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Posts posted by bumnote

  1. isthere a reason why you particularly want to use the hartke?
    why dont you buy a small cheap mixer and you can then plug in a cd player or mini disc as well as your bass.

  2. [quote name='jumbo' post='908555' date='Jul 28 2010, 07:18 PM']Hi All
    On the back of this thread and the thread over on Talkbass, I went out to have a browse and maybe buy one of the Jazz Vintage Modified with the block inlay. The guy in the shop (Dawsons in Bangor County Down) had to go in the back and get a brand new, virgin, still in the packaging one for me. However whilst looking it over I noticed that the G string was running way out of line with the pole pieces on the neck pickup and I mean way out....as in, not even going over the poles but off to one side. The D string was also slightly out but not nearly as bad as the G. I pointed this out and the chap said its fine and wont affect the tone. Off course I politely made my excuses handed him the bass and left.

    Still determined to try one of these out I went to another shop to have a look at another one. This time it was a display one hanging on the wall and again this one was exactly the same. I showed the salesman and thankfully he seemed to agree that this didn't look right. Unfortunately he didn't have another one to look at so my investigation ended there.

    I had a quick check on google images and have found a few images showing this, although none of the pics look as bad as the two I have seen in the shops.

    [url="http://www.promusicalaska.com/store_images/5216-300.jpg"]Misaligned picpup[/url]

    [url="http://cachepe.samedaymusic.com/media/quality,85/brand,sameday/0326702521v3_hi-a32db93d45454671b8c18533c60b10ac.jpg"]Image of misaligned pickups[/url]

    To me it did not look as if the neck was misaligned because some of the pole pieces did actually line up, therefore if the neck was moved to line up the G, then the E would be out. (hope I explained that ok) To me it looks as if the pickups are actually slightly too big for the string spacing.

    My questions are ..... Am I being too picky and would this not even be a problem?

    Also, have any of the owners of these basses noticed this and are they all like this and I have just been unlucky to not see a good one yet?

    I really want to buy one of these .....but I am a bit concerned by this (possible) issue.

    I should point out that I'm relatively new to basses. I'm a reformed guitarist of 25 years and have only been playing bass for a few months, so I'm no expertand maybe I'm way off with this.

    Many thanks.[/quote]

    I had a similar issue with a mi japan jazz bass but it was easily fixed by undoing the necks screws slightly and moving the neck.
    Although the neck pocket was tight, there was still enough movement to help get the strings aligned

  3. [quote name='Brother Jones' post='905232' date='Jul 25 2010, 09:17 PM']For the past three or four years I've been a delighted WT300 owner. But it's only today that I've realized that both the Gain and Enhance controls have pull switches on them. The one of the Gain is almost certainly a pad for active outputs (quite a severe one though...). I have no idea what the one on the Enhance control does. Is one of them a compressor on/off?


    pull the gain and its a -12db pad
    pull the enhance and it disengages the compressor

  4. The x2 is fabulous, really good quality signal
    You can pick up an x2 used or from the states cheaper than a relay, but the relay is legal if that is an issue

    Personally, I find the transmitter that you have to put in your pocket or a strap a bind, and I prefer the samson bug, although I dont think the quality is as good

  5. I bought an m2000 when they first came out, cost me a fortune, and it was going to be the last bass amp I ever bought

    I was very disapointed. Beautifully made, all the bells and whistles, but really too fiddly for live work. I had some quality issues with the DI and the output, and not very good customer service.

    Of all of the amps I have ever bought since 1965, that was the biggest disapointment

  6. Ive just bought a mexican 50s fiesta red precision from here, and I am seriously impressed. The fit and finish is flawless and it sounds great. I am using as a comparison 2 CIJapan one with a lollar, one with a thumper, and a us 64 precision.

    the only criticism is the knurling on the knobs is rough.

    I wonder how much difference there is if any, between the pickups made in mexico, and the ones made in the US.

    The road worn series dont really do it for me, its prejudice. I know its not real, its a bit like having a squier with a fender decal. I also feel that the ones I have seen are not really convincing, the US ones are, but the RW are less so.

    I used to have a skyline jo but it was very heavy, you dont see many of them around these days, and they seem to be quite expensive new. I now have a US Jo which apart from the un planned bits of relicing is flawless, and its a superb bass.

    At current prices, Im not sure I would buy another one, compared to a skyline, or a Fender of some sort. I think its very much down to trying them out and seeing how they feel

    Good luck

  7. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='888133' date='Jul 7 2010, 09:53 AM']The nitro finish on these makes a huge difference to the sound. I compared the one I had to an American Standard and the US bass sounded almost choked by it's poly gloss finish.

    Perhaps the 'holes' in the finish let more sound out or something? :)[/quote]

    There are a couple of sites with quite extensive information on Fender paints. They claim that from 63 onwards nearly all fenders were primed with a polyester finish called fullerplast.

    I lifted these comments from one of the sites


    The two-part catalyzed coating named "Fullerplast" (Fuller for Fuller O'Brien, the products creator, and plast for the obvious PLASTIC"), solved all of Fenders finishing problems; encasing the deep wood pores in a self-hardening plastic that wrapped the body in a rock-hard solid coffin. In some cases we have found it to be as thick as a.060 string. Yes, all of the wood moisture and characteristics are sealed in a virtual time-capsule, only to be vented from the body through screw holes and paint fractures. Share this info and be the hit of your next guitar gathering!

    Fender rarely mentions Fullerplast, or the way it prepares its bodies before applying Lacquer. If they mention it at all
    So, when someone tells you that a Fender "nitro-cellulose" or "nitro" finished guitar will sound better, have more warmth, or will dry out... they really don't have the full story.

    End quote

    It is also claimed that from the 60s onwards acrylic paints became more popular, and Fender used paints from different suppliers, some were nitrocellulose, some were acrylic.

    I have no idea how true these statements are.

  8. [quote name='Ian Savage' post='886527' date='Jul 5 2010, 05:53 PM']won't go anywhere but PMT now, personally, as they've always given me sterling service.[/quote]

    I think it depends on the store

    I was totally ignored in the one in oxford last week

  9. [quote name='essexbasscat' post='884166' date='Jul 2 2010, 05:28 PM']thanks for those replies :)

    Do a lot of people around here travel 40, 50, 60 miles and upwards to get to a shop that has a decent range of basses ?

    Are there any decent shops in north Kent ? that may work out closer than some options

    thanks again


    I live near portsmouth and i have to travel if i want to see a decent range of basses and or amps

    I normally go to london, the gallery even the bass cellar.

    If I know what I want I am happy to buy on line but If I wanted to try something or a range I would prefer to travel to try something than drop a load of money if i find i dont like it.

    Ive never bought anything from GAK but I wanted to find out how the road worn felt against the standard 50s reissue versus the mexican standard.

    FWIW although lots of people rave over the road worn, they are not my cup of tea.

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