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Posts posted by bumnote

  1. I expect they run it a virtual shop with little or no stock holding.

    When someone orders they order the item from the manufacturer and expect a quick delivery

    If the manufacturer doesnt have stock, thats when the problems start

    Good way of doing business. little cash tied up, and maximum profitability, but a disaster when it goes wrong

  2. I have run my 220 with an assortment of different speakers from a 2x15, 4x8, 2x10 and a 1x15

    The 220 was originally paired with a 406 which is a 2x15 cab which is great, but big and cumbersome.

    If you are going to build one, have a look at the Bill Fitmaurice jacks or there are some free plans on the eminence web site, and you should find something that fits your budget.

  3. [quote name='Lemming16' post='1038268' date='Nov 26 2010, 08:53 PM']Thanks everyone for your answers, i decided to go for the amp, and a Ibanez PD7 pedal, those 3 things are cheaper than the POD X3.[/quote]

    Good Luck dont forget tocheck the amp works properly and check those graphics

  4. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='1037299' date='Nov 26 2010, 02:09 AM']The acoustic 220 has a lot of style, and probably louder than its 'watt' rating might suggest, but probably not going to have the flex of modern gear. You will get old dudes come and talk at you about it though, and they can be very useful to talk to.[/quote]

    Ok I will own up as a 220 owner and an old dude to boot

    I love acoustic amps, but like everything its a personal choice.

    First although they are very reliable, they are built like tanks, make sure everything works before you buy. That goes particularly for the graphic equalisers.
    They sound great [to me] and are pretty loud, certainly I have used one regularly to gig with and untill the arrival of a 370 was my no 1 choice.

    It will work with various effects but whether it will give you the sound your looking for, only your technique, fingers and ears will decide.

    Im not a huge fan of the pods because even though it will replicate say an acoustic 360, by the time you have played it through a normal bass amp, you loose some of whatever made that sound in the first place. Maybe through a pa or in the studio its different.

    Personally I would examine your problem in a different way.

    Does your existing amp give you the volume you want. If you have enough volume, examine various add on boxes to see what sound you can achieve.

    If its not loud enough, theres no point in spending money on a pod if you cant be heard, In which case I would work out how much you can afford, and try as much stuff as you can within your price range including the Acoustic and see which you like best.

    Be prepared though that whatever you want in life, Cars, Houses, Basses and Amps are always just that little bit more than you have, or you can afford

    Good Luck

  5. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='1033465' date='Nov 23 2010, 01:53 AM']Rickenbackers. So many improvements can be made and they have stubbornly stuck to a design that has never known an engineer. I think that is where Fender has it, Leo was an engineer and not a musician.[/quote]

    I cant get on with them, but on the other hand,they have a long waiting list, and their basses have good resale values, i dont suppose rick are that worried

  6. In your case, I would say the answer is no.

    I have seen this situation before when I have played for a charity, but seen loads of freeloaders enjoying pay or free drinks and food or whatever.

    My attitude now is you give me a cheque for our normal fee made out the charity and I will do it. Otherwise I will stay at home thanks.

  7. I play in an old farts covers band and we play Working Mens Clubs etc. We have been together for 15 years and we have got/done 37 gigs this year and we have the best year ever next year with 46 confirmed saturdays.

    We dont normally look much for other dates as there is not many around, and when Im working, Im too knackered these days to do fridays.

    I also play once a month in a pub with some different musicians playing Shadows tunes although we do that for nothing.

    We have found over the last ten years there has been a general drop off in attendance, smoking ban etc, some have closed down, some have duos/discos only, but the well run ones still do OK although I dont know how much longer for.

    We have picked up some new venues this year through persistance and hopefully a good reputation. We do almost exclusively our own bookings, rather than agents. I find that way we have a bit more control over whats going on.

  8. [quote name='littlebraith' post='1023650' date='Nov 14 2010, 05:50 PM']I'm looking to upgrade my 40watt amp due to me not being heard whatsoever at my band rehearsals.

    I've been told at least 100watts is needed to make a difference but I just can't find any lower budget amps for this wattage?

    Any help please :)[/quote]

    Consider seperates, more flexible and generally not so heavy.

  9. Like OBBM I use a spirit folio mounted vertically on a wall and I find it invaluable

    I have my pc, keyboard and other things plugged permanantly in

    I have the choice of headphones, and I need to find some decent ones, or i can play through an old AKAI amp and a couple of reasonable monitors

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