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Posts posted by bumnote

  1. Well this is now mine [or at least when I go and collect and pay for it]

    In 1977 when I bought my 450/106 it was way out of my price range, I desperately wanted one, but couldnt afford it, and today Ive got one but im going to have a job to lift it.

    It wont fit the car with the other stuff [pa etc] so I dont know when Im going to use it but hey so what.

    How am I going to sneak this into the house away from Mrs B

  2. [quote name='rockinbassman' post='962813' date='Sep 20 2010, 10:39 PM']Does it not mean that it wont drive the 2 cabs fully though as it will be powering 2 cabs!?[/quote]


    According to the specs the little mark tube gives 500w into an 8 ohm load and 800w into a 4 ohm load

    Therefore with a single 8 ohm cabinet, you will not see the amps full potential

    BUT if you replaced the single 8 ohm cab with a 4 ohm cab, although you would develop more watts, it wont make a huge difference to your volume as the speakers will be unable to make use of the available power, although the cabinet would probably take it.

    If you have a second cab, your amp will see a 4 ohm load, therefore allowing the extra wattage to be developed, but far more importantly the extra area of the speakers will give you more volume

  3. [quote name='Lozz196' post='953682' date='Sep 12 2010, 04:33 PM']I
    Am in agreement abt being 70, with trusty Precision in hand at some pub playing to few people though. Can`t see me ever giving up playing now (whereas a few years ago, who knew).[/quote]

    heigh ho 5 years left to go
    already got the precision

  4. [quote name='michael-faces' post='947486' date='Sep 6 2010, 06:36 PM']I just received my Pearce BC1 amp, plugged it in, played for about 30 seconds and... poof! Theres smoke, and a god awful smell, coming out of the Pearce and an angry 16 year old storming and swearing around the bedroom (me :) ). I really have no idea what I've done, and I'm not sure if its my fault or the amps. I do know, however, that one of the capacitors has popped and a load of liquid went onto the inside roof of the amp and I think the next capacitor is going the same way.

    Does anyone know what happened here? And also how much it will cost to fix? I'm going to my local luthier tomorrow.[/quote]

    Where and how did you buy it, and how did you pay for it.
    If its through e bay, and you paid with pay pal you should first let the seller know there is a problem. Dont spend any money yet but get an estimate and pass that through to the seller

    You have some protection if it was paid through paypal, or with a credit card. If you bought it from a retailer, take it back and ask for their comments

  5. listen to the stray cats for some rockabilly, rock this town, stray cat strut.

    Go on to u tube and there is an awesome version of walk this way done by Dick Brave and the backbeats done in rockabilly style

    [url="http://www.muzu.tv/dickbravethebackbeats/walk-this-way-music-video/229200?country=gb"]Walk This Way[/url]

  6. [quote name='goblin' post='945134' date='Sep 4 2010, 02:15 AM']I've spent the last couple of years running an Acoustic 470 head that we picked up on ebay. To be honest it sounds awesome and it's built like a tank, but I don't know much about them despite looking all over the internet.

    Basically what I'm asking is if anyone knows any history behind it, and if I was to sell it (which I'm considering given I want to upgrade my whole rig to a nice trace, eden or ebs or similar), how much should I ask for it in good condition with everything still working?[/quote]

    I used to have a 450 which is the same amp but a single channel and I adored it. Used with a 406 2x15 i could rattle the glasses off the pub shelf. They were very expensive, my rig cost me about £700 in 1977 which was about twice the price of a musicman stingray at the time IIRC. I never regretted spending the money.

    for £50 you cant go wrong, they can still be repaired if they go wrong unless a graphic goes, where the parts are rare/impossible to find.

    Im not sure they will become investment potential, although the 370 head is sought after.

  7. [quote name='4-string-thing' post='945240' date='Sep 4 2010, 10:24 AM']Those of you who think 175w is not a great deal, 175w of Acoustic power into one of their cabs is probably equivalent to about 500 modern watts![/quote]

    Er thats not quite true.

    One of the reasons acoustic amps appear loud is that the volume control knob is not evenly graduated, so that the full power of the amp can be delivered at quite a low volume setting. If I run my 220 with the bass boosted I cant set the volume knob with the padded input at 1.5 and its deafening. However, you dont really get anymore by turning it to no 5.

    The speaker cabinets were also quite efficient for the day, and you can certainly gig with a 406 and a 220 [rated at 120w] and piss of the rest of the band with its volume as I often do.

  8. most pickups are passive [not emgs and possibly some of the other exotics] but the seymour duncan MM one certainly is

    Its the active circuit that requires the battery and gives you the extra tone shaping facilities
    If you put for example a j retro in a a jazz bass, you keep the existing pickups and add the new tone circuit.

  9. these guys will offer a clear and a tinted clear coat
    [url="http://www.reranch.com/"]http://www.reranch.com/[/url] Although they are in the usa

    Manchester guitar tech [url="http://www.manchesterguitartech.co.uk/lacquer.html"]http://www.manchesterguitartech.co.uk/lacquer.html[/url] supplies the same or similar

  10. I have an ashdown c100 combo which is basically an abm 300 head with a 1x10 speaker. I would imagine as the original trace designer still works for Mark Gooday they might be considered at least 'related'

    The fan on this is also fairly noisy and sucks the air from the outside in. I did e mail ashdown about it as I was planning to use it in the studio, and they said that it was important that the fan was working, although they thought I might be possible to change it for a computer one.

    If you compare that to the one fitted to my fairly old eden traveller, the traveller one is almose completely silent.

    If you find a fix it would be interesting, im going to have a look when I get a minute.

  11. I am not a techie but when I posed the same question about mine some years ago I was told that because of the design of the eden amp, the choice of preamp valve makes no audible difference.

    Certainly the substitution of the existing for a boogie one made no difference

  12. Im not convinced Fender are a good long term investment at all with the possible exception of the 50s and maybe 60s production. Im talking about 25 or 50 years

    Long term values depend on supply and demand, so if you look at any long term investment, cars, paintings, furniture, stradivarius violins, numbers made were small, except perhaps for cars, which rot away unless preserved.

    Fender in particular have produced millions and millions of guitars and basses over the years, and while a proportion will have been destroyed, a lot will have survived.

    At the moment, many of the older instruments are owned by people who were kids in the 50s and 60s, as part of their pension fund, to play, or just to remind them of old times.

    Many of us old codgers have multiple old instruments, I dont, but I know loads of people of my age who have ten or twenty old guitars, but at some time or another, when we get too old to enjoy them, or we pass on, we or our dependents are going to want to cash those in.

    To maintain the demand, unless non players start collecting, there neeed to be enough new people learning instruments to make up for old guitars coming back in the market plus any new production.

    I know this flies in the face of conventional wisdom, but if you want to buy a guitar, buy it to play, not to stick on a wall.

    Rant over

  13. [quote name='molan' post='932775' date='Aug 22 2010, 02:12 PM']A 370 / 301 combination was up for sale on EBay a while ago and, I'm afraid to say, it didn't fetch a great deal - £56 for the pair!


    It does say they were a bit ratty but full functional.

    I have to admit that if I'd noticed them at the time I would definitely have paid more than £56 for them. . .[/quote]

    Me too but I think this item was actually withdrawn from sale or otherwise ended early, i was watching this and there was certainly something funny about it.

    In 1975 odd I wanted one but couldnt affords it, nowadays a SH one is more affordable but I couldnt lift or transport one.

  14. Shared ownership always seems to cause aggravation

    We are three piece where the guitarist does 75% of the singing. I own the subs, tops and poles
    Ron owns the mixer, echo and one power amp [its biamped] anf the drummer the other one and the crossover.

    If one leaves he takes his own stuff with him or offers to sell it to the band

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