same driver but doesn't have the original cone for £78 + shipping. Based on this I would offer this pair with original cones for £100 collected.

    shipping is a possibility which I will research if required.[/quote]

    Thanks I will have a think about it

  4. A few years ago, particularly when the pound was strong, there were some bargains to be had, but since the pound has fallen, its nowhere near as attractive to buy from the states
    You also have to bear in mind if you buy something new, you have difficulties with guarantees cos if you take your faulty amp into your local ampeg repairer he probably wont repair under guarantee.

  5. [quote name='basskit_case' post='1095136' date='Jan 19 2011, 01:45 PM']Checked this out with Mark at Ashdown, he has confirmed that the LE is British built and the standard edition is built in China.

    Mark said:

    [i]"The British one is the LE... with a majority of UK parts, Chassis, Transformers, PCBS, box, etc and built here , tested here, packed and shipped.
    The others are CHINESE built. "[/i][/quote]

    Then I apologise, however my previous post was more or less a word for word copy from his interview with BGM I can only assume he was referring to the other items in the valve range

  6. [quote name='henry norton' post='1094934' date='Jan 19 2011, 11:21 AM']No, it wouldn't make any difference. All you're doing is giving the signal (very very) slightly less resistance through the cable, which wouldn't make much difference unless your speaker cables were a mile long and as wide as a human hair. When it reaches the speaker it'll still have the same nominal resistance as with one cable.

    Nice try :)[/quote]

    I dont have the technical expertise on this but Im pretty sure this is actually bad for the amp as effectively because the speaker inputs are put in parallel you are effectively connecting two positive terminals from the amp together.

    There is a safety warning oon some of the ashdown amps that tells you not to pug 2 outputs into 1 cabinet

  7. July 2010 BGM
    Mark Gooday
    'All Ashdown valve amps are built from start to finishat the companys valve centre located just down the road from the companys head office.We can make valve amps here at the same price we can make them in China. ................... So when you really go down to it, with the shipping, the duty, and the way the exchange rate is fluctuating, not to mention having to unpack everything and retest everything, we made the decision not to send any of the valve amps offshore.

  8. I used to dream of owning one of those.I remember seeing Chris Farlowe at the birdcage in Portsmouth, Albert Lee on Guitar.
    The bass player had one of those and it seemed to cut through ok.
    Why I am schlepping round with 3 or 400 watts these days I dont know

  9. Its an interesting way of doing it as a promotional thing, people can see what you look like, as well as what you sound like.

    We did a video a few years ago but as with a demo, some people think if its a bit half decent its all done with studio trickery.

  10. I have had a load of covers over the years done by David AC Royle which although plain are well padded and well made. They mainly do car restoration and dont appear to do covers any more.
    I guess there is a lot of competition out there and not everyone buyts a new amp regulalrly, or bothers if they do

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