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Everything posted by bumnote

  1. that colour goes well on that stingray
  2. [quote name='ped' post='806500' date='Apr 14 2010, 08:45 PM']Every M2000 I have seen has had some sort of problem :0/[/quote] I bought one when they first came out, about £1600 if i recall was going to be the last amp I ever bought. where have you heard that before didnt like it at all, some issues with the di out, overated in my opinion sold it at a massive loss
  3. [quote name='Anthony Joseph Waczek III' post='804963' date='Apr 13 2010, 03:21 PM']ill have it dude [/quote] Great PM me your details and I will sort out postage
  4. [quote name='EssentialTension' post='804761' date='Apr 13 2010, 12:22 PM']I've thought about bidding on it myself but I've not really got the money at present so I won't be getting in your way. I'd say £599 is about max price for one of these. However, if you get to see it up close and decide against it, could you give me a report on it? EDIT: In fact, just give us all a report on it anyway.[/quote] you are welcome to come and try mine Im not that far away if you were interested in the glasgow one
  5. I have one and its a very underated bass The lipstick pickups are at different positions to a standard jazz as the front pick up is much firther forward than the front jazz and the rear slightly nearer the bridge. Its an active bass 22 fret and a different body shape to the Jo so its like comparing a stingray with a precision. Theres a great range of tones. wider than a jazz becasuse of the pickups and active circuitry, I like mine, had it for 4 or 5 years from new and no intention of selling it. I agree with OBBM you wont improve it by swapping out the pickups, but you will devalue it. If you dont like it as it is you wont like it with jazz pickups Is it a gold one? If it is it will be part of a run of that colour done with Steve barr of the dudepit.
  6. I know a number of people have been interested in swapping out an 8 ohm 15 to a 4 ohm to get the extra power. I have a 4 ohm Kappa 15 inch 450 watt which I havent used I got it for a project that didnt happen. They are on sale £73 plus carriage from Blue Aran, how about £45 plus carriage? [url="http://www.eminence.com/pdf/kappa-15c.pdf"]Emminence Website Kappa 15c specification[/url]
  7. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='802921' date='Apr 11 2010, 07:13 PM']Don't be afraid of doing covers. You'll do it eventually anyway. [/quote] Almost everything you play adds to your learning I played country which i dont like for a year and I learned from it and even more when I played waltzes and quicksteps
  8. [quote name='The Bass Doc' post='798516' date='Apr 7 2010, 11:18 AM']Quite right Beedster. For the asking (starting!) price I would want original finish, original frets, case candy and possibly a couple of Leo's original screwdrivers to be included.[/quote] what about some of leos pens?
  9. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='795924' date='Apr 4 2010, 07:24 PM']For me it's 'Boston Rag'. Thankfully we have dropped it (for now).[/quote] Thats in my top five of steely dan songs
  10. [quote name='Sarah5string' post='792111' date='Mar 31 2010, 04:28 PM']Had a mooch round a local guitar shop today for further research and was told that I should be looking at bigger speakers rather than 4x10s etc and promptly got pointed in the direction of a 2x15 £1000 job by peavey it was nearly as tall as me [/quote] What utter rubbish, and you could pick up a 2x15 peavey or an old HH for peanuts. I use a 2x15, and to me their advantage is that most of them have wheels at the back so its a built in stack truck and no lifting required. [we dont do upstairs] 4x10s have become something of an industry standard, and if you look through manufacturers catalogues theres more 4x10s than 2x15s.
  11. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='789946' date='Mar 29 2010, 09:09 PM']Isn't that Korean?[/quote] my 50s classic vibe has crafted in china on the back
  12. [quote name='Sarah5string' post='790015' date='Mar 29 2010, 09:56 PM']I am planning too once I've got some kiddy/work free time.. my girls would destroy the shop [/quote] Rock and roll already
  13. [quote name='Sarah5string' post='789894' date='Mar 29 2010, 08:40 PM']So what you're saying is... if I had a 4ohm amp, and a 4ohm cab, then I'd get the full power.. but if I had an 8ohm amp and a 4 ohm cab I'd only have half, so would have to get another cab to get the full power out of it? And having a 4 ohm amp with an 8 ohm cab would be pointless? lol clueless aren't I edit: and also having a crap cab at any ohms would be pointless too? lol[/quote] I dont think you have quite got it, and some of the other explanations are not not very clear. If you are using a solid state amp, the power delivered by the amp is dependant on the impedance of the speaker cab you are using. published specs for the eden traveller will develop 500 watts into a 4 ohm load and 300 into an 8 ohm load. If you have one 8 ohm cab the amp will deliver 300watts, ie not full power, if paired with one 4 ohm cabinet it will deliver the full 500 watts. However in the real world I dont think it makes much of an audible difference, for lots of technical reasons that alex or bill could explain. I have twice used the same amp [seperately] with 4 ohm and 8 cabinets, in a gig situation, just by swapping the speaker cable and found no significant difference in volume. The normal way to increase your volume is not to use a single 4 ohm cabinet in preference to an 8 ohm cabinet but to use two cabinets so you are using more speakers. Two 8 ohm speakers plugged into the amp gives the amp a total impedance of 4 ohms allowing the amp to develop full power into more speakers. Most amps [but not all] dont like two 4 ohm speakers. Therefore if you buy an amp with a 4 ohm cab, it doesnt really give you much more volume, and it prevents you adding a second cab when you play the albert hall. theres lots of maths in there but i tried to keep it simple Does that help or make itworse?
  14. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='789825' date='Mar 29 2010, 07:52 PM']If the Hartke cabinet is a 4ohm cabinet, yes. If it's 8ohms, nope. [/quote] Just check the weight first 4x10s can be very heavy but if you can manage it its probably the best single cabinet solution
  15. [quote name='The Funk' post='788989' date='Mar 28 2010, 11:06 PM']Bob Babbit?[/quote] Thats the trouble with walking round with lots of suspect useless information in your head and not thinking about it
  16. [quote name='chris_b' post='788949' date='Mar 28 2010, 10:28 PM']I believe Chris Stainton played bass on With A Little Help From My Friends. That was recorded before, but released after, Alan Spenner joined the Grease Band. This record was recorded several years before Carl Radle's first recording with Delany and Bonnie in 1969.[/quote] You are right it was apparently With A Little Help From My Friends 4:05 Backing Vocals - Madeline Bell , Rosetta Hightower , Sunny Wheetman Bass - Chris Stainton Drums - B.J. WIlson Guitar - Jimmy Page Organ - Tommy Eyre
  17. [quote name='Sarah5string' post='789461' date='Mar 29 2010, 03:02 PM']Hmmm.. going to have to have a think about the weight issue really. I'm a reet skinny minny as it is and my current laney is already a backbreaker, although that's a combo.[/quote] One of the nicest amps I had was an eden metro combo. I used it for a year and then sold it at a huge loss because it was so heavy. Again, you will get all sorts of differing opinions but I personally would steer away from the very small lightweight amps. When they work they are fine, if there is a problem they are hard/expensive to repair.
  18. Hi Sarah If it were me i would try for seperate head and cab as they are usually lighter to carry, and in the case of a fault its eaiser to borrow a head or a cabinet. I have no experience of Behringer although they do have a poor reputation. If you are on a budget, I would much rather buy a second hand reasonable quality bit of kit than a new cheap one. Amps 'tend' to keep going for many years, My normal gigging amp is thirty years old and my spare is even older. I use those in preference to an abm ashdown and an eden. I would probably look for something like a peavey bass cabinet, with a black widow 15 in it. Cheap as chips a bit heavy, but almost bombproof. A second hand trace elliot or peavey head can also be found fairly cheaply. I compare amps to fashion. there is always something new coming along which is the latest, best, loudest, lightest, trendyist, smallest, biggest, has flashing lights in blue,red,pink,green. The amps that no one could give away in the 60s and 70s are now trendy again and command premium prices. Good Luck with your search,
  19. [quote name='iamthewalrus' post='788931' date='Mar 28 2010, 10:06 PM']Great bass player, can't understand why he never makes a lot of people's top 10 or 20 bass players. I might be wrong, but isn't that him on Joe Cocker's "With a Little Help from My Friends"?. If it isn't, whoever it is copped Radle's feel big time! Cheers. iamthewalrus[/quote] the original grease band bass player was Alan spenner. he was rumoured to be the only white bass player offered a job by motown
  20. Was it in your dads attic?
  21. [quote name='HeavyJay' post='785912' date='Mar 25 2010, 03:13 PM']SOmething similar happened to one of the BC members and he told us about it here. It led to a rush on circuit breakers (me included!) I can't remember the chap's name I'm afraid.[/quote] this happened in about 1975 at the john peel pub in gosport
  22. im lookng to replace an old speaker in an old acoustic 126 100w combo I dont want to layout a bundle and looking at my local eminence stockist the delta 15 lf is the cheapest followed by the kappA 15 and then up to a basslite at £100 which is more than i really want to spend on something i will only use occasionally. Alternatively, i could send the old one away but that wont be cheap. Any suggestions?
  23. [quote name='AndyMartin' post='782022' date='Mar 21 2010, 08:02 PM']It matters a very great deal where it is made. The only way we will stop the slide towards having a third world economy is if consumers take an interest in where stuff is made.[/quote] While I agree with your sentiments, it will only work if we are prepared to pay the additional costs of an instrument made in the UK or the USA. We already have the situation where a CIJ fender is highly regarded in terms of value for money versus a US made fender. What about the lakland skylines, G&L tributes, and the new music man[men] range. I would like a Bob Glaub but I cant afford £2K plus for a us one, but I could probably be tempted by a skyline. Its not just instruments, how about Dyson, Hoover, Computers, Cars etc, the consumer is always going to buy on choice, quality, and price, and if we dont tick all the boxes the consumer will buy elsewhere. Im sure if we all wrote to Ashdown and said we will buy your products, pay more for them, but only if you make them in the UK, they would do it. But we both know inthe real world they will loose out on sales to competition, not enough people will pay the premium, and the market will determine the price. i remember the Im backing britain campagn in the 60s, started at colt international at Havant. Under EU law we are not even allows to do that anymore. Bah Humbug.
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