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Posts posted by bumnote

  1. [quote name='MarkBassChat' post='1018657' date='Nov 10 2010, 12:21 PM']Actually, I said exactly the oposite: [b]there is no issue with Markbass if the change is from 240V to 230V[/b]. Possible problems are only when the change is "up" and the change is substantial. For example, if you have an amp set to 120V (American version) and want to use it in Europe (230V). Then you will see this "magical smoke" mentioned in some Eden manuals (if the main fuse is not fast enough).
    Smaller voltage differences are handled correctly (even 268V as Dood mentioned).


    Also the jumpers are slightly different than on the photo on the other forum. Markbass amps can be set to four different voltages: 100/120/230/240 and in each case it should be done differently. For 230V the "120-240V" jumper should be dissconnected (as on the photo). But there is another, little jumper for 230/240V selection (also visible on the photo). And on the photo it is set incorrectly. For 230V it should be in the middle position (it is marked J8). [size=4]So the amp is sensitive to 230 or 240V power supply (contrary to what was said above).[/size]
    I'm new here and I don't know if I can post photos on this forum. Let's see.

  2. [quote name='MarkBassChat' post='1018457' date='Nov 10 2010, 10:10 AM']The change was from 240V to 230V. So it is less than 5% and the voltage was lowered. It means that the change is not critical at all. And I don't think that there is any risk of damage either with Markbass amps or any other equipment. Equipment from (resonable) manufacturers has to work correctly within the tolerance guaranteed by mains power supplier (you can check the tolerance on Wikipedia). And most probably slightly more. So I would say that the tolerance of +/-20% should be acceptable for most equipment.
    The problem is when a country changes mains power voltage up. If you e.g. imagine the US changing form 117V to 230V. Do you think that such operation would be possible? Most of the equipment would fail and this would be a disaster. Such a situation will never happen but there were many countries where the mains power voltage was changed from 220V to 230V. They could have some problems with e.g. light bulbs but this was nothing critical.
    What is interesting with Markbass F1 is that the change means slightly lower voltage for the power amp. And lower voltage means less power. Of course you will not hear the difference but I wonder what Markbass would recommend.
    And I'm not refering to places where you have still 268V. There, most probably the conversion hasn't been done and if some equipment fails, you can most probably ask the power supplier for a compensation :-).


    Perhaps I should be more blunt.

    If my Ashdown, Eden, and all my old Acoustic stuff was made prior to 98, designed and manufactured for 240 are running at 230 without problems, why is it an issue with Markbass?

  3. [quote name='dood' post='1018142' date='Nov 9 2010, 09:21 PM']Hi Mark, thank you for the additional information and pictures, that's brilliant. I'll just echo what iCastle has said though. Although I have seen (and owned) amps that happily worked in the UK on a 230V setting (Ampeg SVP for example) the Uk's supply is 240 Volts (kinda average as it can fluctuate.)[/quote]

    Uk Voltage is now 230V not 240


    I must learn to type quicker

  4. [quote name='4 Strings' post='1017186' date='Nov 9 2010, 09:13 AM']As you probably know, these are on valve amps. I always thought to keep the valve heater on without the rest of it operating to prolong its life. I had a look to find out really why and found this:

    [i][/i]"The standby switch usually allows the HT to be turned off while the heater and bias supplies are always on."[i][/i]

    Ok so far...

    [i][/i]"If you're wondering why all those old amps use a standby switch, its because Fender was designing complicated amps on the cheap. In the bigger versions of the Bassman, money was saved by using power supply caps that were rated only for the working voltage, not the peak voltage which occurred before that valves start drawing current. As everyone knows, Marshall simply copied the Bassman without a second thought, complete with standby switch, so now we have the two biggest names in the industry using standby switches, and the rest is history. The other big players, Vox and Gibson, never used standby switches since they didn't need them. Only very recently have they started adding them, purely because too many guitarists want their amp to look just like a Fender/Marshall, even though nowadays no designer (who values his reputation) uses underrated capacitors. But the average amp tech doesn't know this." [i][/i]

    How about that (assuming its true) So, maybe you're right but for reasons way beyond my previous knowledge

    (Found it here: [url="http://www.freewebs.com/valvewizard1/standby.html)"]http://www.freewebs.com/valvewizard1/standby.html)[/url][/quote]

    Well Im blowed

  5. [quote name='flyfisher' post='1016673' date='Nov 8 2010, 06:27 PM']I'd agree with that, but can anyone think of any famous band where any of the individual members have gone on to bigger things?[/quote]

    Keith Emerson, Glen Campbell, Eric Clapton but you are right, I just think there was a unique chemistry between all of them, more so than in some bands where you had a 'star' within the band who then went solo. I think in the early days it was more Lennons band and then PM and to a lesser extent GH started to have more of an impact.

    Any way who cares, great music, great songs.

  6. I have been listening to the anthology albums today with lots of the out takes. Its really interesting to hear the different arrangements and how the demos morph into the finished item.

    To me they have always been that thing where the band as a whole seem to be more than the four individuals. Mcartney plays some great bass lines, but if you add Piano, Guitar, Drums, Vocals and er songwriting, what a talented individual.

    I have to confess though Lennons voice can send shivers down my spine.

  7. [quote name='4-string-thing' post='1016589' date='Nov 8 2010, 05:14 PM']Hey Bumnote,

    yes, I bought it new with a 404 1x15 cab in 1980. It cost me £440 (about 3 months wages at the time) from Loughborough Music Centre. The amp and the cab are still pretty much in 'as new' condition. A couple of years ago I bought a 2x15 cab and have been known to use both cabs with the head, some serious air-moving goes on then![/quote]

    good for you keeping it. I bought a 450 in 77 with a 406 cab for about £700 from Kingfisher in fleet. Sold it for peanuts inthe 90s, biggest mistake I ever made, great amp, I prefer it to the 220 and one day!!!!!!!!

    I am currently in love with the 370 I recently bought, I thinks thats even better. Works a treat with my ashdown 4x8.

    I wont upset you about how it sounds with the 18 incher

  8. [quote name='4-string-thing' post='1016006' date='Nov 8 2010, 08:52 AM']My Acoustic 220 is 30 years old and has been my ONLY amp until I thought I may need another just in case. In those 30 years, it has never let me down. I've used it for hundreds of gigs![/quote]

    Hi 4 str have you had your 220 frrom new then?

  9. I currently have 4 acoustic amps including a 220, and gig them regularly.

    I wouldnt be over worried about the age because they are built like tanks, and because they are older technology can be fixed by any reputable tech. BUT make sure the graphics work because they can be damaged through mishandling and they are the only thing that is difficult to repair

    $110 USD is a steal for a great amp with super tone

    I use mine witha variety of 4 and 8 ohm cabs and never found it lacking in volume.

    As Andy said, the best thing is to see which one sounds best to your ears,

  10. [quote name='steve-soar' post='1011765' date='Nov 4 2010, 10:15 AM']I bought a bass from Japan about 3 years ago, £69 shipping, didn't have to pay any tax this end, arrived in 3 days.

    Is this an ebay seller?[/quote]

    if you didnt pay tax you were very very lucky, the system is set up to make sure the government gets its pound of flesh

    You should budget for about 22% on top of cost plus the shipping price

  11. Youve got an unported cabinet that was designed for pa, and may or may not work with two new speakers you are considering buying.

    The cabs going to cost you £150 plus 2 new speakers which you quoted at £100 ea so £350 all up for an unproved cab that you wont find it easy to shift on without loosing money if you dont like it.

    If it were me i would look to a SH 2x15 designed for the job.

    Just my 2 pennyworth.

  12. [quote name='wotnwhy' post='1009096' date='Nov 1 2010, 10:40 PM']Agree 100% with the metro comment.

    I have considered re-housing the amp, and will probably do it at some point. Seeing as you once owned the same rig i guess you can sympathise with the downright dangerous task of getting the combo up onto the cab! :)[/quote]

    I never used the 2 together but I admire your courage

  13. [quote name='wotnwhy' post='1009048' date='Nov 1 2010, 09:41 PM']I'm loving my Eden 2x15

    Would like to get an Eden head so i can run it without the 2x10

    An Eden 18? Now that i would LOVE! :)[/quote]

    That 2x15 eden is a great cab I used to have one and a metro which apart from its weight is IMO the best combo araound.

    I took the amp out of the metro, put it in a wooded sleeve, voila, eden amp and the 2x15

  14. If its a bolt on consider having the neck removed which will make it easier to pack, and considerably cheaper.

    Its a long time since Ive done it and I used to use USPS but there were starting to be restrictions on the overall size of the package.

    As always, you get what you pay for. Companies like fedex are quick but expensive, USPS which is then passed on to parcel force are cheaper and slower.

    Check your insurance and dont forget to factor in the duties about 22% including on the shipping cost

  15. [quote name='silddx' post='1007186' date='Oct 31 2010, 11:52 AM']Hehe, it's funny, initially, I wanted this bass to cost me very little. I though I could scavenge the Rockbass, get the body for low cost and put it together. But as I lived with the idea for a couple of months while the body was being made, my aspirations rose rather steeply and so did the cost. It was a completely runaway reaction, nothing I could do about it :)[/quote]

    I have just been refurbing an old acoustic 370 head and a 301 cab that i bought reasonably on e bay
    If i add tech time to get the graphics working, new capacitors, fuse holders, jack sockets, iec socket, knobs, sliders, glue, paint, speaker gasket, corners oh well its only money and i havent finished yet

  16. [quote name='silddx' post='1006324' date='Oct 30 2010, 01:47 PM']:)

    I'm assuming that's a reaction to the cost.

    But I now have a unique and very beautiful bass built to a very high spec. From what I have done through quickly testing the electronics it will sound superb, and I know it will play like a dream having already set it up and played it before spraying it. The Rockbass neck is the lowest spec part of it, but it really is a fabulous neck, very well made and with excellent fret work. I was initially tempted to use the neck on my German Corvette $$, but that would have been stupid from a financial point of view.

    This bass is the first that has my heart and soul in it and already I feel a deep connection with it, like I want it to be my only bass. I may even sell my two German Corvettes. But we'll see.[/quote]

    Not at all, I didnt look at the costs, I just thought what a great bass

  17. [quote name='stevie' post='1002224' date='Oct 27 2010, 11:31 AM']I've only used two brands of flats. I had Ernie Balls on first - a used set supplied by a kind Basschat member. I then bought myself a set of TIs. When I had fitted two of the TI strings, I compared them. I have to say, they sounded identical. I couldn't tell that I had two different brands of string fitted.

    Just one observation FWIW.[/quote]

    Ive never tried Ernie Balls, Ive had Rotos and Lakland own but I found the rotos and lakelands to have more tension while I find the tis looser, and that is the reason I prefer them.

  18. Doooh its a bastard getting old, I must learn to read posts properly

    Take out the 4 screws,
    pull out the vu meter
    at the back there is a piece of grey rectangular plastic held at the back between 2 clips it has 2 wires going to it
    unclip it and the bulb is soldered between the 2 wires

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