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Posts posted by bumnote

  1. It probably cant be done but it depends on what speakers you are using and how many there are

    If you are talking about the warwick cab, almost certainly not.

    I probably shouldnt have even mentioned rewiring because it just tends to confuse.

    Look at lemmy winks post of what you can and cant do.

    As a general rule you can use with your wt400 to drive a 4 ohm or an 8 ohm load.

    That will be 1 4 ohm cab, or 1 8 ohm cab,

    You can also use 2 8 ohm cabs by using the 2 speaker outputs in the back of the amp, which are wired in such a way as to give a total impedance of 4 ohms when 2 8 ohm cabs are connected.

    2 cabs are usually louder than 1, but you have to buy them, and store them, and transport them.

    If you are skint, the warwick cabinet should work ok but TRY BEFORE YOU BUY

    The only drawback is that you wont practically be able to add another cab at a later date. If you need more output later, you would be better off selling the warwick and buying 2 8 ohm cabs,

  2. bought a thumper the other day, 24 hr delivery, great service.

    May be of interest to others, I felt the pole pieces protruded more than I would like, so I contacted Andy.

    He suggested a bit of cardboard underneath the cover, worked a treat, I have now got flush pole pieces.

  3. [quote name='alanbass1' post='830293' date='May 7 2010, 08:01 AM']I misunderstood - Ithought you meant by changing the internals of the amp somehow.[/quote]

    No worries

    I was just trying to reassure the op that he didnt have to worry too much about cabs unless he wanted to buy two 4 ohm cabs. [or mix impedances]

  4. [quote name='alanbass1' post='828441' date='May 5 2010, 01:57 PM']Be careful with statements like this. It is my understanding that Eden made a number of changes (including structural) to improve cooling in their amps to be able to run at 2ohms (i.e. 2 x 4ohm cabs). Running at 2ohms at high volumes on a WT400 will likely lead to overheating and can severely damage the amp.[/quote]

    I was

    The Wt 400 wont run down to 2 ohms the wt 550 will

    I said you CANT run 2 four ohm cabs without fiddling about [but you could run it with the speakers rewired to 8 ohms]

  5. [quote name='Randy_Marsh' post='828092' date='May 5 2010, 12:48 AM']thanks for the help guys. here was me ruling out all 8ohm cabs because i thought it might damage the head lol. I'll start looking into more cabs now. was thinking of maybe two Ashdown 8 ohm cabs (im poor you see) or a warwick 4x10 at 4 ohms.[/quote]

    I use mine with a mixture of an ashdown 4x8 and or an ashdown 4x8 or a 2x15.

    Really the only thing you cant use without fiddling about with the wiring is 2 4 ohm cabs.

    Great Amp

  6. Ive got a 64 which has been fitted with Fralins,a raven labs pre amp and flats, and it is my get a great sound anytime anywhere bass. Its been like that for 10 years and I wouldnt change it for the world.

    However my circumstances are different to yours, I bought it in 69 [well I actually swapped it for a 9 month old POS Gibson EBO] and it was elready pretty battered after touring round germany.

    There was no magic in those days about vintage guitars, [you could pick up a used 60s precision or strat very cheaply at one time] the bass was tatty, and there was a split acrosss the headstock going through the G tuner.I had it resprayed, the bridge was rusty so I replaced it and the knobs, and later experimented with dimarzios, emg, and SD pickups, a BTC preamp, and had it resprayed again. The pots were crackly so I replaced them.

    I was conned out of the original pickups because I was naive and stupid and it didnt dawn on me till later that older instruments were starting to go up in value.

    It would be nice to think it was original, and it would be nice if it was worth a bob or two, but you know, it doesnt really matter because every time I pick it up, it just feels right. It reminds me of the 100s of gigs and shared experiences, and bands gone by, and I know all the little dents and idiosyncracies.

    On the other hand youve just bought yours, and presumably paid a lot of money for it. The raven labs preamp is probably not that dissimilar to Johns, and it allows a bit more control without it sounding as if its got a normal active preamp.

    Ive currently various other basses including a Us Jo osbourne, a couple of music men, and a couple of CIJ precisions [with 1 3/4 necks] but the 64 is my favourite. Having said that, from a tone and feel point of view, I have set up one of the mij in the past with a fralin and the same preamp and i couldnt hear any difference between that and the 64.

    My head tells me that you should buy a CIJ or a Bob Glaub, fit it with the preamp of your choice and save the 64.

    My heart says if you like the 64 then whats the point of having it if you dont use it, and im sure Johns preamp will make it even better than it is.

    As an aside, I wonder in 20 or 30 years time if old instruments will continue to appreciate, as they have been doing. While there are a small number of 59 Les Pauls, stradivarius violins, and guitars owned by Eric C, John E etc, Fender has made hundreds of thousands of guitars, and while many like mine are non original, and some are lost for good, there are many from my generation who have these tucked under their beds as a supplement to their old age pension.

    When these start coming on the market, will the prices stay as they are?

  7. Fender vintage pick up set, cloth covered wires, alnico magnets, brass mounting plate. etc etc
    I have the screws but the heads are a bit chewed up

    Genuine Fender Original Series '62 Precision Bass pickup. The bass pickup that invented "funk" is still virtually unchanged today. Made with Alnico 5 magnets and enamel coated magnet wire, this pickup provides the humbucking punch and boom associated with the electric bass. OEM on American Vintage Series and many Custom Shop basses. Each pickup includes a copper shield plate and black covers.

    Ther only uk price I can find for these is £74.99 at allparts.

    How about £45 posted or exchange for a wizard thumper or possibly a SD 1/4 pounder

  8. [quote name='Beedster' post='820340' date='Apr 27 2010, 10:04 AM']Just what I was about to say!

    OK, most of the time things don't go wrong. What amazes me, and TBH really p**ses me off, is that so many guys in bands assume that because something doesn't normally go wrong, it isn't going to. FFS how much effort is it for a singer to carry a spare mic, or for a guiturd to get a double gig bag and take a spare instrument to gigs. OK, if space and transport are issues, fair enough, but when they're not, it's just unprofessional and disrespectful to other band members (or guys in the other bands on the same set) who do make the effort and who have to deal with things when the brown stuff hits the fan.

    Rant over (and yes, you do know who you are)!


    I think thats a rant from the heart not the head :)

    Im the one oin our band who has the fuses, soldering iron, solder, tools, spare leads, batteries etc,

    While I agree about the thought of professionalism the most valid thing to do is assess the risk. If you take a spare amp, do you take a spare cab as well?

    I drive a V70 and there is room for 1 passenger and thats it. The rest of it is absolutely jammed with gear, as is the guitarist V40 and the drummers car.

    Having said that, even if there was more room, a spare bass amp is not necessarily the most essential spare to carry.

    I would suggest that thing that would stop most bands evening is the desk/pa amp, and I would be surprised if you or anyone takes one of those as a spare.

    I or the guitarist could plug into the pa at a push. We run a desk into an active crossover and into 2 power amps. If an amp goes we could get by with a single power amp, if a pa speaker goes we could get by with 1.

    If we loose the desk, theres nowhere to go. Evening over.

  9. I have been gigging on and off since 1965 for the first 15 years or so with various valve amps none of which were ever serviced or had valves changed. The only amp ever that let me down was a 6 month old ampeg svt3 pro on NYE in 1997

    People think that valve amps are fragile but remember these were used in fighting tanks, aircraft and ships in the past. The are robust.

    The problem with taking a spare is where do you stop. Perobably you take spare strings and leads and a toolkit. and perhaps a second bass.

    What about spare cabs, you might blow a speaker, or the pa amp, a pa cabs, what about a spare mike, what happens if your car breaks down on the way to a gig.

    Does the guitarist take a spare amp, god knows what the keyboard player would do if he had a hammond.

    From the bass players point of view probable the most sensible thing is to take a di box so you could plug into the pa.

  10. [quote name='ped' post='806500' date='Apr 14 2010, 08:45 PM']Every M2000 I have seen has had some sort of problem :0/[/quote]

    I bought one when they first came out, about £1600 if i recall was going to be the last amp I ever bought. where have you heard that before

    didnt like it at all, some issues with the di out, overated in my opinion

    sold it at a massive loss

  11. [quote name='EssentialTension' post='804761' date='Apr 13 2010, 12:22 PM']I've thought about bidding on it myself but I've not really got the money at present so I won't be getting in your way. I'd say £599 is about max price for one of these.

    However, if you get to see it up close and decide against it, could you give me a report on it?

    EDIT: In fact, just give us all a report on it anyway.[/quote]

    you are welcome to come and try mine Im not that far away if you were interested in the glasgow one

  12. I have one and its a very underated bass

    The lipstick pickups are at different positions to a standard jazz as the front pick up is much firther forward than the front jazz and the rear slightly nearer the bridge.

    Its an active bass 22 fret and a different body shape to the Jo so its like comparing a stingray with a precision.

    Theres a great range of tones. wider than a jazz becasuse of the pickups and active circuitry,

    I like mine, had it for 4 or 5 years from new and no intention of selling it.

    I agree with OBBM you wont improve it by swapping out the pickups, but you will devalue it. If you dont like it as it is you wont like it with jazz pickups

    Is it a gold one? If it is it will be part of a run of that colour done with Steve barr of the dudepit.

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