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Posts posted by bumnote

  1. [quote name='icastle' post='1049540' date='Dec 6 2010, 04:42 PM']No it won't but it'll be close enough to determine what the impedance of a single unmarked speaker is.[/quote]

    If an 8 ohm speaker reads at 6.3 ohms as per Phils post above, and without further clarification, the speaker could be identified under your method of either 4 or 8 ohm.

  2. [quote name='icastle' post='1048747' date='Dec 5 2010, 09:23 PM']Thats a pretty tough question.
    Back when the WEM Dominator 45 was made, Fane had a ridiculously large product range.
    If I had to make a guess, I'd go for 8Ω, but it is only a guess.
    Your best bet really would be to either buy a cheapy multimeter (even Maplin do one for £5!) or borrow one off a mate.
    Disconnect one of the wires going to the speaker, set the multimeter to the Ω setting, shove the meter probes onto the two speaker terminals and see what the meter says! Simples :)[/quote]

    That wont give you an accurate measure as you will be measuring resistance which is not the same as impedence

  3. [quote name='Christophano' post='1048717' date='Dec 5 2010, 08:57 PM']Hey Basschatters,

    I wondered if I could pick your brains!?!

    I'm in the process of putting a shopping list together to do a bit of a restoration of my old WEM Dominator 45 Bass. It's a 15" combo with 4x el84's and 3x ecc83's.

    The old Fane speaker looks and sounds a bit naff and I was going to replace it, it doesn't say whether it's a 8 or 16 ohm speaker and I can't find any solid conformation to say which one it is. I also don't have the means to test the speakers impedance.

    Anyone got any idea what I should purchase?

    Thanks in advance for anyone's advice.[/quote]

    If you are restoring a vintage amp have you considered reconing the loudspeaker which will help to keep its vintage character


    can do it

  4. [quote name='kevbass' post='1048632' date='Dec 5 2010, 07:52 PM']Hello good folks,

    I took these as part of a trade quite some time ago but never used them, I traded some Schaller tuners for them and from what I can remember I think these are Gotoh tuners.

    Asking for 20 quid posted, bargain!

    P.s please excuse the rather scruffy duvet cover


    Does this include the bushes and screws?

  5. [quote name='4-string-thing' post='1048400' date='Dec 5 2010, 04:46 PM']I thought about getting an Acoustic Tee made, til I saw on the Acoustic forum that the guy in the States who owns the trademark was gonna start suing people who did![/quote]

    Very difficult in the real world, If you were flogging them thats another matter,

    Bought it in a charity shop your honour, how was I to know its not Kosher, theres enough designer stuff being made as contraband, and this will be the season of hooky perfumes to go along with the 1960s Fender Encore Jazz basses, [sorry base] found in Grannys attic.

    We should have a little club just the two of us, the english acoustic appreciation society. I would have asked Chi Mike to join as well but hes defected to the dark side and is using some EBS stuff this week, although the amp screening looks like its been done with Dymo tape :) .

  6. [quote name='jonsmith' post='1047892' date='Dec 5 2010, 12:08 AM']Mono output only.[/quote]

    Im willing to be shot down, and I sold it 10 odd years ago but im sure mine had mono and stereo outputs.

  7. I am no means a rickenbacker expert but these were available with the dot inlays in the 90s. I used to have a fireglow one, which was a special order from academy of sound in Norwich. Beautifull quality bass, I just couldnt get on with it

  8. [quote name='BassBod' post='1047287' date='Dec 4 2010, 01:32 PM']Wouldn't it be interesting to do a comparison - something like a Shergold Marathon or early Wal, paired with an HH combo or Sound City 50 Plus...and a late 70s P or J with an Acoustic or Polytone? I've got a feeling the Brit gear would stack up pretty well. At the time most players spent a fortune getting the US gear, but I wonder if we've all changed over the last two or three decades?

    When's the Bristol bass bash I wonder?[/quote]

    I was using an HH 100 with a Fender Dual showman fitted with JBLs with a precision and then I bought an acoustic 450 with a 406 2x15 Cabinet, there was honestly no comparison. The HH was POS in comparison

    Those old acoustic amps still sound great today although they are large and heavy. Towards the end some of the models they introduced were aimed more towards the cheaper end of the market , but the early stuff was pro quality.

  9. [quote name='Big Mick' post='1046696' date='Dec 3 2010, 07:01 PM']Was going to put some pics. up today but spent the afternoon in A+E after some unexpected chest pains.
    I'm feeling ok now and will get on with it tomorrow.

    Cheers, Mick. :)[/quote]

    hope all is well, best wishes

  10. [quote name='stevie' post='1046458' date='Dec 3 2010, 03:33 PM']The internal size of the Mini 15 cab is 55 litres. At a rough guess, that would make the internal size of the combo, what - 40 litres? That's quite large for a 10", and larger than the Celestion neos like to see. If you want a Celestion, you'd be better off with a 12".[/quote]

    That a pretty good guess. Measuring on the outside and calculating the thickness I make it 42 litres.

    Ive got some wadding left so I might try putting some in the 15 thanks.

  11. [quote name='oldslapper' post='1046545' date='Dec 3 2010, 04:46 PM']I'm going to leave the 1x10 in there. The difference in weight will be minimal, as Stevie pointed out.
    I quite like the 1x15 as an extention cab, but more for it's size and weight, as the sound nuances spoken of above are lost on an insensitive brute like me. :)

    Having said that, I can see me selling the combo and cab soon anyway. I've fallen for Phil Jones amps, having had a Briefcase, I now want a Suitcase.
    I only gig double bass these days and record electric bass, so don't need anything loud.

    Thanks for all your advice, you guys are ace!

    Stevie.........Dorset bass bash next summer...... :)[/quote]

    I just weighed the original seca speaker at 4.3 kg so if the Deltalite weight is 2.1 thats saving of 2.2 kgs or about 5 lbs Guessing the weight of the combo as near to the 4x8 which is listed at 30 kg it is only a saving of 7%

  12. To add to the debate, I have a mini 1x15 and it doesnt sound particularly nice to me, I can only describe it as Boxy whatever that means, while I love the 4x8 for its compact size and its sound

    I have used that in combination and as a stand alone with either the Eden head or my acoustic 370 and it sounds great.

    However that is really heavy and I have toyed with the idea of changing the 8s with neos but that would be more expensive.

    However, I bought the plans from Bill for the Jack 10 and 12 and one day will probably make a couple of Jack 12s.I

  13. [quote name='stevie' post='1046174' date='Dec 3 2010, 11:35 AM']John, are you sure it's a 10"? I checked the website and they don't seem to have made any 300W ABM combos with 10s. Do you have a model number?[/quote]

    Yes I have one, it is a c110 300 combo that was discontinued in 2005ish and it is the same size as a mini cab

    I sometimes use it as a live rig with the mini 4x8 and I also swapped out the original and put in a Deltalite

    There was no science, apart from lagging the box after a pm with Stevie

    It makes a difference to the weight, but not an enormous one. I did the swap because the speaker was SH and a good price. I dont really notice much difference on stage although i use it primarily at home for rehearsal.

    I have just remembered, one of the tuning ports has been cut away because it fouls the side handle, so I dont suppose design like you guys all talk about has been that much included.

    BTW I do enjoy the toing and froing between You, Laurence and Bill


  14. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='1045388' date='Dec 2 2010, 05:42 PM']No, the Fender Longhorn 'Boner' basses.[/quote]


    Ive a fancy for a long scale properly made dano longhorn. I had a short horn in the 60s as my first bass. I fancied a longhorn but couldnt find one, trawled up and down Denmark Street, turned my nose up at SH precisions and Jazzes going for £50-£70. What an idiot.

    I finally bought a longhorn re issue a couple of years ago but it was not for me

  15. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='1045356' date='Dec 2 2010, 05:06 PM']Oddly enough our very own Bass Doc produced a Tulip wood bodied Longhorn bass for Mark 'Marcus' (no not Mr Miller) and though Mark sold it on to another local mental bassist up here (Kevbucket), Kev rates it MASSIVELY and plays it in preference to his MM Cutlass or a brace of other fantastic quality basses that he owns. Something to be said for Tulip wood maybe![/quote]

    Was that a Longhorn as in Danelectro longhorn?

  16. [quote name='Mickeyboro' post='1043574' date='Dec 1 2010, 11:35 AM']I had one of those too Nigel, and found a similar problem.

    Mind you my waistline is bigger than yours!

    Enjoying the Squier CV 50s P, which fits in all the right places. But rehearsal tonite called off due to snow - damn it![/quote]

    Glad you are enjoying the bass Mick, Im waiting for the ups man to arrive with my pretty pink one

    We had a shadows night in the fountain tonight but that's been canceled because surrogate hank is ill so I wont be able to use it anger till next week

    I wonder why fender made those slab bodied ones I shall do some internet digging

  17. [quote name='EssentialTension' post='1043378' date='Dec 1 2010, 09:34 AM']They have: [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/fender_66_slab_body_p_bass_cc_owt.htm"]http://www.thomann.de/gb/fender_66_slab_bo...bass_cc_owt.htm[/url][/quote]

    I meant as a non custom shop really

    Thats a lot of of money although they look great.

    I sold my Japanese 51 reissue because I found the lack of forearm chamfer uncomfortable to play.

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